"" 176 bool DERIVATIVES =
false );
424 #endif // ACADO_TOOLKIT_LIFTED_IRK_FORWARD_EXPORT_HPP virtual returnValue getDataDeclarations(ExportStatementBlock &declarations, ExportStruct dataStruct=ACADO_ANY) const
ExportVariable rk_adj_diffs_tmp
ExportVariable rk_xxx_traj
ExportVariable rk_b_trans
Allows to export a tailored lifted implicit Runge-Kutta integrator with forward sensitivity generatio...
ForwardLiftedIRKExport(UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0, const std::string &_commonHeaderName="")
ExportVariable rk_Xhat_traj
virtual returnValue allSensitivitiesImplicitSystem(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &index3, const ExportIndex &tmp_index1, const ExportIndex &tmp_index2, const ExportIndex &tmp_index3, const ExportIndex &k_index, const ExportVariable &Bh, bool update)
virtual returnValue getFunctionDeclarations(ExportStatementBlock &declarations) const
virtual returnValue propagateOutputs(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index, const ExportIndex &index0, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &index3, const ExportIndex &tmp_index1, const ExportIndex &tmp_index2, const ExportIndex &tmp_index3, const ExportIndex &tmp_index4, const ExportVariable &tmp_meas)
Allows to export code of an ACADO function.
virtual returnValue solveImplicitSystem(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &index3, const ExportIndex &tmp_index, const ExportIndex &k_index, const ExportVariable &Ah, const ExportVariable &C, const ExportVariable &det, bool DERIVATIVES=false)
Allows to pass back messages to the calling function.
Block< Derived > block(Index startRow, Index startCol, Index blockRows, Index blockCols)
BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO typedef unsigned int uint
virtual ~ForwardLiftedIRKExport()
ExportVariable rk_xxx_lin
ExportVariable rk_diffK_local
virtual returnValue evaluateRhsSensitivities(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &index3, const ExportIndex &tmp_index1, const ExportIndex &tmp_index2)
virtual returnValue prepareInputSystem(ExportStatementBlock &code)
Defines a scalar-valued index variable to be used for exporting code.
virtual returnValue prepareOutputSystem(ExportStatementBlock &code)
virtual returnValue evaluateRhsImplicitSystem(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &k_index, const ExportIndex &stage)
Base class for all variables within the symbolic expressions family.
virtual returnValue sensitivitiesInputSystem(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportVariable &Bh, bool STATES)
ExportVariable getAuxVariable() const
ExportVariable rk_Khat_traj
Encapsulates all user interaction for setting options, logging data and plotting results.
virtual returnValue evaluateStatesImplicitSystem(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &k_index, const ExportVariable &Ah, const ExportVariable &C, const ExportIndex &stage, const ExportIndex &i, const ExportIndex &tmp_index)
ExportVariable rk_diffSweep
virtual returnValue evaluateAllStatesImplicitSystem(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &k_index, const ExportVariable &Ah, const ExportVariable &C, const ExportIndex &stage, const ExportIndex &i, const ExportIndex &tmp_index)
virtual returnValue evaluateRhsInexactSensitivities(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &index3, const ExportIndex &tmp_index1, const ExportIndex &tmp_index2, const ExportIndex &tmp_index3, const ExportIndex &k_index, const ExportVariable &Ah)
virtual returnValue updateImplicitSystem(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &tmp_index)
ExportVariable rk_stageValues
returnValue sensitivitiesOutputs(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index0, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &tmp_index1, const ExportIndex &tmp_index2, const ExportIndex &tmp_index3, const ExportVariable &tmp_meas, const ExportVariable &time_tmp, bool STATES, uint base)
ExportAcadoFunction adjoint_sweep
Allows to export a tailored implicit Runge-Kutta integrator with forward sensitivity generation for f...
virtual returnValue setDifferentialEquation(const Expression &rhs)
virtual returnValue setup()
ExportAcadoFunction forward_sweep
virtual returnValue evaluateInexactMatrix(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &tmp_index, const ExportIndex &k_index, const ExportVariable &_rk_A, const ExportVariable &Ah, const ExportVariable &C, bool evaluateB, bool DERIVATIVES)
ExportVariable rk_adj_traj
Allows to export code for a block of statements.
virtual returnValue sensitivitiesOutputSystem(ExportStatementBlock *block, const ExportIndex &index1, const ExportIndex &index2, const ExportIndex &index3, const ExportIndex &index4, const ExportIndex &tmp_index1, const ExportIndex &tmp_index2, const ExportVariable &Ah, const ExportVariable &Bh, bool STATES, uint number)
ForwardLiftedIRKExport & operator=(const ForwardLiftedIRKExport &arg)
Defines a matrix-valued variable to be used for exporting code.
virtual returnValue getCode(ExportStatementBlock &code)