Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
2 // for linear algebra.
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2012 David Harmon <>
5 //
6 // Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 // version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 //
11 // Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
12 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
13 // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
14 // the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 //
16 // Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
17 // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
18 // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
19 // GNU General Public License for more details.
20 //
21 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
22 // License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
23 // Eigen. If not, see <>.
28 #include <Eigen/Dense>
30 namespace Eigen {
32 namespace internal {
33  template<typename Scalar, typename RealScalar> struct arpack_wrapper;
34  template<typename MatrixSolver, typename MatrixType, typename Scalar, bool BisSPD> struct OP;
35 }
39 template<typename MatrixType, typename MatrixSolver=SimplicialLLT<MatrixType>, bool BisSPD=false>
41 {
42 public:
43  //typedef typename MatrixSolver::MatrixType MatrixType;
46  typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
47  typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
71  : m_eivec(),
72  m_eivalues(),
73  m_isInitialized(false),
74  m_eigenvectorsOk(false),
75  m_nbrConverged(0),
76  m_nbrIterations(0)
77  { }
102  Index nbrEigenvalues, std::string eigs_sigma="LM",
103  int options=ComputeEigenvectors, RealScalar tol=0.0)
104  : m_eivec(),
105  m_eivalues(),
106  m_isInitialized(false),
107  m_eigenvectorsOk(false),
108  m_nbrConverged(0),
109  m_nbrIterations(0)
110  {
111  compute(A, B, nbrEigenvalues, eigs_sigma, options, tol);
112  }
137  Index nbrEigenvalues, std::string eigs_sigma="LM",
138  int options=ComputeEigenvectors, RealScalar tol=0.0)
139  : m_eivec(),
140  m_eivalues(),
141  m_isInitialized(false),
142  m_eigenvectorsOk(false),
143  m_nbrConverged(0),
144  m_nbrIterations(0)
145  {
146  compute(A, nbrEigenvalues, eigs_sigma, options, tol);
147  }
174  Index nbrEigenvalues, std::string eigs_sigma="LM",
175  int options=ComputeEigenvectors, RealScalar tol=0.0);
200  Index nbrEigenvalues, std::string eigs_sigma="LM",
201  int options=ComputeEigenvectors, RealScalar tol=0.0);
224  {
225  eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
226  eigen_assert(m_eigenvectorsOk && "The eigenvectors have not been computed together with the eigenvalues.");
227  return m_eivec;
228  }
246  {
247  eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
248  return m_eivalues;
249  }
270  {
271  eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
272  eigen_assert(m_eigenvectorsOk && "The eigenvectors have not been computed together with the eigenvalues.");
273  return m_eivec * m_eivalues.cwiseSqrt().asDiagonal() * m_eivec.adjoint();
274  }
295  {
296  eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
297  eigen_assert(m_eigenvectorsOk && "The eigenvectors have not been computed together with the eigenvalues.");
298  return m_eivec * m_eivalues.cwiseInverse().cwiseSqrt().asDiagonal() * m_eivec.adjoint();
299  }
306  {
307  eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
308  return m_info;
309  }
312  { return m_nbrConverged; }
314  size_t getNbrIterations() const
315  { return m_nbrIterations; }
317 protected:
326 };
332 template<typename MatrixType, typename MatrixSolver, bool BisSPD>
335 ::compute(const MatrixType& A, Index nbrEigenvalues,
336  std::string eigs_sigma, int options, RealScalar tol)
337 {
338  MatrixType B(0,0);
339  compute(A, B, nbrEigenvalues, eigs_sigma, options, tol);
341  return *this;
342 }
345 template<typename MatrixType, typename MatrixSolver, bool BisSPD>
348 ::compute(const MatrixType& A, const MatrixType& B, Index nbrEigenvalues,
349  std::string eigs_sigma, int options, RealScalar tol)
350 {
351  eigen_assert(A.cols() == A.rows());
352  eigen_assert(B.cols() == B.rows());
353  eigen_assert(B.rows() == 0 || A.cols() == B.rows());
354  eigen_assert((options &~ (EigVecMask | GenEigMask)) == 0
355  && (options & EigVecMask) != EigVecMask
356  && "invalid option parameter");
358  bool isBempty = (B.rows() == 0) || (B.cols() == 0);
360  // For clarity, all parameters match their ARPACK name
361  //
362  // Always 0 on the first call
363  //
364  int ido = 0;
366  int n = (int)A.cols();
368  // User options: "LA", "SA", "SM", "LM", "BE"
369  //
370  char whch[3] = "LM";
372  // Specifies the shift if iparam[6] = { 3, 4, 5 }, not used if iparam[6] = { 1, 2 }
373  //
374  RealScalar sigma = 0.0;
376  if (eigs_sigma.length() >= 2 && isalpha(eigs_sigma[0]) && isalpha(eigs_sigma[1]))
377  {
378  eigs_sigma[0] = toupper(eigs_sigma[0]);
379  eigs_sigma[1] = toupper(eigs_sigma[1]);
381  // In the following special case we're going to invert the problem, since solving
382  // for larger magnitude is much much faster
383  // i.e., if 'SM' is specified, we're going to really use 'LM', the default
384  //
385  if (eigs_sigma.substr(0,2) != "SM")
386  {
387  whch[0] = eigs_sigma[0];
388  whch[1] = eigs_sigma[1];
389  }
390  }
391  else
392  {
393  eigen_assert(false && "Specifying clustered eigenvalues is not yet supported!");
395  // If it's not scalar values, then the user may be explicitly
396  // specifying the sigma value to cluster the evs around
397  //
398  sigma = atof(eigs_sigma.c_str());
400  // If atof fails, it returns 0.0, which is a fine default
401  //
402  }
404  // "I" means normal eigenvalue problem, "G" means generalized
405  //
406  char bmat[2] = "I";
407  if (eigs_sigma.substr(0,2) == "SM" || !(isalpha(eigs_sigma[0]) && isalpha(eigs_sigma[1])) || (!isBempty && !BisSPD))
408  bmat[0] = 'G';
410  // Now we determine the mode to use
411  //
412  int mode = (bmat[0] == 'G') + 1;
413  if (eigs_sigma.substr(0,2) == "SM" || !(isalpha(eigs_sigma[0]) && isalpha(eigs_sigma[1])))
414  {
415  // We're going to use shift-and-invert mode, and basically find
416  // the largest eigenvalues of the inverse operator
417  //
418  mode = 3;
419  }
421  // The user-specified number of eigenvalues/vectors to compute
422  //
423  int nev = (int)nbrEigenvalues;
425  // Allocate space for ARPACK to store the residual
426  //
427  Scalar *resid = new Scalar[n];
429  // Number of Lanczos vectors, must satisfy nev < ncv <= n
430  // Note that this indicates that nev != n, and we cannot compute
431  // all eigenvalues of a mtrix
432  //
433  int ncv = std::min(std::max(2*nev, 20), n);
435  // The working n x ncv matrix, also store the final eigenvectors (if computed)
436  //
437  Scalar *v = new Scalar[n*ncv];
438  int ldv = n;
440  // Working space
441  //
442  Scalar *workd = new Scalar[3*n];
443  int lworkl = ncv*ncv+8*ncv; // Must be at least this length
444  Scalar *workl = new Scalar[lworkl];
446  int *iparam= new int[11];
447  iparam[0] = 1; // 1 means we let ARPACK perform the shifts, 0 means we'd have to do it
448  iparam[2] = std::max(300, (int)std::ceil(2*n/std::max(ncv,1)));
449  iparam[6] = mode; // The mode, 1 is standard ev problem, 2 for generalized ev, 3 for shift-and-invert
451  // Used during reverse communicate to notify where arrays start
452  //
453  int *ipntr = new int[11];
455  // Error codes are returned in here, initial value of 0 indicates a random initial
456  // residual vector is used, any other values means resid contains the initial residual
457  // vector, possibly from a previous run
458  //
459  int info = 0;
461  Scalar scale = 1.0;
462  //if (!isBempty)
463  //{
464  //Scalar scale = B.norm() / std::sqrt(n);
465  //scale = std::pow(2, std::floor(std::log(scale+1)));
467  //for (size_t i=0; i<(size_t)B.outerSize(); i++)
468  // for (typename MatrixType::InnerIterator it(B, i); it; ++it)
469  // it.valueRef() /= scale;
470  //}
472  MatrixSolver OP;
473  if (mode == 1 || mode == 2)
474  {
475  if (!isBempty)
476  OP.compute(B);
477  }
478  else if (mode == 3)
479  {
480  if (sigma == 0.0)
481  {
482  OP.compute(A);
483  }
484  else
485  {
486  // Note: We will never enter here because sigma must be 0.0
487  //
488  if (isBempty)
489  {
490  MatrixType AminusSigmaB(A);
491  for (Index i=0; i<A.rows(); ++i)
492  AminusSigmaB.coeffRef(i,i) -= sigma;
494  OP.compute(AminusSigmaB);
495  }
496  else
497  {
498  MatrixType AminusSigmaB = A - sigma * B;
499  OP.compute(AminusSigmaB);
500  }
501  }
502  }
504  if (!(mode == 1 && isBempty) && !(mode == 2 && isBempty) && != Success)
505  std::cout << "Error factoring matrix" << std::endl;
507  do
508  {
509  internal::arpack_wrapper<Scalar, RealScalar>::saupd(&ido, bmat, &n, whch, &nev, &tol, resid,
510  &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
511  &lworkl, &info);
513  if (ido == -1 || ido == 1)
514  {
515  Scalar *in = workd + ipntr[0] - 1;
516  Scalar *out = workd + ipntr[1] - 1;
518  if (ido == 1 && mode != 2)
519  {
520  Scalar *out2 = workd + ipntr[2] - 1;
521  if (isBempty || mode == 1)
523  else
526  in = workd + ipntr[2] - 1;
527  }
529  if (mode == 1)
530  {
531  if (isBempty)
532  {
533  // OP = A
534  //
536  }
537  else
538  {
539  // OP = L^{-1}AL^{-T}
540  //
542  }
543  }
544  else if (mode == 2)
545  {
546  if (ido == 1)
549  // OP = B^{-1} A
550  //
551  Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = OP.solve(Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n));
552  }
553  else if (mode == 3)
554  {
555  // OP = (A-\sigmaB)B (\sigma could be 0, and B could be I)
556  // The B * in is already computed and stored at in if ido == 1
557  //
558  if (ido == 1 || isBempty)
560  else
562  }
563  }
564  else if (ido == 2)
565  {
566  Scalar *in = workd + ipntr[0] - 1;
567  Scalar *out = workd + ipntr[1] - 1;
569  if (isBempty || mode == 1)
571  else
573  }
574  } while (ido != 99);
576  if (info == 1)
577  m_info = NoConvergence;
578  else if (info == 3)
579  m_info = NumericalIssue;
580  else if (info < 0)
581  m_info = InvalidInput;
582  else if (info != 0)
583  eigen_assert(false && "Unknown ARPACK return value!");
584  else
585  {
586  // Do we compute eigenvectors or not?
587  //
588  int rvec = (options & ComputeEigenvectors) == ComputeEigenvectors;
590  // "A" means "All", use "S" to choose specific eigenvalues (not yet supported in ARPACK))
591  //
592  char howmny[2] = "A";
594  // if howmny == "S", specifies the eigenvalues to compute (not implemented in ARPACK)
595  //
596  int *select = new int[ncv];
598  // Final eigenvalues
599  //
600  m_eivalues.resize(nev, 1);
602  internal::arpack_wrapper<Scalar, RealScalar>::seupd(&rvec, howmny, select,, v, &ldv,
603  &sigma, bmat, &n, whch, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv,
604  v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, &info);
606  if (info == -14)
607  m_info = NoConvergence;
608  else if (info != 0)
609  m_info = InvalidInput;
610  else
611  {
612  if (rvec)
613  {
614  m_eivec.resize(A.rows(), nev);
615  for (int i=0; i<nev; i++)
616  for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
617  m_eivec(j,i) = v[i*n+j] / scale;
619  if (mode == 1 && !isBempty && BisSPD)
622  m_eigenvectorsOk = true;
623  }
625  m_nbrIterations = iparam[2];
626  m_nbrConverged = iparam[4];
628  m_info = Success;
629  }
631  delete[] select;
632  }
634  delete[] v;
635  delete[] iparam;
636  delete[] ipntr;
637  delete[] workd;
638  delete[] workl;
639  delete[] resid;
641  m_isInitialized = true;
643  return *this;
644 }
647 // Single precision
648 //
649 extern "C" void ssaupd_(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
650  int *nev, float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv,
651  float *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
652  float *workd, float *workl, int *lworkl,
653  int *info);
655 extern "C" void sseupd_(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, float *d,
656  float *z, int *ldz, float *sigma,
657  char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev,
658  float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv, float *v,
659  int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, float *workd,
660  float *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr);
662 // Double precision
663 //
664 extern "C" void dsaupd_(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
665  int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv,
666  double *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
667  double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl,
668  int *info);
670 extern "C" void dseupd_(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, double *d,
671  double *z, int *ldz, double *sigma,
672  char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev,
673  double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv, double *v,
674  int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, double *workd,
675  double *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr);
678 namespace internal {
680 template<typename Scalar, typename RealScalar> struct arpack_wrapper
681 {
682  static inline void saupd(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
683  int *nev, RealScalar *tol, Scalar *resid, int *ncv,
684  Scalar *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
685  Scalar *workd, Scalar *workl, int *lworkl, int *info)
686  {
688  }
690  static inline void seupd(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, Scalar *d,
691  Scalar *z, int *ldz, RealScalar *sigma,
692  char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev,
693  RealScalar *tol, Scalar *resid, int *ncv, Scalar *v,
694  int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, Scalar *workd,
695  Scalar *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr)
696  {
698  }
699 };
701 template <> struct arpack_wrapper<float, float>
702 {
703  static inline void saupd(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
704  int *nev, float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv,
705  float *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
706  float *workd, float *workl, int *lworkl, int *info)
707  {
708  ssaupd_(ido, bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info);
709  }
711  static inline void seupd(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, float *d,
712  float *z, int *ldz, float *sigma,
713  char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev,
714  float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv, float *v,
715  int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, float *workd,
716  float *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr)
717  {
718  sseupd_(rvec, All, select, d, z, ldz, sigma, bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr,
719  workd, workl, lworkl, ierr);
720  }
721 };
723 template <> struct arpack_wrapper<double, double>
724 {
725  static inline void saupd(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
726  int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv,
727  double *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
728  double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl, int *info)
729  {
730  dsaupd_(ido, bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info);
731  }
733  static inline void seupd(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, double *d,
734  double *z, int *ldz, double *sigma,
735  char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev,
736  double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv, double *v,
737  int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, double *workd,
738  double *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr)
739  {
740  dseupd_(rvec, All, select, d, v, ldv, sigma, bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr,
741  workd, workl, lworkl, ierr);
742  }
743 };
746 template<typename MatrixSolver, typename MatrixType, typename Scalar, bool BisSPD>
747 struct OP
748 {
749  static inline void applyOP(MatrixSolver &OP, const MatrixType &A, int n, Scalar *in, Scalar *out);
750  static inline void project(MatrixSolver &OP, int n, int k, Scalar *vecs);
751 };
753 template<typename MatrixSolver, typename MatrixType, typename Scalar>
754 struct OP<MatrixSolver, MatrixType, Scalar, true>
755 {
756  static inline void applyOP(MatrixSolver &OP, const MatrixType &A, int n, Scalar *in, Scalar *out)
757 {
758  // OP = L^{-1} A L^{-T} (B = LL^T)
759  //
760  // First solve L^T out = in
761  //
762  Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = OP.matrixU().solve(Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n));
763  Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = OP.permutationPinv() * Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n);
765  // Then compute out = A out
766  //
769  // Then solve L out = out
770  //
771  Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = OP.permutationP() * Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n);
772  Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = OP.matrixL().solve(Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n));
773 }
775  static inline void project(MatrixSolver &OP, int n, int k, Scalar *vecs)
776 {
777  // Solve L^T out = in
778  //
779  Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic>::Map(vecs, n, k) = OP.matrixU().solve(Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic>::Map(vecs, n, k));
780  Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic>::Map(vecs, n, k) = OP.permutationPinv() * Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic>::Map(vecs, n, k);
781 }
783 };
785 template<typename MatrixSolver, typename MatrixType, typename Scalar>
786 struct OP<MatrixSolver, MatrixType, Scalar, false>
787 {
788  static inline void applyOP(MatrixSolver &OP, const MatrixType &A, int n, Scalar *in, Scalar *out)
789 {
790  eigen_assert(false && "Should never be in here...");
791 }
793  static inline void project(MatrixSolver &OP, int n, int k, Scalar *vecs)
794 {
795  eigen_assert(false && "Should never be in here...");
796 }
798 };
800 } // end namespace internal
802 } // end namespace Eigen
void sseupd_(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, float *d, float *z, int *ldz, float *sigma, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv, float *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, float *workd, float *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr)
static void saupd(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv, double *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl, int *info)
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:33
#define max(a, b)
Definition: datatypes.h:20
static Point2 project(const Pose3 &pose, const Unit3 &pointAtInfinity, const Cal3_S2::shared_ptr &cal)
Matrix< Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic > operatorInverseSqrt() const
Computes the inverse square root of the matrix.
return int(ret)+1
#define min(a, b)
Definition: datatypes.h:19
ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver & compute(const MatrixType &A, const MatrixType &B, Index nbrEigenvalues, std::string eigs_sigma="LM", int options=ComputeEigenvectors, RealScalar tol=0.0)
Computes generalized eigenvalues / eigenvectors of given matrix using the external ARPACK library...
ArrayXcf v
Definition: Cwise_arg.cpp:1
static const double sigma
int n
Namespace containing all symbols from the Eigen library.
Definition: jet.h:637
MatrixType::Scalar Scalar
Scalar type for matrices of type MatrixType.
ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver(const MatrixType &A, Index nbrEigenvalues, std::string eigs_sigma="LM", int options=ComputeEigenvectors, RealScalar tol=0.0)
Constructor; computes eigenvalues of given matrix.
MatrixXf MatrixType
Holds information about the various numeric (i.e. scalar) types allowed by Eigen. ...
Definition: NumTraits.h:150
Definition: StaticAssert.h:124
ComputationInfo info() const
Reports whether previous computation was successful.
static void applyOP(MatrixSolver &OP, const MatrixType &A, int n, Scalar *in, Scalar *out)
static void seupd(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, Scalar *d, Scalar *z, int *ldz, RealScalar *sigma, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, RealScalar *tol, Scalar *resid, int *ncv, Scalar *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, Scalar *workd, Scalar *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr)
static void seupd(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, double *d, double *z, int *ldz, double *sigma, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv, double *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr)
static void project(MatrixSolver &OP, int n, int k, Scalar *vecs)
else if n * info
static void seupd(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, float *d, float *z, int *ldz, float *sigma, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv, float *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, float *workd, float *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CeilReturnType ceil() const
const Matrix< Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic > & eigenvectors() const
Returns the eigenvectors of given matrix.
static void saupd(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, RealScalar *tol, Scalar *resid, int *ncv, Scalar *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, Scalar *workd, Scalar *workl, int *lworkl, int *info)
The Index type as used for the API.
Definition: Meta.h:33
#define eigen_assert(x)
Definition: Macros.h:579
NumTraits< Scalar >::Real RealScalar
Real scalar type for MatrixType.
static void applyOP(MatrixSolver &OP, const MatrixType &A, int n, Scalar *in, Scalar *out)
const Matrix< Scalar, Dynamic, 1 > & eigenvalues() const
Returns the eigenvalues of given matrix.
NumTraits< Scalar >::Real RealScalar
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:34
internal::plain_col_type< MatrixType, RealScalar >::type RealVectorType
Type for vector of eigenvalues as returned by eigenvalues().
static void applyOP(MatrixSolver &OP, const MatrixType &A, int n, Scalar *in, Scalar *out)
static void project(MatrixSolver &OP, int n, int k, Scalar *vecs)
void dsaupd_(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv, double *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl, int *info)
static void saupd(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv, float *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, float *workd, float *workl, int *lworkl, int *info)
ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver(const MatrixType &A, const MatrixType &B, Index nbrEigenvalues, std::string eigs_sigma="LM", int options=ComputeEigenvectors, RealScalar tol=0.0)
Constructor; computes generalized eigenvalues of given matrix with respect to another matrix...
Matrix< Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic > operatorSqrt() const
Computes the positive-definite square root of the matrix.
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy y set format x g set format y g set format x2 g set format y2 g set format z g set angles radians set nogrid set key title set key left top Right noreverse box linetype linewidth samplen spacing width set nolabel set noarrow set nologscale set logscale x set set pointsize set encoding default set nopolar set noparametric set set set set surface set nocontour set clabel set mapping cartesian set nohidden3d set cntrparam order set cntrparam linear set cntrparam levels auto set cntrparam points set size set set xzeroaxis lt lw set x2zeroaxis lt lw set yzeroaxis lt lw set y2zeroaxis lt lw set tics in set ticslevel set tics scale
const G double tol
Definition: Group.h:83
void dseupd_(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, double *d, double *z, int *ldz, double *sigma, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv, double *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr)
EIGEN_DONT_INLINE void compute(Solver &solver, const MatrixType &A)
Definition: Constants.h:430
void ssaupd_(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev, float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv, float *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, float *workd, float *workl, int *lworkl, int *info)
std::ptrdiff_t j
static void project(MatrixSolver &OP, int n, int k, Scalar *vecs)

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:41:37