34 #ifndef ACADO_TOOLKIT_ACADO_CSPARSE_HPP 35 #define ACADO_TOOLKIT_ACADO_CSPARSE_HPP 107 const int *colIdx_ );
Allows to pass back messages to the calling function.
virtual returnValue setMatrix(double *A_)
virtual returnValue setPrintLevel(PrintLevel printLevel_)
virtual returnValue setIndices(const int *rowIdx_, const int *colIdx_)
virtual ACADOcsparse * clone() const
virtual returnValue setNumberOfEntries(const int &nDense_)
virtual returnValue getX(double *x_)
Generic interface for sparse solvers to be coupled with ACADO Toolkit.
virtual returnValue setDimension(const int &n)
virtual returnValue setTolerance(double TOL_)
virtual returnValue solve(double *b)
virtual returnValue solveTranspose(double *b)