Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (C) 2009 Ruben Smits <ruben dot smits at intermodalics dot eu>
3 // Version: 1.0
4 // Author: Ruben Smits <ruben dot smits at intermodalics dot eu>
5 // Author: Herman Bruyninckx
6 // Author: Azamat Shakhimardanov
7 // Maintainer: Ruben Smits <ruben dot smits at intermodalics dot eu>
8 // URL:
10 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
12 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
13 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
20 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
22 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
27 #include "chainidsolver.hpp"
28 #include "frames.hpp"
31 #include<Eigen/StdVector>
33 namespace KDL
34 {
367 {
368  typedef std::vector<Twist> Twists;
369  typedef std::vector<Frame> Frames;
370  typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1 > Vector6d;
371  typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6 > Matrix6d;
372  typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, Eigen::Dynamic> Matrix6Xd;
374 public:
382  ChainHdSolver_Vereshchagin(const Chain& chain, const Twist &root_acc, const unsigned int nc);
385  {
386  };
405  int CartToJnt(const JntArray &q, const JntArray &q_dot, JntArray &q_dotdot, const Jacobian& alfa, const JntArray& beta, const Wrenches& f_ext, const JntArray &ff_torques, JntArray &constraint_torques);
408  virtual void updateInternalDataStructures();
410  //Returns cartesian acceleration of links in base coordinates
411  void getTransformedLinkAcceleration(Twists& x_dotdot);
413  // Returns total torque acting on each joint (constraints + nature + external forces)
414  void getTotalTorque(JntArray &total_tau);
416  // Returns magnitude of the constraint forces acting on the end-effector: Lagrange Multiplier
417  void getContraintForceMagnitude(Eigen::VectorXd &nu_);
419  /*
420  //Returns cartesian positions of links in base coordinates
421  void getLinkCartesianPose(Frames& x_base);
422  //Returns cartesian velocities of links in base coordinates
423  void getLinkCartesianVelocity(Twists& xDot_base);
424  //Returns cartesian acceleration of links in base coordinates
425  void getLinkCartesianAcceleration(Twists& xDotDot_base);
426  //Returns cartesian positions of links in link tip coordinates
427  void getLinkPose(Frames& x_local);
428  //Returns cartesian velocities of links in link tip coordinates
429  void getLinkVelocity(Twists& xDot_local);
430  //Returns cartesian acceleration of links in link tip coordinates
431  void getLinkAcceleration(Twists& xDotdot_local);
432  //Acceleration energy due to unit constraint forces at the end-effector
433  void getLinkUnitForceAccelerationEnergy(Eigen::MatrixXd& M);
434  //Acceleration energy due to arm configuration: bias force plus input joint torques
435  void getLinkBiasForceAcceleratoinEnergy(Eigen::VectorXd& G);
437  void getLinkUnitForceMatrix(Matrix6Xd& E_tilde);
439  void getLinkBiasForceMatrix(Wrenches& R_tilde);
441  void getJointBiasAcceleration(JntArray &bias_q_dotdot);
442  */
443 private:
448  void initial_upwards_sweep(const JntArray &q, const JntArray &q_dot, const JntArray &q_dotdot, const Wrenches& f_ext);
453  void downwards_sweep(const Jacobian& alfa, const JntArray& ff_torques);
458  void constraint_calculation(const JntArray& beta);
463  void final_upwards_sweep(JntArray &q_dotdot, JntArray &constraint_torques);
465 private:
466  const Chain& chain;
467  unsigned int nj;
468  unsigned int ns;
469  unsigned int nc;
473  Eigen::MatrixXd M_0_inverse;
474  Eigen::MatrixXd Um;
475  Eigen::MatrixXd Vm;
477  Eigen::VectorXd nu;
478  Eigen::VectorXd nu_sum;
479  Eigen::VectorXd Sm;
480  Eigen::VectorXd tmpm;
481  Eigen::VectorXd total_torques; // all the contributions that are felt at the joint: constraints + nature + external forces
486  {
487  Frame F; //local pose with respect to previous link in segments coordinates
488  Frame F_base; // pose of a segment in root coordinates
489  Twist Z; //Unit twist
490  Twist v; //twist
491  Twist acc; //acceleration twist
492  Wrench U; //wrench p of the bias forces (in cartesian space)
493  Wrench R; //wrench p of the bias forces
494  Wrench R_tilde; //vector of wrench p of the bias forces (new) in matrix form
495  Twist C; //constraint
496  Twist A; //constraint
497  ArticulatedBodyInertia H; //I (expressed in 6*6 matrix)
498  ArticulatedBodyInertia P; //I (expressed in 6*6 matrix)
499  ArticulatedBodyInertia P_tilde; //I (expressed in 6*6 matrix)
500  Wrench PZ; //vector U[i] = I_A[i]*S[i]
501  Wrench PC; //vector E[i] = I_A[i]*c[i]
502  double D; //vector D[i] = S[i]^T*U[i]
503  Matrix6Xd E; //matrix with virtual unit constraint force due to acceleration constraints
504  Matrix6Xd E_tilde;
505  Eigen::MatrixXd M; //acceleration energy already generated at link i
506  Eigen::VectorXd G; //magnitude of the constraint forces already generated at link i
507  Eigen::VectorXd EZ; //K[i] = Etiltde'*Z
508  double nullspaceAccComp; //Azamat: constribution of joint space u[i] forces to joint space acceleration
509  double constAccComp; //Azamat: constribution of joint space constraint forces to joint space acceleration
510  double biasAccComp; //Azamat: constribution of joint space bias forces to joint space acceleration
511  double totalBias; //Azamat: R+PC (centrepital+coriolis) in joint subspace
512  double u; //vector u[i] = torques(i) - S[i]^T*(p_A[i] + I_A[i]*C[i]) in joint subspace. Azamat: In code u[i] = torques(i) - s[i].totalBias
514  segment_info(unsigned int nc):
515  D(0),nullspaceAccComp(0),constAccComp(0),biasAccComp(0),totalBias(0),u(0)
516  {
517  E.resize(6, nc);
518  E_tilde.resize(6, nc);
519  G.resize(nc);
520  M.resize(nc, nc);
521  EZ.resize(nc);
522  E.setZero();
523  E_tilde.setZero();
524  M.setZero();
525  G.setZero();
526  EZ.setZero();
527  };
528  };
530  std::vector<segment_info, Eigen::aligned_allocator<segment_info> > results;
532 };
533 }
void final_upwards_sweep(JntArray &q_dotdot, JntArray &constraint_torques)
Eigen::Matrix< double, 6, Eigen::Dynamic > Matrix6Xd
Eigen::Matrix< double, 6, 6 > Matrix6d
This class encapsulates a serial kinematic interconnection structure. It is built out of segments...
Definition: chain.hpp:35
This class represents an fixed size array containing joint values of a KDL::Chain.
Definition: jntarray.hpp:69
void initial_upwards_sweep(const JntArray &q, const JntArray &q_dot, const JntArray &q_dotdot, const Wrenches &f_ext)
represents both translational and rotational velocities.
Definition: frames.hpp:720
6D Inertia of a articulated body
void downwards_sweep(const Jacobian &alfa, const JntArray &ff_torques)
void getTransformedLinkAcceleration(Twists &x_dotdot)
void getContraintForceMagnitude(Eigen::VectorXd &nu_)
int CartToJnt(const JntArray &q, const JntArray &q_dot, JntArray &q_dotdot, const Jacobian &alfa, const JntArray &beta, const Wrenches &f_ext, const JntArray &ff_torques, JntArray &constraint_torques)
std::vector< Wrench > Wrenches
Eigen::Matrix< double, 6, 1 > Vector6d
void constraint_calculation(const JntArray &beta)
ChainHdSolver_Vereshchagin(const Chain &chain, const Twist &root_acc, const unsigned int nc)
represents a frame transformation in 3D space (rotation + translation)
Definition: frames.hpp:570
represents both translational and rotational acceleration.
Definition: frames.hpp:878
Abstract: Acceleration constrained hybrid dynamics calculations for a chain, based on Vereshchagin 19...
std::vector< segment_info, Eigen::aligned_allocator< segment_info > > results

autogenerated on Fri Mar 12 2021 03:05:43