Crc::CameraParamPublisher | |
▼Cenable_shared_from_this | |
Crc::ThreadedStream::Manager | |
▼Crc::GenICam2RosPublisher | Interface for all publishers relating to images, point clouds or other stereo-camera data |
Crc::CameraInfoPublisher | |
Crc::ConfidencePublisher | |
Crc::DepthPublisher | |
Crc::DisparityColorPublisher | |
Crc::DisparityPublisher | |
Crc::ErrorDepthPublisher | |
Crc::ErrorDisparityPublisher | |
Crc::ImagePublisher | |
Crc::Points2Publisher | |
▼Cnodelet::Nodelet [external] | |
Crc::DeviceNodelet | |
Crc::Protobuf2RosPublisher | Generic implementation for publishing protobuf messages to ros |
▼Crc::ThreadedStream | Convenience classes to implement and manage different types of data streams in separate threads |
▼Crc::Protobuf2RosStream | Implementation of a ThreadedStream that receives rc_visard's dynamics protobuf messages and re-publishes them as ros messages |
Crc::DynamicsStream | Specific implementation for roboception::msgs::Dynamics messages |
Crc::PoseAndTFStream | Specific implementation for roboception::msgs::Frame messages that publishes received messages not only as ros StampedPoses but also on tf if desired |