Go to the documentation of this file.
10 #pragma once
15 #include <gtsam/base/timing.h>
18 namespace gtsam {
20 /* ************************************************************************* */
21 template<class GRAPH>
22 void ClusterTree<GRAPH>::Cluster::print(const std::string& s,
23  const KeyFormatter& keyFormatter) const {
24  std::cout << s << " (" << problemSize_ << ")";
26 }
28 /* ************************************************************************* */
29 template <class GRAPH>
31  std::vector<size_t> nrFrontals;
32  nrFrontals.reserve(nrChildren());
33  for (const sharedNode& child : children)
34  nrFrontals.push_back(child->nrFrontals());
35  return nrFrontals;
36 }
38 /* ************************************************************************* */
39 template <class GRAPH>
40 void ClusterTree<GRAPH>::Cluster::merge(const boost::shared_ptr<Cluster>& cluster) {
41  // Merge keys. For efficiency, we add keys in reverse order at end, calling reverse after..
42  orderedFrontalKeys.insert(orderedFrontalKeys.end(), cluster->orderedFrontalKeys.rbegin(),
43  cluster->orderedFrontalKeys.rend());
44  factors.push_back(cluster->factors);
45  children.insert(children.end(), cluster->children.begin(), cluster->children.end());
46  // Increment problem size
47  problemSize_ = std::max(problemSize_, cluster->problemSize_);
48 }
50 /* ************************************************************************* */
51 template<class GRAPH>
53  const std::vector<bool>& merge) {
54  gttic(Cluster_mergeChildren);
55  assert(merge.size() == this->children.size());
57  // Count how many keys, factors and children we'll end up with
58  size_t nrKeys = orderedFrontalKeys.size();
59  size_t nrFactors = factors.size();
60  size_t nrNewChildren = 0;
61  // Loop over children
62  size_t i = 0;
63  for(const sharedNode& child: this->children) {
64  if (merge[i]) {
65  nrKeys += child->orderedFrontalKeys.size();
66  nrFactors += child->factors.size();
67  nrNewChildren += child->nrChildren();
68  } else {
69  nrNewChildren += 1; // we keep the child
70  }
71  ++i;
72  }
74  // now reserve space, and really merge
75  auto oldChildren = this->children;
76  this->children.clear();
77  this->children.reserve(nrNewChildren);
78  orderedFrontalKeys.reserve(nrKeys);
79  factors.reserve(nrFactors);
80  i = 0;
81  for (const sharedNode& child : oldChildren) {
82  if (merge[i]) {
83  this->merge(child);
84  } else {
85  this->addChild(child); // we keep the child
86  }
87  ++i;
88  }
90 }
92 /* ************************************************************************* */
93 template <class GRAPH>
94 void ClusterTree<GRAPH>::print(const std::string& s, const KeyFormatter& keyFormatter) const {
95  treeTraversal::PrintForest(*this, s, keyFormatter);
96 }
98 /* ************************************************************************* */
99 template <class GRAPH>
101  // Start by duplicating the tree.
103  return *this;
104 }
106 /* ************************************************************************* */
107 // Elimination traversal data - stores a pointer to the parent data and collects
108 // the factors resulting from elimination of the children. Also sets up BayesTree
109 // cliques with parent and child pointers.
110 template<class CLUSTERTREE>
112  // Typedefs
113  typedef typename CLUSTERTREE::sharedFactor sharedFactor;
114  typedef typename CLUSTERTREE::FactorType FactorType;
115  typedef typename CLUSTERTREE::FactorGraphType FactorGraphType;
116  typedef typename CLUSTERTREE::ConditionalType ConditionalType;
117  typedef typename CLUSTERTREE::BayesTreeType::Node BTNode;
122  boost::shared_ptr<BTNode> bayesTreeNode;
124  EliminationData(EliminationData* _parentData, size_t nChildren) :
125  parentData(_parentData), bayesTreeNode(boost::make_shared<BTNode>()) {
126  if (parentData) {
127  myIndexInParent = parentData->childFactors.size();
128  parentData->childFactors.push_back(sharedFactor());
129  } else {
130  myIndexInParent = 0;
131  }
132  // Set up BayesTree parent and child pointers
133  if (parentData) {
134  if (parentData->parentData) // If our parent is not the dummy node
135  bayesTreeNode->parent_ = parentData->bayesTreeNode;
136  parentData->bayesTreeNode->children.push_back(bayesTreeNode);
137  }
138  }
140  // Elimination pre-order visitor - creates the EliminationData structure for the visited node.
142  const typename CLUSTERTREE::sharedNode& node,
143  EliminationData& parentData) {
144  assert(node);
145  EliminationData myData(&parentData, node->nrChildren());
146  myData.bayesTreeNode->problemSize_ = node->problemSize();
147  return myData;
148  }
150  // Elimination post-order visitor - combine the child factors with our own factors, add the
151  // resulting conditional to the BayesTree, and add the remaining factor to the parent.
153  const typename CLUSTERTREE::Eliminate& eliminationFunction_;
154  typename CLUSTERTREE::BayesTreeType::Nodes& nodesIndex_;
156  public:
157  // Construct functor
159  const typename CLUSTERTREE::Eliminate& eliminationFunction,
160  typename CLUSTERTREE::BayesTreeType::Nodes& nodesIndex) :
161  eliminationFunction_(eliminationFunction), nodesIndex_(nodesIndex) {
162  }
164  // Function that does the HEAVY lifting
165  void operator()(const typename CLUSTERTREE::sharedNode& node, EliminationData& myData) {
166  assert(node);
168  // Gather factors
169  FactorGraphType gatheredFactors;
170  gatheredFactors.reserve(node->factors.size() + node->nrChildren());
171  gatheredFactors += node->factors;
172  gatheredFactors += myData.childFactors;
174  // Check for Bayes tree orphan subtrees, and add them to our children
175  // TODO(frank): should this really happen here?
176  for (const sharedFactor& factor: node->factors) {
177  auto asSubtree = dynamic_cast<const BayesTreeOrphanWrapper<BTNode>*>(factor.get());
178  if (asSubtree) {
179  myData.bayesTreeNode->children.push_back(asSubtree->clique);
180  asSubtree->clique->parent_ = myData.bayesTreeNode;
181  }
182  }
184  // >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do dense elimination step >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
185  auto eliminationResult = eliminationFunction_(gatheredFactors, node->orderedFrontalKeys);
186  // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
188  // Store conditional in BayesTree clique, and in the case of ISAM2Clique also store the
189  // remaining factor
190  myData.bayesTreeNode->setEliminationResult(eliminationResult);
192  // Fill nodes index - we do this here instead of calling insertRoot at the end to avoid
193  // putting orphan subtrees in the index - they'll already be in the index of the ISAM2
194  // object they're added to.
195  for (const Key& j: myData.bayesTreeNode->conditional()->frontals())
196  nodesIndex_.insert(std::make_pair(j, myData.bayesTreeNode));
198  // Store remaining factor in parent's gathered factors
199  if (!eliminationResult.second->empty())
200  myData.parentData->childFactors[myData.myIndexInParent] = eliminationResult.second;
201  }
202  };
203 };
205 /* ************************************************************************* */
206 template<class BAYESTREE, class GRAPH>
208  const This& other) {
211  // Assign the remaining factors - these are pointers to factors in the original factor graph and
212  // we do not clone them.
213  remainingFactors_ = other.remainingFactors_;
215  return *this;
216 }
218 /* ************************************************************************* */
219 template <class BAYESTREE, class GRAPH>
220 std::pair<boost::shared_ptr<BAYESTREE>, boost::shared_ptr<GRAPH> >
222  gttic(ClusterTree_eliminate);
223  // Do elimination (depth-first traversal). The rootsContainer stores a 'dummy' BayesTree node
224  // that contains all of the roots as its children. rootsContainer also stores the remaining
225  // un-eliminated factors passed up from the roots.
226  boost::shared_ptr<BayesTreeType> result = boost::make_shared<BayesTreeType>();
228  typedef EliminationData<This> Data;
229  Data rootsContainer(0, this->nrRoots());
231  typename Data::EliminationPostOrderVisitor visitorPost(function, result->nodes_);
232  {
233  TbbOpenMPMixedScope threadLimiter; // Limits OpenMP threads since we're mixing TBB and OpenMP
234  treeTraversal::DepthFirstForestParallel(*this, rootsContainer, Data::EliminationPreOrderVisitor,
235  visitorPost, 10);
236  }
238  // Create BayesTree from roots stored in the dummy BayesTree node.
239  result->roots_.insert(result->roots_.end(), rootsContainer.bayesTreeNode->children.begin(),
240  rootsContainer.bayesTreeNode->children.end());
242  // Add remaining factors that were not involved with eliminated variables
243  boost::shared_ptr<FactorGraphType> remaining = boost::make_shared<FactorGraphType>();
244  remaining->reserve(remainingFactors_.size() + rootsContainer.childFactors.size());
245  remaining->push_back(remainingFactors_.begin(), remainingFactors_.end());
246  for (const sharedFactor& factor : rootsContainer.childFactors) {
247  if (factor)
248  remaining->push_back(factor);
249  }
251  // Return result
252  return std::make_pair(result, remaining);
253 }
255 } // namespace gtsam
gtsam::enable_if_t< needs_eigen_aligned_allocator< T >::value, boost::shared_ptr< T > > make_shared(Args &&...args)
Definition: make_shared.h:57
void print(const std::string &s="", const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const
void PrintKeyVector(const KeyVector &keys, const string &s, const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter)
Utility function to print sets of keys with optional prefix.
Definition: Key.cpp:77
#define max(a, b)
Definition: datatypes.h:20
FactorGraphType factors
Factors associated with this node.
Definition: ClusterTree.h:43
virtual void print(const std::string &s="", const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const
print this node
FastVector< sharedNode > roots_
Definition: ClusterTree.h:116
std::pair< boost::shared_ptr< BayesTreeType >, boost::shared_ptr< FactorGraphType > > eliminate(const Eliminate &function) const
sharedCluster sharedNode
Definition: ClusterTree.h:110
size_t nrFactors() const
Definition: ClusterTree.h:80
void operator()(const typename CLUSTERTREE::sharedNode &node, EliminationData &myData)
This & operator=(const This &other)
boost::shared_ptr< FactorType > sharedFactor
Shared pointer to a factor.
Definition: ClusterTree.h:32
EliminationData *const parentData
CLUSTERTREE::FactorGraphType FactorGraphType
static const size_t nrKeys
#define gttic(label)
Definition: timing.h:280
Values result
void DepthFirstForestParallel(FOREST &forest, DATA &rootData, VISITOR_PRE &visitorPre, VISITOR_POST &visitorPost, int problemSizeThreshold=10)
size_t nrRoots() const
Definition: ClusterTree.h:155
std::vector< size_t > nrFrontalsOfChildren() const
Return a vector with nrFrontal keys for each child.
EliminationData(EliminationData *_parentData, size_t nChildren)
std::function< std::string(Key)> KeyFormatter
Typedef for a function to format a key, i.e. to convert it to a string.
Definition: Key.h:35
RealScalar s
CLUSTERTREE::ConditionalType ConditionalType
void PrintForest(const FOREST &forest, std::string str, const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter)
boost::shared_ptr< BTNode > bayesTreeNode
CLUSTERTREE::FactorType FactorType
EliminationPostOrderVisitor(const typename CLUSTERTREE::Eliminate &eliminationFunction, typename CLUSTERTREE::BayesTreeType::Nodes &nodesIndex)
FastVector< boost::shared_ptr< typename FOREST::Node > > CloneForest(const FOREST &forest)
static EliminationData EliminationPreOrderVisitor(const typename CLUSTERTREE::sharedNode &node, EliminationData &parentData)
size_t nrChildren() const
Definition: ClusterTree.h:76
FastVector< sharedFactor > childFactors
Bayes Tree is a tree of cliques of a Bayes Chain.
Keys orderedFrontalKeys
Frontal keys of this node.
Definition: ClusterTree.h:41
Definition: chartTesting.h:28
CLUSTERTREE::BayesTreeType::Node BTNode
size_t nrFrontals() const
Definition: ClusterTree.h:84
This & operator=(const This &other)
Children children
Definition: ClusterTree.h:38
const TREE::Eliminate & eliminationFunction
void reverse(const MatrixType &m)
CLUSTERTREE::sharedFactor sharedFactor
void addChild(const boost::shared_ptr< Cluster > &cluster)
Add a child cluster.
Definition: ClusterTree.h:71
std::vector< T, typename internal::FastDefaultVectorAllocator< T >::type > FastVector
Definition: FastVector.h:34
void merge(const boost::shared_ptr< Cluster > &cluster)
Merge in given cluster.
CLUSTERTREE::BayesTreeType::Nodes & nodesIndex_
GRAPH::Eliminate Eliminate
Typedef for an eliminate subroutine.
Definition: ClusterTree.h:195
boost::shared_ptr< FactorType > sharedFactor
Shared pointer to a factor.
Definition: ClusterTree.h:197
void mergeChildren(const std::vector< bool > &merge)
Merge all children for which bit is set into this node.
std::uint64_t Key
Integer nonlinear key type.
Definition: types.h:61
std::ptrdiff_t j
Timing utilities.

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:41:47