Control Member List

This is the complete list of members for Control, including all inherited members.

ADbackward(const Expression &arg) const Expression
ADbackward(const Expression &arg, const Expression &seed) const Expression
add(const Expression &arg) const Expressionprotected
ADforward(const Expression &arg) const Expression
ADforward(const VariableType &varType_, const int *arg, int nV) const Expression
ADforward(const Expression &arg, const Expression &seed) const Expression
ADforward(const VariableType &varType_, const int *arg, const Expression &seed) const Expression
ADforward(const VariableType *varType_, const int *arg, const Expression &seed) const Expression
ADsymmetric(const Expression &arg, const Expression &S, const Expression &l, Expression *dfS=0, Expression *ldf=0) const Expression
ADsymmetric(const Expression &arg, const Expression &l, Expression *dfS=0, Expression *ldf=0) const Expression
appendCols(const Expression &arg)Expression
appendRows(const Expression &arg)Expression
assignmentSetup(const Expression &arg)Expressionprotected
Base typedefControlprivate
clearStaticCounters()ExpressionType< Control, VT_CONTROL >inline
clone() constExpressionType< Control, VT_CONTROL >inlinevirtual
construct(VariableType variableType_, uint globalTypeID_, uint nRows_, uint nCols_, const std::string &name_)Expressionprotected
Control(const std::string &_name, unsigned _nRows, unsigned _nCols)Controlinline
copy(const Expression &rhs)Expressionprotected
div(const Expression &arg) const Expressionprotected
Expression(const Operator &tree_)Expression
Expression(const std::string &name_)Expressionexplicit
Expression(const std::string &name_, uint nRows_, uint nCols_, VariableType variableType_=VT_UNKNOWN, uint globalTypeID=0)Expressionexplicit
Expression(int nRows_, int nCols_=1, VariableType variableType_=VT_UNKNOWN, int globalTypeID=0)Expressionexplicit
Expression(uint nRows_, uint nCols_=1, VariableType variableType_=VT_UNKNOWN, uint globalTypeID=0)Expressionexplicit
Expression(const double &rhs)Expression
Expression(const DVector &rhs)Expression
Expression(const DMatrix &rhs)Expression
Expression(const Expression &rhs)Expression
ExpressionType()ExpressionType< Control, VT_CONTROL >inline
ExpressionType(const std::string &_name, unsigned _nRows, unsigned _nCols)ExpressionType< Control, VT_CONTROL >inline
ExpressionType(const Expression &_expression, unsigned _componentIdx=0)ExpressionType< Control, VT_CONTROL >inline
ExpressionType(const double &_arg)ExpressionType< Control, VT_CONTROL >inline
ExpressionType(const DVector &_arg)ExpressionType< Control, VT_CONTROL >inline
ExpressionType(const DMatrix &_arg)ExpressionType< Control, VT_CONTROL >inline
ExpressionType(const Operator &_arg)ExpressionType< Control, VT_CONTROL >inline
getAcos() const Expression
getAsin() const Expression
getAtan() const Expression
getCol(const uint &colIdx) const Expression
getCols(const uint &colIdx1, const uint &colIdx2) const Expression
getComponent(const unsigned int idx) const Expressioninline
getCos() const Expression
getDependencyPattern(const Expression &arg) const Expression
getDim() const Expressioninline
getDot() const Expression
getEntropy() const Expression
getEuclideanNorm() const Expression
getExp() const Expression
getInverse() const Expression
getLn() const Expression
getLogSumExp() const Expression
getNext() const Expression
getNumCols() const Expressioninline
getNumRows() const Expressioninline
getODEexpansion(const int &order, const int *arg) const Expression
getOperatorClone(uint idx) const Expression
getPow(const Expression &arg) const Expression
getPowInt(const int &arg) const Expression
getRow(const uint &rowIdx) const Expression
getRows(const uint &rowIdx1, const uint &rowIdx2) const Expression
getSin() const Expression
getSparsityPattern() const Expression
getSqrt() const Expression
getSubMatrix(const uint &rowIdx1, const uint &rowIdx2, const uint &colIdx1, const uint &colIdx2) const Expression
getSumSquare() const Expression
getTan() const Expression
getVariableType() const Expressioninline
isDependingOn(VariableType type) const Expression
isDependingOn(const Expression &e) const Expression
isVariable() const Expressioninline
mul(const Expression &arg) const Expressionprotected
operator()(uint idx) const Expression
operator()(uint rowIdx, uint colIdx) const Expression
operator()(uint idx)Expression
operator()(uint rowIdx, uint colIdx)Expression
operator*=(const Expression &arg)Expression
operator+=(const Expression &arg)Expression
operator-() const Expression
operator-=(const Expression &arg)Expression
operator/=(const Expression &arg)Expression
operator<<(const Expression &arg)Expression
operator=(const Expression &arg)Expression
print(std::ostream &stream) const Expression
product(const Operator *a, const Operator *b) const Expressionprotected
sub(const Expression &arg) const Expressionprotected
substitute(int idx, const Expression &arg) const Expression
transpose() const Expression
~ExpressionType()ExpressionType< Control, VT_CONTROL >inlinevirtual

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:22