37 double Ixy,
double Ixz,
double Iyz)
48 Cross(
const Eigen::Vector3d& in)
52 out.coeffRef(0,1) = -in(2); out.coeffRef(0,2) = in(1);
53 out.coeffRef(1,0) = in(2); out.coeffRef(1,2) = -in(0);
54 out.coeffRef(2,0) = -in(1); out.coeffRef(2,1) = in(0);
60 double Ixx,
double Iyy,
double Izz,
61 double Ixy,
double Ixz,
double Iyz,
73 I_b = inertia_b.sparseView();
82 f_sum.setZero(); tau_sum.setZero();
84 for (
int ee=0; ee<
ee_pos_.size(); ++ee) {
105 const Jac& jac_acc_base_lin)
const 108 int n = jac_pos_base_lin.cols();
112 Jac jac_tau =
113 jac_tau_sum += jac_tau;
117 jac.middleRows(
k3D) = -jac_tau_sum;
118 jac.middleRows(
k3D) =
139 Jac jac13 = I_w * jac_ang_acc;
140 Jac jac1 = jac11 + jac12 + jac13;
154 Jac jac23 = I_w * jac_ang_vel;
160 int n = jac_ang_vel.cols();
162 jac.middleRows(
k3D) = jac1 + jac2;
173 int n = jac_force.cols();
175 jac.middleRows(
k3D) = -jac_tau;
176 jac.middleRows(
k3D) = -jac_force;
185 Jac jac_tau =
187 Jac jac(
k6D, jac_tau.cols());
188 jac.middleRows(
k3D) = -jac_tau;
SingleRigidBodyDynamics(double mass, const Eigen::Matrix3d &inertia_b, int ee_count)
Constructs a specific model.
Jac GetJacobianWrtBaseLin(const Jac &jac_base_lin_pos, const Jac &jac_acc_base_lin) const override
How the base position affects the dynamic violation.
Vector3d com_acc_
x-y-z acceleration of the Center-of-Mass.
Matrix3d w_R_b_
rotation matrix from base (b) to world (w) frame.
Eigen::Matrix< double, 6, 1 > BaseAcc
Vector3d omega_dot_
angular acceleration expressed in world frame.
ComPos com_pos_
x-y-z position of the Center-of-Mass.
SingleRigidBodyDynamics::Jac Cross(const Eigen::Vector3d &in)
AngVel omega_
angular velocity expressed in world frame.
Converts Euler angles and derivatives to angular quantities.
A interface for the the system dynamics of a legged robot.
Jacobian GetDerivOfAngAccWrtEulerNodes(double t) const
Jacobian of the angular acceleration with respect to the Euler nodes.
EELoad ee_force_
The endeffector force expressed in world frame.
EEPos ee_pos_
The x-y-z position of each endeffector.
Jac GetJacobianWrtForce(const Jac &jac_force, EE) const override
How the endeffector forces affect the dynamic violation.
Eigen::SparseMatrix< double, Eigen::RowMajor > I_b
Jac GetJacobianWrtBaseAng(const EulerConverter &base_angular, double t) const override
How the base orientation affects the dynamic violation.
Jacobian GetDerivOfAngVelWrtEulerNodes(double t) const
Jacobian of the angular velocity with respect to the Euler nodes.
BaseAcc GetDynamicViolation() const override
The violation of the system dynamics incurred by the current values.
Eigen::SparseMatrix< double, Eigen::RowMajor > Jac
Jacobian DerivOfRotVecMult(double t, const Vector3d &v, bool inverse) const
Returns the derivative of result of the linear equation M*v.
Dynamics model relating forces to base accelerations.
static Eigen::Matrix3d BuildInertiaTensor(double Ixx, double Iyy, double Izz, double Ixy, double Ixz, double Iyz)
Jac GetJacobianWrtEEPos(const Jac &jac_ee_pos, EE) const override
How the endeffector positions affect the dynamic violation.