Provides a simple driver interface for working with the Sick LD-OEM/Sick LD-LRS long-range models via Ethernet. More...
#include <SickLMS1xx.hh>
Classes | |
struct | sick_lms_1xx_scan_config_tag |
A structure for aggregrating the Sick LMS 1xx configuration params. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t | DoubleToSickScanRes (const double scan_res) const |
Convert double to corresponding sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t. More... | |
void | GetSickMeasurements (unsigned int *const range_1_vals, unsigned int *const range_2_vals, unsigned int *const reflect_1_vals, unsigned int *const reflect_2_vals, unsigned int &num_measurements, unsigned int *const dev_status=NULL) throw ( SickIOException, SickConfigException, SickTimeoutException ) |
Acquire multi-pulse sick range measurements. More... | |
sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t | GetSickScanFreq () const throw ( SickIOException ) |
Gets the Sick LMS 1xx scan frequency. More... | |
sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t | GetSickScanRes () const throw ( SickIOException ) |
Gets the Sick LMS 1xx scan resolution. More... | |
double | GetSickStartAngle () const throw ( SickIOException ) |
Gets the Sick LMS 1xx scan area start angle [-45,270] deg. More... | |
double | GetSickStopAngle () const throw ( SickIOException ) |
Gets the Sick LMS 1xx scan area start angle [-45,270] deg. More... | |
void | Initialize (const bool disp_banner=true) throw ( SickIOException, SickThreadException, SickTimeoutException, SickErrorException ) |
Initializes the driver and syncs it with Sick LMS 1xx unit. Uses flash params. More... | |
sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t | IntToSickScanFreq (const int scan_freq) const |
Convert integer to corresponding sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t. More... | |
void | SetSickScanDataFormat (const sick_lms_1xx_scan_format_t scan_format) throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException, SickThreadException, SickErrorException ) |
void | SetSickScanFreqAndRes (const sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t scan_freq, const sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t scan_res) throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException, SickErrorException ) |
Sets the Sick LMS 1xx scan frequency and resolution. More... | |
SickLMS1xx (const std::string sick_ip_address=DEFAULT_SICK_LMS_1XX_IP_ADDRESS, const uint16_t sick_tcp_port=DEFAULT_SICK_LMS_1XX_TCP_PORT) | |
A standard constructor. More... | |
int | SickScanFreqToInt (const sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t scan_freq) const |
Convert sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t to corresponding integer. More... | |
double | SickScanResToDouble (const sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t scan_res) const |
Convert sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t to corresponding double. More... | |
void | Uninitialize (const bool disp_banner=true) throw ( SickIOException, SickTimeoutException, SickErrorException, SickThreadException ) |
Tear down the connection between the host and the Sick LD. More... | |
~SickLMS1xx () | |
![]() | |
bool | IsInitialized () |
SickLIDAR () | |
Initializes the buffer monitor. More... | |
virtual | ~SickLIDAR () |
Destructor tears down buffer monitor. More... | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const int | SICK_LMS_1XX_MAX_NUM_MEASUREMENTS = 1082 |
LMS 1xx max number of measurements. More... | |
Private Types | |
typedef struct SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::sick_lms_1xx_scan_config_tag | sick_lms_1xx_scan_config_t |
Adopt c-style convention. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
void | _checkForMeasuringStatus (unsigned int timeout_value=DEFAULT_SICK_LMS_1XX_STATUS_TIMEOUT) throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException ) |
Attempts to set and waits until device has in measuring status. More... | |
char * | _convertNextTokenToUInt (char *const str_buffer, unsigned int &num_val, const char *const delimeter=" ") const |
Utility function for converting next token into unsigned int. More... | |
double | _convertSickAngleUnitsToDegs (const int sick_angle) const |
unsigned int | _convertSickFreqUnitsToHz (const unsigned int sick_freq) const |
bool | _findSubString (const char *const str, const char *const substr, const unsigned int str_length, const unsigned int substr_length, unsigned int &substr_pos, unsigned int start_pos=0) const |
Searches a string for a substring. More... | |
void | _getSickScanConfig () throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException ) |
Get the scan configuration of the Sick LMS 1xx. More... | |
std::string | _intToSickConfigErrorStr (const int error) const |
sick_lms_1xx_status_t | _intToSickStatus (const int status) const |
Converts int to status. More... | |
void | _printInitFooter () const |
Prints the initialization footer. More... | |
void | _printSickScanConfig () const |
Prints Sick LMS 1xx scan configuration. More... | |
void | _recvMessage (SickLMS1xxMessage &sick_message) const throw ( SickTimeoutException ) |
Receive a message. More... | |
void | _reinitialize () throw ( SickIOException, SickThreadException, SickTimeoutException, SickErrorException ) |
Re-initializes the Sick LMS 1xx. More... | |
void | _requestDataStream () throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickConfigException, SickIOException ) |
Request a data data stream type. More... | |
void | _restoreMeasuringMode () throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException ) |
void | _sendMessage (const SickLMS1xxMessage &send_message) const throw ( SickIOException ) |
Sends a message without waiting for reply. More... | |
void | _sendMessageAndGetReply (const SickLMS1xxMessage &send_message, SickLMS1xxMessage &recv_message, const std::string reply_command_code, const std::string reply_command, const unsigned int timeout_value=DEFAULT_SICK_LMS_1XX_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT, const unsigned int num_tries=1) throw ( SickIOException, SickTimeoutException ) |
Sends a message and searches for the reply with given command type and command. More... | |
void | _setAuthorizedClientAccessMode () throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickErrorException, SickIOException ) |
Login as an authorized client. More... | |
void | _setSickScanConfig (const sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t scan_freq, const sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t scan_res, const int start_angle, const int stop_angle) throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException, SickErrorException ) |
Set the Sick LMS 1xx scan configuration (volatile, does not write to EEPROM) More... | |
void | _setSickScanDataFormat (const sick_lms_1xx_scan_format_t scan_format) throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException, SickThreadException, SickErrorException ) |
void | _setupConnection () throw ( SickIOException, SickTimeoutException ) |
Establish a TCP connection to the unit. More... | |
std::string | _sickScanDataFormatToString (const sick_lms_1xx_scan_format_t scan_format) const |
Utility function for returning scan format as string. More... | |
void | _startMeasuring () throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException ) |
Tell the device to start measuring. More... | |
void | _startStreamingMeasurements () throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException ) |
void | _stopMeasuring () throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException ) |
Tell the device to start measuring. More... | |
void | _stopStreamingMeasurements (const bool disp_banner=true) throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException ) |
Stop Measurment Stream. More... | |
void | _teardownConnection () throw ( SickIOException ) |
Teardown TCP connection to Sick LMS 1xx. More... | |
void | _updateSickStatus () throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException ) |
Get the status of the Sick LMS 1xx. More... | |
bool | _validScanArea (const int start_angle, const int stop_angle) const |
Utility function to ensure valid scan area. More... | |
void | _writeToEEPROM () throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException ) |
Login as an authorized client. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
sick_lms_1xx_status_t | _sick_device_status |
struct sockaddr_in | _sick_inet_address_info |
std::string | _sick_ip_address |
sick_lms_1xx_scan_config_t | _sick_scan_config |
sick_lms_1xx_scan_format_t | _sick_scan_format |
bool | _sick_streaming |
uint16_t | _sick_tcp_port |
bool | _sick_temp_safe |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
double | _computeElapsedTime (const struct timeval &beg_time, const struct timeval &end_time) const |
bool | _monitorRunning () const |
void | _recvMessage (SickLMS1xxMessage &sick_message, const unsigned int timeout_value) const throw ( SickTimeoutException ) |
Attempt to acquire the latest available message from the device. More... | |
void | _recvMessage (SickLMS1xxMessage &sick_message, const uint8_t *const byte_sequence, const unsigned int byte_sequence_length, const unsigned int timeout_value) const throw ( SickTimeoutException ) |
Attempt to acquire a message having a payload beginning w/ the given byte sequence. More... | |
void | _sendMessage (const SickLMS1xxMessage &sick_message, const unsigned int byte_interval) const throw ( SickIOException ) |
Sends a message to the Sick device. More... | |
virtual void | _sendMessageAndGetReply (const SickLMS1xxMessage &send_message, SickLMS1xxMessage &recv_message, const uint8_t *const byte_sequence, const unsigned int byte_sequence_length, const unsigned int byte_interval, const unsigned int timeout_value, const unsigned int num_tries) throw ( SickTimeoutException, SickIOException) |
void | _setBlockingIO () const throw ( SickIOException ) |
A simple method for setting blocking I/O. More... | |
void | _setNonBlockingIO () const throw ( SickIOException ) |
A simple method for setting non-blocking I/O. More... | |
void | _startListening () throw ( SickThreadException ) |
Activates the buffer monitor for the driver. More... | |
void | _stopListening () throw ( SickThreadException ) |
Activates the buffer monitor for the driver. More... | |
![]() | |
SickLMS1xxBufferMonitor * | _sick_buffer_monitor |
int | _sick_fd |
bool | _sick_initialized |
bool | _sick_monitor_running |
Provides a simple driver interface for working with the Sick LD-OEM/Sick LD-LRS long-range models via Ethernet.
Definition at line 50 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
Adopt c-style convention.
Defines the Sick LMS 1xx scan types This enum is for specifiying the desired scan returns.
Definition at line 79 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
Defines the Sick LMS 1xx scan frequency. This enum lists all of the Sick LMS 1xx scan frequencies.
Enumerator | |
LMS 1xx scan freq unknown. |
LMS 1xx scan freq 25Hz. |
LMS 1xx scan freq 50Hz. |
Definition at line 96 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
Defines the Sick LMS 1xx scan resolution. This enum lists all of the Sick LMS 1xx scan resolutions.
Enumerator | |
LMS 1xx scab res unknown. |
LMS 1xx scan res 0.25 deg. |
LMS 1xx scan res 0.50 deg. |
Definition at line 109 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
Defines the Sick LMS 1xx status. This enum lists all of the Sick LMS 1xx status.
Definition at line 61 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::SickLMS1xx | ( | const std::string | sick_ip_address = DEFAULT_SICK_LMS_1XX_IP_ADDRESS , |
const uint16_t | sick_tcp_port = DEFAULT_SICK_LMS_1XX_TCP_PORT |
) |
A standard constructor.
Primary constructor
sick_ip_address | The ip address of the Sick LD |
sick_tcp_port | The TCP port associated w/ the Sick LD server |
Definition at line 52 of file
SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::~SickLMS1xx | ( | ) |
private |
Attempts to set and waits until device has in measuring status.
Set device to measuring mode
timeout_value | Timeout value in usecs |
Definition at line 1730 of file
private |
Utility function for converting next token into unsigned int.
Utility function for extracting next integer from tokenized string
str_buffer | Source (c-string) buffer |
next_token | Pointer to the next string token |
delimeter | Token delimiter (default is " ") |
Definition at line 2275 of file
inlineprivate |
Utility function for converting sick freq to doubles
Definition at line 291 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
inlineprivate |
Utility function for converting sick Hz values ints
Definition at line 294 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
private |
Searches a string for a substring.
Utility function to locate substring in string
str | String to be searched |
substr | Substring being sought |
str_length | String's length |
substr_length | Substring's length |
substr_pos | Reference holding the location in the main string where substr was found |
start_pos | Index into main string to indicate where to start searching |
Definition at line 2242 of file
private |
Get the scan configuration of the Sick LMS 1xx.
Acquire the Sick LMS's scan config
Definition at line 918 of file
private |
Utility function to convert config error int to str
Definition at line 2162 of file
private |
Converts int to status.
Utility function to convert int to status
status | integer corresponding to sick status |
Definition at line 2139 of file
private |
Prints the initialization footer.
Utility function for printing footer after initialization
Definition at line 2195 of file
private |
Prints Sick LMS 1xx scan configuration.
Utility function for printing Sick scan config
Definition at line 2182 of file
private |
Receive a message.
Receive a message
sick_message | Reference to container to hold received message |
Definition at line 2113 of file
private |
Re-initializes the Sick LMS 1xx.
Re-initialized the device
Definition at line 790 of file
private |
Request a data data stream type.
Request a data data stream type
dist_opt | Desired distance returns (single-pulse or multi-pulse) |
reflect_opt | Desired reflectivity returns (none, 8-bit or 16-bit) |
Definition at line 1549 of file
private |
Restore device to measuring mode
Set device to output only range values
Definition at line 1950 of file
private |
Sends a message without waiting for reply.
Send the message w/o waiting for a reply
Definition at line 2038 of file
private |
Sends a message and searches for the reply with given command type and command.
Send the message and grab expected reply
&send_message | The message to be sent to the Sick LMS 2xx unit |
&recv_message | The expected message reply from the Sick LMS |
reply_command_code | The expected command code for the recv_message |
reply_command | The expected command for the recv_message |
timeout_value | The epoch to wait before considering a sent frame lost (in usecs) |
num_tries | The number of times to send the message in the event the LMS fails to reply |
Definition at line 2072 of file
private |
Login as an authorized client.
Set access mode for configuring device
Definition at line 1236 of file
private |
Set the Sick LMS 1xx scan configuration (volatile, does not write to EEPROM)
Sets the scan configuration (volatile, does not write to EEPROM)
scan_freq | Desired scan frequency (Either SickLMS1xx::SICK_LMS_1XX_SCAN_FREQ_25 or SickLMS1xx::SICK_LMS_1XX_SCAN_FREQ_50) |
scan_res | Desired angular resolution (SickLMS1xx::SICK_LMS_1XX_SCAN_RES_25 or SickLMS1xx::SICK_LMS_1XX_SCAN_RES_50) |
start_angle | Desired start angle in (1/10000) deg (-450000 to 2250000) |
stop_angle | Desired stop angle in (1/10000) deg (-450000 to 2250000) |
write_to_eeprom | Indicates whether the value should be written to EEPROM |
Definition at line 1063 of file
private |
Sets the sick scan data format
Set device to output only range values
Definition at line 1794 of file
privatevirtual |
Establish a TCP connection to the unit.
Setup the connection parameters and establish TCP connection!
Implements SickToolbox::SickLIDAR< SickLMS1xxBufferMonitor, SickLMS1xxMessage >.
Definition at line 683 of file
private |
Utility function for returning scan format as string.
Utility function for returning scan format as string
dist_opt | Distance option corresponding to scan format |
reflect_opt | Reflectivity option corresponding to |
Definition at line 2210 of file
private |
Tell the device to start measuring.
Start device measuring
Definition at line 1404 of file
private |
Start streaming measurements
Definition at line 1593 of file
private |
Tell the device to start measuring.
Stop device measuring
Definition at line 1476 of file
private |
privatevirtual |
Teardown TCP connection to Sick LMS 1xx.
Teardown the connection to the Sick LD
Implements SickToolbox::SickLIDAR< SickLMS1xxBufferMonitor, SickLMS1xxMessage >.
Definition at line 840 of file
private |
Get the status of the Sick LMS 1xx.
Acquire the latest Sick LMS's status
Definition at line 852 of file
private |
Utility function to ensure valid scan area.
Ensures a feasible scan area
Definition at line 2013 of file
private |
Login as an authorized client.
Save configuration parameters to EEPROM
Definition at line 1330 of file
SickLMS1xx::sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::DoubleToSickScanRes | ( | const double | scan_res | ) | const |
Convert double to corresponding sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t.
Utility function for converting double to scan resolution
Definition at line 651 of file
void SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::GetSickMeasurements | ( | unsigned int *const | range_1_vals, |
unsigned int *const | range_2_vals, | ||
unsigned int *const | reflect_1_vals, | ||
unsigned int *const | reflect_2_vals, | ||
unsigned int & | num_measurements, | ||
unsigned int *const | dev_status = NULL |
) | |||
throw | ( | SickIOException, | |
SickConfigException, | |||
SickTimeoutException | |||
) |
Acquire multi-pulse sick range measurements.
Get the Sick Range Measurements
range_1_vals | A buffer to hold the range measurements |
range_2_vals | A buffer to hold the second pulse range measurements |
refelct_1_vals | A buffer to hold the frist pulse reflectivity |
reflect_2_vals | A buffer to hold the second pulse reflectivity |
Definition at line 316 of file
sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::GetSickScanFreq | ( | ) | const | |
throw | ( | SickIOException | ||
) |
Gets the Sick LMS 1xx scan frequency.
Get the Sick LMS 1xx scan frequency
Definition at line 201 of file
sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::GetSickScanRes | ( | ) | const | |
throw | ( | SickIOException | ||
) |
Gets the Sick LMS 1xx scan resolution.
Get the Sick LMS 1xx scan resolution
Definition at line 216 of file
double SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::GetSickStartAngle | ( | ) | const | |
throw | ( | SickIOException | ||
) |
Gets the Sick LMS 1xx scan area start angle [-45,270] deg.
Get the Sick LMS 1xx scan start angle
Definition at line 231 of file
double SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::GetSickStopAngle | ( | ) | const | |
throw | ( | SickIOException | ||
) |
Gets the Sick LMS 1xx scan area start angle [-45,270] deg.
Get the Sick LMS 1xx scan stop angle
Definition at line 246 of file
void SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::Initialize | ( | const bool | disp_banner = true | ) | |
throw | ( | SickIOException, | |||
SickThreadException, | |||||
SickTimeoutException, | |||||
SickErrorException | |||||
) |
Initializes the driver and syncs it with Sick LMS 1xx unit. Uses flash params.
Initializes the Sick LD unit (use scan areas defined in flash)
Definition at line 72 of file
SickLMS1xx::sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::IntToSickScanFreq | ( | const int | scan_freq | ) | const |
Convert integer to corresponding sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t.
Utility function for converting integer to scan frequency
Definition at line 619 of file
void SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::SetSickScanDataFormat | ( | const sick_lms_1xx_scan_format_t | scan_format | ) | |
throw | ( | SickTimeoutException, | |||
SickIOException, | |||||
SickThreadException, | |||||
SickErrorException | |||||
) |
Sets the sick scan data format
Set device to output only range values
Definition at line 260 of file
void SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::SetSickScanFreqAndRes | ( | const sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t | scan_freq, |
const sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t | scan_res | ||
) | |||
throw | ( | SickTimeoutException, | |
SickIOException, | |||
SickErrorException | |||
) |
Sets the Sick LMS 1xx scan frequency and resolution.
Sets the Sick LMS 1xx scan frequency and scan resolution
scan_freq | Desired scan frequency (e.g. SickLMS1xx::SICK_LMS_1XX_SCAN_FREQ_50) |
scan_res | Desired scan angular resolution (e.g. SickLMS1xx::SICK_LMS_1XX_SCAN_RES_50) |
write_to_eeprom | Write the configuration to EEPROM |
Definition at line 148 of file
int SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::SickScanFreqToInt | ( | const sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t | scan_freq | ) | const |
Convert sick_lms_1xx_scan_freq_t to corresponding integer.
Utility function for converting scan frequency to integer
Definition at line 635 of file
double SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::SickScanResToDouble | ( | const sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t | scan_res | ) | const |
Convert sick_lms_1xx_scan_res_t to corresponding double.
Utility function for converting scan resolution to double
Definition at line 667 of file
void SickToolbox::SickLMS1xx::Uninitialize | ( | const bool | disp_banner = true | ) | |
throw | ( | SickIOException, | |||
SickTimeoutException, | |||||
SickErrorException, | |||||
SickThreadException | |||||
) |
Tear down the connection between the host and the Sick LD.
Uninitializes the Sick LD unit
Definition at line 539 of file
private |
Sick LMS 1xx configuration struct
Definition at line 203 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
private |
Sick LMS 1xx socket address struct
Definition at line 194 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
private |
The Sick LMS 1xx IP address
Definition at line 188 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
private |
Sick LMS 1xx configuration struct
Definition at line 197 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
private |
Sick LMS 1xx current scan data format
Definition at line 200 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
private |
Sick LMS 1xx streaming status
Definition at line 209 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
private |
The Sick LMS 1xx TCP port number
Definition at line 191 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
private |
Sick LMS 1xx temperature status
Definition at line 206 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.
static |
LMS 1xx max number of measurements.
Definition at line 54 of file SickLMS1xx.hh.