find_moving_objects Documentation



Defined Messages

Find Moving Objects Code API

A Node and Nodelet for Interpreting a LaserScan Data Stream

A Node and Nodelet for Interpreting a PointCloud2 Data Stream

A Confidence-Enhancing ROS Node

Example Bag File

There is a launch file that uses rosbag to play back a recording of the system when getting input from an Intel Realsense D435 depth camera (producing point clouds) and a Slamtec rplidar A2M8 (producing laser scans). Note that this bag file is compressed and must be extracted before the launch file can be used.

Example Launch File

There is a launch file that plays back the bag extracted bag file and runs the above interpreter node (for laser scans) and nodelet (for point clouds) to find moving objects. Rviz is used for visualization. The launch file can also be used for running a live system with the two given specific sensors.

Auxiliary Nodes Used when Playing Back the Example Bag

Author(s): Andreas Gustavsson
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 13:13:19