37 #ifndef WM_EVIDENCESET_H_ 38 #define WM_EVIDENCESET_H_ 73 unsigned int size()
void add(Evidence *ev)
Adds evidence to the evidence set.
std::vector< Evidence * >::const_iterator end() const
std::vector< Evidence * >::const_iterator begin() const
The class Evidence represents a set of properties (PropertySet) that all originate from one physical ...
std::vector< Evidence * >::const_iterator const_iterator
unsigned int size() const
Returns the number of evidence items in the set.
A set of Evidence items which all originate from the same point int time.
const Time & getTimestamp() const
Returns the time from which all evidence in the set originates.
const_iterator(const field< oT > &in_M, const bool at_end=false)
Time timestamp_
The time from which all evidence in the set originates.
std::vector< Evidence * > evidence_
Collection of evidence items.