▼Nwarehouse_ros | |
CDatabaseConnection | |
CDatabaseLoader | This class provides the mechanism to connect to a database and reads needed ROS parameters when appropriate |
CDbConnectException | Couldn't connect to database |
CDBConnectionStub | |
CLiveTransformSource | |
CMd5SumException | Different md5 sum for messages |
CMessageCollection | |
CMessageCollectionHelper | |
CMessageWithMetadata | Class that wraps (via inheritance) a ROS message type, together with additional metadata (a yaml dictionary) |
CMetadata | Represents metadata attached to a message |
CNoMatchingMessageException | Couldn't find matching message in collection |
CQuery | Represents a query to the db |
CQueryResults | |
CResultIterator | |
CResultIteratorHelper | |
CTransformCollection | |
CTransformSource | |
CWarehouseRosException | A base class for all warehouse_ros exceptions; provides a handy boost::format parent constructor |