Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 import zlib
3 from flexbe_core.core.user_data import UserData
4 from flexbe_core.logger import Logger
5 from flexbe_core.state_logger import StateLogger
6 from flexbe_core.core.operatable_state import OperatableState
8 from flexbe_msgs.msg import Container, ContainerStructure, BehaviorSync, CommandFeedback
9 from std_msgs.msg import Empty, UInt8, Int32
11 from flexbe_core.core.preemptable_state_machine import PreemptableStateMachine
15  """
16  A state machine that can be operated.
17  It synchronizes its current state with the mirror and supports some control mechanisms.
18  """
20  autonomy_level = 3
22  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
23  super(OperatableStateMachine, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
24  self.id = None
25  self._autonomy = {}
26  self._inner_sync_request = False
27  self._last_exception = None
29  # construction
31  @staticmethod
32  def add(label, state, transitions, autonomy=None, remapping=None):
33  """
34  Add a state to the opened state machine.
36  @type label: string
37  @param label: The label of the state being added.
39  @param state: An instance of a class implementing the L{State} interface.
41  @param transitions: A dictionary mapping state outcomes to other state
42  labels or container outcomes.
44  @param autonomy: A dictionary mapping state outcomes to their required
45  autonomy level
47  @param remapping: A dictionary mapping local userdata keys to userdata
48  keys in the container.
49  """
50  self = OperatableStateMachine.get_opened_container()
51  PreemptableStateMachine.add(label, state, transitions, remapping)
52  self._autonomy[label] = autonomy
55  """
56  Creates a message to describe the structure of this state machine.
57  """
58  structure_msg = ContainerStructure()
59  container_msg = self._add_to_structure_msg(structure_msg)
60  container_msg.outcomes = self.outcomes
61  structure_msg.behavior_id = self.id
62  return structure_msg
64  def _add_to_structure_msg(self, structure_msg):
65  """
66  Adds this state machine and all children to the structure message.
68  @type structure_msg: ContainerStructure
69  @param structure_msg: The message that will finally contain the structure message.
70  """
71  # add self to message
72  container_msg = Container()
73  container_msg.path = self.path
74  container_msg.children = [state.name for state in self._states]
75  structure_msg.containers.append(container_msg)
76  # add children to message
77  for state in self._states:
78  # create and add children
79  if isinstance(state, OperatableStateMachine):
80  state_msg = state._add_to_structure_msg(structure_msg)
81  else:
82  state_msg = Container(path=state.path)
83  structure_msg.containers.append(state_msg)
84  # complete structure info for children
85  state_msg.outcomes = state.outcomes
86  state_msg.transitions = [self._transitions[state.name][outcome] for outcome in state.outcomes]
87  state_msg.autonomy = [self._autonomy[state.name][outcome] for outcome in state.outcomes]
88  return container_msg
90  # execution
93  # catch any exception and keep state active to let operator intervene
94  try:
95  outcome = super(OperatableStateMachine, self)._execute_current_state()
96  self._last_exception = None
97  except Exception as e:
98  outcome = None
99  self._last_exception = e
100  Logger.logerr('Failed to execute state %s:\n%s' % (self.current_state_label, str(e)))
101  # provide explicit sync as back-up functionality
102  # should be used only if there is no other choice
103  # since it requires additional 8 byte + header update bandwith and time to restart mirror
104  if self._inner_sync_request and self.get_deep_state() is not None:
105  self._inner_sync_request = False
106  if self.id is None:
107  self.parent._inner_sync_request = True
108  else:
109  msg = BehaviorSync()
110  msg.behavior_id = self.id
111  msg.current_state_checksum = zlib.adler32(self.get_deep_state().path.encode()) & 0x7fffffff
112  self._pub.publish('flexbe/mirror/sync', msg)
113  return outcome
115  def is_transition_allowed(self, label, outcome):
116  return self._autonomy[label].get(outcome, -1) < OperatableStateMachine.autonomy_level
118  def get_required_autonomy(self, outcome):
119  return self._autonomy[self.current_state_label][outcome]
121  def destroy(self):
122  self._notify_stop()
123  self._disable_ros_control()
124  self._sub.unsubscribe_topic('flexbe/command/autonomy')
125  self._sub.unsubscribe_topic('flexbe/command/sync')
126  self._sub.unsubscribe_topic('flexbe/command/attach')
127  self._sub.unsubscribe_topic('flexbe/request_mirror_structure')
128  StateLogger.shutdown()
130  def confirm(self, name, id):
131  """
132  Confirms the state machine and triggers the creation of the structural message.
133  It is mandatory to call this function at the top-level state machine
134  between building it and starting its execution.
136  @type name: string
137  @param name: The name of this state machine to identify it.
138  """
139  self.set_name(name)
140  self.id = id
142  # Update mirror with currently active state (high bandwidth mode)
143  self._pub.createPublisher('flexbe/mirror/sync', BehaviorSync)
144  # Sends the current structure to the mirror
145  self._pub.createPublisher('flexbe/mirror/structure', ContainerStructure)
146  # Gives feedback about executed commands to the GUI
147  self._pub.createPublisher('flexbe/command_feedback', CommandFeedback)
149  self._sub.subscribe('flexbe/command/autonomy', UInt8, self._set_autonomy_level)
150  self._sub.subscribe('flexbe/command/sync', Empty, self._sync_callback)
151  self._sub.subscribe('flexbe/command/attach', UInt8, self._attach_callback)
152  self._sub.subscribe('flexbe/request_mirror_structure', Int32, self._mirror_structure_callback)
154  StateLogger.initialize(name)
155  StateLogger.log('flexbe.initialize', None, behavior=name, autonomy=OperatableStateMachine.autonomy_level)
156  if OperatableStateMachine.autonomy_level != 255:
157  self._enable_ros_control()
159  self.wait(seconds=0.2) # no clean way to wait for publisher to be ready...
160  self._notify_start()
162  # operator callbacks
164  def _set_autonomy_level(self, msg):
165  """ Sets the current autonomy level. """
166  if OperatableStateMachine.autonomy_level != msg.data:
167  Logger.localinfo('--> Autonomy changed to %d' % msg.data)
168  if msg.data < 0:
169  self.preempt()
170  else:
171  OperatableStateMachine.autonomy_level = msg.data
172  self._pub.publish('flexbe/command_feedback', CommandFeedback(command="autonomy", args=[]))
174  def _sync_callback(self, msg):
175  Logger.localinfo("--> Synchronization requested...")
176  msg = BehaviorSync()
177  msg.behavior_id = self.id
178  # make sure we are already executing
179  self.wait(condition=lambda: self.get_deep_state() is not None)
180  msg.current_state_checksum = zlib.adler32(self.get_deep_state().path.encode()) & 0x7fffffff
181  self._pub.publish('flexbe/mirror/sync', msg)
182  self._pub.publish('flexbe/command_feedback', CommandFeedback(command="sync", args=[]))
183  Logger.localinfo("<-- Sent synchronization message for mirror.")
185  def _attach_callback(self, msg):
186  Logger.localinfo("--> Enabling control...")
187  # set autonomy level
188  OperatableStateMachine.autonomy_level = msg.data
189  # enable control of states
190  self._enable_ros_control()
191  self._inner_sync_request = True
192  # send command feedback
193  cfb = CommandFeedback(command="attach")
194  cfb.args.append(self.name)
195  self._pub.publish('flexbe/command_feedback', cfb)
196  Logger.localinfo("<-- Sent attach confirm.")
199  Logger.localinfo("--> Creating behavior structure for mirror...")
200  self._pub.publish('flexbe/mirror/structure', self._build_structure_msg())
201  Logger.localinfo("<-- Sent behavior structure for mirror.")
202  # enable control of states since a mirror is listening
203  self._enable_ros_control()
205  # handle state events
207  def _notify_start(self):
208  for state in self._states:
209  if isinstance(state, OperatableState):
210  state.on_start()
211  if isinstance(state, OperatableStateMachine):
212  state._notify_start()
214  def _notify_stop(self):
215  for state in self._states:
216  if isinstance(state, OperatableState):
217  state.on_stop()
218  if isinstance(state, OperatableStateMachine):
219  state._notify_stop()
220  if state._is_controlled:
221  state._disable_ros_control()
223  def on_exit(self, userdata):
224  if self._current_state is not None:
225  ud = UserData(reference=self.userdata, input_keys=self._current_state.input_keys,
226  output_keys=self._current_state.output_keys,
227  remap=self._remappings[self._current_state.name])
228  self._current_state._entering = True
229  self._current_state.on_exit(ud)
230  self._current_state = None
def add(label, state, transitions, autonomy=None, remapping=None)
def wait(self, seconds=None, condition=None)
def set_name(self, value)
Definition: state.py:52

Author(s): Philipp Schillinger
autogenerated on Sun Dec 13 2020 04:01:39