bool | activateManager () |
| Activate the Manager. More...
void | cleanupComponent (RTObject_impl *comp) |
| Unregister RT-Components. More...
void | cleanupComponents () |
| This method deletes RT-Components. More...
RTObject_impl * | createComponent (const char *comp_args) |
| Create RT-Components. More...
ExecutionContextBase * | createContext (const char *ec_args) |
| Create Context. More...
void | deleteComponent (RTObject_impl *comp) |
| Unregister RT-Components that have been registered to Manager. More...
void | deleteComponent (const char *instance_name) |
| Unregister RT-Components that have been registered to Manager. More...
RTObject_impl * | getComponent (const char *instance_name) |
| Get RT-Component's pointer. More...
std::vector< RTObject_impl * > | getComponents () |
| Get all RT-Components registered in the Manager. More...
coil::Properties & | getConfig () |
| Get the manager configuration. More...
std::vector< coil::Properties > | getFactoryProfiles () |
| Get profiles of factories. More...
std::vector< coil::Properties > | getLoadableModules () |
| Get a list of loadable modules. More...
std::vector< coil::Properties > | getLoadedModules () |
| Get a list of loaded modules. More...
std::string & | getLogLevel () |
| Get the log level of the configuration. More...
LogStreamBuf & | getLogStreamBuf () |
| Get the log buffer. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getModulesFactories () |
| Get the list of all Factories. More...
CORBA::ORB_ptr | getORB () |
| Get the pointer to ORB. More...
PortableServer::POA_ptr | getPOA () |
| Get a pointer to RootPOA held by Manager. More...
PortableServer::POAManager_ptr | getPOAManager () |
| Get POAManager that Manager has. More...
void | join () |
| Wait for Manager's termination. More...
void | load (const char *fname, const char *initfunc) |
| [CORBA interface] Load module More...
void | notifyFinalized (RTObject_impl *comp) |
| This method deletes RT-Components. More...
bool | registerComponent (RTObject_impl *comp) |
| Register RT-Component directly without Factory. More...
bool | registerECFactory (const char *name, ECNewFunc new_func, ECDeleteFunc delete_func) |
| Register ExecutionContext Factory. More...
bool | registerFactory (coil::Properties &profile, RtcNewFunc new_func, RtcDeleteFunc delete_func) |
| Register RT-Component Factory. More...
void | runManager (bool no_block=false) |
| Run the Manager. More...
void | setModuleInitProc (ModuleInitProc proc) |
| Set initial procedure. More...
void | shutdown () |
| Shutdown Manager. More...
void | terminate () |
| Terminate manager. More...
void | unload (const char *fname) |
| Unload module. More...
void | unloadAll () |
| Unload all modules. More...
bool | unregisterComponent (RTObject_impl *comp) |
| Unregister RT-Components. More...
typedef ObjectManager< std::string, RTObject_impl, InstanceName > | ComponentManager |
typedef ObjectManager< const char *, ECFactoryBase, ECFactoryPredicate > | ECFactoryManager |
typedef ObjectManager< const coil::Properties, FactoryBase, FactoryPredicate > | FactoryManager |
| ComponentFactory. More...
void | configureComponent (RTObject_impl *comp, const coil::Properties &prop) |
| Configure RT-Component. More...
void | createORBEndpointOption (std::string &opt, coil::vstring &endpoint) |
| Create a command optional line of Endpoint of ORB. More...
void | createORBEndpoints (coil::vstring &endpoints) |
| Create Endpoints. More...
std::string | createORBOptions () |
| Create ORB command options. More...
std::string | formatString (const char *naming_format, coil::Properties &prop) |
| Construct registration information when registering to Naming server. More...
bool | initComposite () |
| PeriodicECSharedComposite initialization. More...
bool | initExecContext () |
| ExecutionContextManager initialization. More...
bool | initFactories () |
| Factories initialization. More...
bool | initLogger () |
| System logger initialization. More...
void | initManager (int argc, char **argv) |
| Manager internal initialization. More...
bool | initManagerServant () |
| ManagerServant initialization. More...
bool | initNaming () |
| NamingManager initialization. More...
bool | initORB () |
| CORBA ORB initialization. More...
bool | initTimer () |
| Timer initialization. More...
| Manager () |
| Protected Constructor. More...
| Manager (const Manager &manager) |
| Protected Copy Constructor. More...
bool | mergeProperty (coil::Properties &prop, const char *file_name) |
| Merge property information. More...
bool | procComponentArgs (const char *comp_arg, coil::Properties &comp_id, coil::Properties &comp_conf) |
| Extracting component type/properties from the given string. More...
bool | procContextArgs (const char *ec_args, std::string &ec_id, coil::Properties &ec_conf) |
| Extracting ExecutionContext's name/properties from the given string. More...
void | shutdownComponents () |
| NamingManager finalization. More...
void | shutdownLogger () |
| System Logger finalization. More...
void | shutdownManager () |
| Shutdown Manager. More...
void | shutdownNaming () |
| NamingManager finalization. More...
void | shutdownOnNoRtcs () |
| Shutdown Manager. More...
void | shutdownORB () |
| ORB finalization. More...
ComponentManager | m_compManager |
| ComponentManager. More...
coil::Properties | m_config |
| Managaer's configuration Properties. More...
ECFactoryManager | m_ecfactory |
| ExecutionContext Manager. More...
std::vector< ExecutionContextBase * > | m_ecs |
| ExecutionContext list. More...
FactoryManager | m_factory |
| ComponentManager. More...
Finalized | m_finalized |
ModuleInitProc | m_initProc |
| User's initialization function's pointer. More...
std::vector< std::filebuf * > | m_logfiles |
| Files for log output. More...
LogStreamBuf | m_logStreamBuf |
| Logger buffer. More...
RTM::ManagerServant * | m_mgrservant |
| The pointer to the ManagerServant. More...
ModuleManager * | m_module |
| The pointer to the ModuleManager. More...
NamingManager * | m_namingManager |
| The pointer to the NamingManager. More...
CORBA::ORB_var | m_pORB |
| The pointer to the ORB. More...
PortableServer::POA_var | m_pPOA |
| The pointer to the POA. More...
PortableServer::POAManager_var | m_pPOAManager |
| The pointer to the POAManager. More...
OrbRunner * | m_runner |
| The pointer to ORB helper class. More...
Term | m_terminate |
| Synchronous flag for manager termination. More...
Terminator * | m_terminator |
| The pointer to ORB termination helper class. More...
coil::Timer * | m_timer |
| Timer Object. More...
Logger | rtclog |
| Logger stream. More...
static Manager * | manager = NULL |
| The pointer to the Manager. More...
static Mutex | mutex |
| The mutex of the pointer to the Manager. More...