Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3  * GTSAM Copyright 2010, Georgia Tech Research Corporation,
4  * Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
5  * All Rights Reserved
6  * Authors: Frank Dellaert, et al. (see THANKS for the full author list)
8  * See LICENSE for the license information
10  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
20 #include <stack>
21 #include <sstream>
22 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
23 #include <boost/function.hpp>
25 namespace gtsam {
31  template<class KEY, class VALUE>
32  class BTree {
34  public:
36  typedef std::pair<KEY, VALUE> value_type;
38  private:
43  struct Node {
45  const size_t height_;
46  const value_type keyValue_;
47  const BTree left, right;
50  Node() {
51  }
57  Node(const value_type& keyValue) :
58  height_(1), keyValue_(keyValue) {
59  }
64  Node(const BTree& l, const value_type& keyValue, const BTree& r) :
65  height_(l.height() >= r.height() ? l.height() + 1 : r.height() + 1),
66  keyValue_(keyValue), left(l), right(r) {
67  }
69  inline const KEY& key() const { return keyValue_.first;}
70  inline const VALUE& value() const { return keyValue_.second;}
72  }; // Node
74  // We store a shared pointer to the root of the functional tree
75  // composed of Node classes. If root_==nullptr, the tree is empty.
76  typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Node> sharedNode;
77  sharedNode root_;
79  inline const value_type& keyValue() const { return root_->keyValue_;}
80  inline const KEY& key() const { return root_->key(); }
81  inline const VALUE& value() const { return root_->value(); }
82  inline const BTree& left() const { return root_->left; }
83  inline const BTree& right() const { return root_->right; }
86  static BTree balance(const BTree& l, const value_type& xd, const BTree& r) {
87  size_t hl = l.height(), hr = r.height();
88  if (hl > hr + 2) {
89  const BTree& ll = l.left(), lr = l.right();
90  if (ll.height() >= lr.height())
91  return BTree(ll, l.keyValue(), BTree(lr, xd, r));
92  else {
93  BTree _left(ll, l.keyValue(), lr.left());
94  BTree _right(lr.right(), xd, r);
95  return BTree(_left, lr.keyValue(), _right);
96  }
97  } else if (hr > hl + 2) {
98  const BTree& rl = r.left(), rr = r.right();
99  if (rr.height() >= rl.height())
100  return BTree(BTree(l, xd, rl), r.keyValue(), rr);
101  else {
102  BTree _left(l, xd, rl.left());
103  BTree _right(rl.right(), r.keyValue(), rr);
104  return BTree(_left, rl.keyValue(), _right);
105  }
106  } else
107  return BTree(l, xd, r);
108  }
110  public:
113  BTree() {
114  }
117  BTree(const BTree& other) :
118  root_(other.root_) {
119  }
122  BTree(const value_type& keyValue) :
123  root_(new Node(keyValue)) {
124  }
127  BTree(const BTree& l, const value_type& keyValue, const BTree& r) :
128  root_(new Node(l, keyValue, r)) {
129  }
132  BTree & operator= (const BTree & other) {
133  root_ = other.root_;
134  return *this;
135  }
138  bool empty() const {
139  return !root_;
140  }
143  BTree add(const value_type& xd) const {
144  if (empty()) return BTree(xd);
145  const KEY& x = xd.first;
146  if (x == key())
147  return BTree(left(), xd, right());
148  else if (x < key())
149  return balance(left().add(xd), keyValue(), right());
150  else
151  return balance(left(), keyValue(), right().add(xd));
152  }
155  BTree add(const KEY& x, const VALUE& d) const {
156  return add(std::make_pair(x, d));
157  }
160  bool mem(const KEY& x) const {
161  if (!root_) return false;
162  if (x == key()) return true;
163  if (x < key())
164  return left().mem(x);
165  else
166  return right().mem(x);
167  }
170  inline bool same(const BTree& other) const {
171  return (other.root_ == root_);
172  }
178  bool operator==(const BTree& other) const {
179  if (other.root_ == root_) return true; // if same, we're done
180  if (empty() && !other.empty()) return false;
181  if (!empty() && other.empty()) return false;
182  // both non-empty, recurse: check this key-value pair and subtrees...
183  return (keyValue() == other.keyValue()) && (left() == other.left())
184  && (right() == other.right());
185  }
187  inline bool operator!=(const BTree& other) const {
188  return !operator==(other);
189  }
192  const value_type& min() const {
193  if (!root_) throw std::invalid_argument("BTree::min: empty tree");
194  if (left().empty()) return keyValue();
195  return left().min();
196  }
199  BTree remove_min() const {
200  if (!root_) throw std::invalid_argument("BTree::remove_min: empty tree");
201  if (left().empty()) return right();
202  return balance(left().remove_min(), keyValue(), right());
203  }
206  static BTree merge(const BTree& t1, const BTree& t2) {
207  if (t1.empty()) return t2;
208  if (t2.empty()) return t1;
209  const value_type& xd = t2.min();
210  return balance(t1, xd, t2.remove_min());
211  }
214  BTree remove(const KEY& x) const {
215  if (!root_) return BTree();
216  if (x == key())
217  return merge(left(), right());
218  else if (x < key())
219  return balance(left().remove(x), keyValue(), right());
220  else
221  return balance(left(), keyValue(), right().remove(x));
222  }
225  size_t height() const {
226  return (root_ != nullptr) ? root_->height_ : 0;
227  }
230  size_t size() const {
231  if (!root_) return 0;
232  return left().size() + 1 + right().size();
233  }
239  const VALUE& find(const KEY& k) const {
240  const Node* node = root_.get();
241  while (node) {
242  const KEY& key = node->key();
243  if (k < key) node = node->left.root_.get();
244  else if (key < k) node = node->right.root_.get();
245  else return node->value();
246  }
248  throw std::invalid_argument("BTree::find: key not found");
249  }
252  void print(const std::string& s = "") const {
253  if (empty()) return;
254  KEY k = key();
255  std::stringstream ss;
256  ss << height();
257  k.print(s + ss.str() + " ");
258  left().print(s + "L ");
259  right().print(s + "R ");
260  }
263  void iter(boost::function<void(const KEY&, const VALUE&)> f) const {
264  if (!root_) return;
265  left().iter(f);
266  f(key(), value());
267  right().iter(f);
268  }
271  template<class TO>
272  BTree<KEY, TO> map(boost::function<TO(const KEY&, const VALUE&)> f) const {
273  if (empty()) return BTree<KEY, TO> ();
274  std::pair<KEY, TO> xd(key(), f(key(), value()));
275  return BTree<KEY, TO> (left().map(f), xd, right().map(f));
276  }
284  template<class ACC>
285  ACC fold(boost::function<ACC(const KEY&, const VALUE&, const ACC&)> f,
286  const ACC& a) const {
287  if (!root_) return a;
288  ACC ar = right().fold(f, a); // fold over right subtree
289  ACC am = f(key(), value(), ar); // apply f with current value
290  return left().fold(f, am); // fold over left subtree
291  }
299  private:
302  typedef std::pair<sharedNode, bool> flagged;
305  std::stack<flagged> path_;
307  const sharedNode& current() const {
308  return;
309  }
311  bool done() const {
312  return;
313  }
315  // The idea is we already iterated through the left-subtree and current key-value.
316  // We now try pushing left subtree of right onto the stack. If there is no right
317  // sub-tree, we pop this node of the stack and the parent becomes the iterator.
318  // We avoid going down a right-subtree that was already visited by checking the flag.
319  void increment() {
320  if (path_.empty()) return;
321  sharedNode t = current()->right.root_;
322  if (!t || done()) {
323  // no right subtree, iterator becomes first parent with a non-visited right subtree
324  path_.pop();
325  while (!path_.empty() && done())
326  path_.pop();
327  } else {
328 = true; // flag we visited right
329  // push right root and its left-most path onto the stack
330  while (t) {
331  path_.push(std::make_pair(t, false));
332  t = t->left.root_;
333  }
334  }
335  }
337  public:
339  // traits for playing nice with STL
340  typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
341  typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
342  typedef std::pair<KEY, VALUE> value_type;
343  typedef const value_type* pointer;
344  typedef const value_type& reference;
348  }
351  const_iterator(const sharedNode& root) {
352  sharedNode t = root;
353  while (t) {
354  path_.push(std::make_pair(t, false));
355  t = t->left.root_;
356  }
357  }
360  bool operator==(const Self& __x) const {
361  return path_ == __x.path_;
362  }
365  bool operator!=(const Self& __x) const {
366  return path_ != __x.path_;
367  }
370  reference operator*() const {
371  if (path_.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument(
372  "operator*: tried to dereference end");
373  return current()->keyValue_;
374  }
377  pointer operator->() const {
378  if (path_.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument(
379  "operator->: tried to dereference end");
380  return &(current()->keyValue_);
381  }
384  Self& operator++() {
385  increment();
386  return *this;
387  }
390  Self operator++(int) {
391  Self __tmp = *this;
392  increment();
393  return __tmp;
394  }
396  }; // const_iterator
398  // to make BTree work with range-based for
399  // We do *not* want a non-const iterator
400  typedef const_iterator iterator;
403  const_iterator begin() const {
404  return const_iterator(root_);
405  }
408  const_iterator end() const {
409  return const_iterator();
410  }
412  }; // BTree
414 } // namespace gtsam
bool operator!=(const Self &__x) const
Definition: BTree.h:365
size_t height() const
Definition: BTree.h:225
BTree add(const value_type &xd) const
Definition: BTree.h:143
static BTree balance(const BTree &l, const value_type &xd, const BTree &r)
Definition: BTree.h:86
const KEY & key() const
Definition: BTree.h:80
const VALUE & value() const
Definition: BTree.h:70
std::pair< KEY, VALUE > value_type
Definition: BTree.h:36
const BTree & right() const
Definition: BTree.h:83
bool done() const
Definition: BTree.h:311
reference operator*() const
Definition: BTree.h:370
BTree remove_min() const
Definition: BTree.h:199
const value_type & reference
Definition: BTree.h:344
static BTree merge(const BTree &t1, const BTree &t2)
Definition: BTree.h:206
Node(const value_type &keyValue)
Definition: BTree.h:57
void print(const std::string &s="") const
Definition: BTree.h:252
bool operator==(const Self &__x) const
Definition: BTree.h:360
std::pair< KEY, VALUE > value_type
Definition: BTree.h:342
std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category
Definition: BTree.h:341
const KEY & key() const
Definition: BTree.h:69
const mpreal root(const mpreal &x, unsigned long int k, mp_rnd_t r=mpreal::get_default_rnd())
Definition: mpreal.h:2194
const value_type keyValue_
Definition: BTree.h:46
bool mem(const KEY &x) const
Definition: BTree.h:160
Array33i a
BTree add(const KEY &x, const VALUE &d) const
Definition: BTree.h:155
Const iterator Not trivial: iterator keeps a stack to indicate current path from root_.
Definition: BTree.h:297
void iter(boost::function< void(const KEY &, const VALUE &)> f) const
Definition: BTree.h:263
static const Line3 l(Rot3(), 1, 1)
ACC fold(boost::function< ACC(const KEY &, const VALUE &, const ACC &)> f, const ACC &a) const
Definition: BTree.h:285
const VALUE & value() const
Definition: BTree.h:81
const BTree left
Definition: BTree.h:47
const_iterator(const sharedNode &root)
Definition: BTree.h:351
const value_type & min() const
Definition: BTree.h:192
bool operator==(const BTree &other) const
Definition: BTree.h:178
BTree(const value_type &keyValue)
Definition: BTree.h:122
const_iterator begin() const
Definition: BTree.h:403
Node(const BTree &l, const value_type &keyValue, const BTree &r)
Definition: BTree.h:64
bool same(const BTree &other) const
Definition: BTree.h:170
Point2(* f)(const Point3 &, OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 >)
RealScalar s
const sharedNode & current() const
Definition: BTree.h:307
BTree(const BTree &l, const value_type &keyValue, const BTree &r)
Definition: BTree.h:127
std::stack< flagged > path_
Definition: BTree.h:305
bool operator!=(const BTree &other) const
Definition: BTree.h:187
const size_t height_
Definition: BTree.h:45
std::pair< sharedNode, bool > flagged
Definition: BTree.h:302
const VALUE & find(const KEY &k) const
Definition: BTree.h:239
static std::stringstream ss
Definition: testBTree.cpp:33
const value_type * pointer
Definition: BTree.h:343
BTree< KEY, TO > map(boost::function< TO(const KEY &, const VALUE &)> f) const
Definition: BTree.h:272
Definition: chartTesting.h:28
pointer operator->() const
Definition: BTree.h:377
const_iterator Self
Definition: BTree.h:301
bool empty() const
Definition: BTree.h:138
const_iterator end() const
Definition: BTree.h:408
BTree & operator=(const BTree &other)
Definition: BTree.h:132
BTree(const BTree &other)
Definition: BTree.h:117
const_iterator iterator
Definition: BTree.h:400
boost::shared_ptr< const Node > sharedNode
Definition: BTree.h:76
const BTree & left() const
Definition: BTree.h:82
const value_type & keyValue() const
Definition: BTree.h:79
size_t size() const
Definition: BTree.h:230
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy x
Point2 t(10, 10)
const BTree right
Definition: BTree.h:47
sharedNode root_
Definition: BTree.h:77

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:41:43