9 90.0,
"Maximum angular displacement between scans");
13 "Maximum translation between scans (m)");
17 "When we had enough");
21 "A threshold for stopping (m)");
25 "A threshold for stopping (rad)");
29 "dubious parameter (m)");
33 "Noise in the scan (m)");
37 "Use smart tricks for finding correspondences.");
41 "Restart: Restart if error is over threshold");
45 "Restart: Threshold for restarting. )");
49 "Restart: displacement for restarting. (m)");
53 "Restart: displacement for restarting. (rad)");
57 "Max distance for staying in the same clustering");
61 "Number of neighbour rays used to estimate the orientation.");
66 "If 0, it's vanilla ICP.");
70 "Discard correspondences based on the angles");
92 "If 1, computes the covariance of ICP using the method http://purl.org/censi/2006/icpcov .");
96 "Checks that find_correspondences_tricks gives the right answer.");
99 "GPM: Dimension of bins for finding first theta.");
101 "GPM: Area around maximum.");
102 options_int(ops,
"gpm_interval", &(p->
gpm_interval), 1,
"Interval of points to consider (1: all points, 2: every other point, etc.)");
112 "If 1, the field 'true_alpha' (or 'alpha') in the first scan is used to compute the incidence beta, and the factor (1/cos^2(beta)) used to weight the correspondence.");
115 "If 1, the field 'readings_sigma' in the second scan is used to weight the correspondence by 1/sigma^2");
int outliers_remove_doubles
double max_angular_correction_deg
int orientation_neighbourhood
void options_double(struct option *, const char *name, double *p, double def_value, const char *desc)
double clustering_threshold
double max_linear_correction
double outliers_adaptive_mult
double restart_threshold_mean_error
double max_correspondence_dist
void options_int(struct option *, const char *name, int *p, int def_value, const char *desc)
void hsm_add_options(struct option *ops, struct hsm_params *p)
double do_alpha_test_thresholdDeg
double gpm_theta_bin_size_deg
int do_compute_covariance
double gpm_extend_range_deg
double outliers_adaptive_order
int use_point_to_line_distance
void sm_options(struct sm_params *p, struct option *ops)