Program Listing for File levmarq.h

Return to documentation for file (include/aruco/levmarq.h)

#ifndef ARUCO_MM__LevMarq_H
#define ARUCO_MM__LevMarq_H
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Cholesky>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
namespace aruco
// Levenberg-Marquardt method for general problems Inspired in
//    author       = "K. Madsen and H. B. Nielsen and O. Tingleff",
//    title        = "Methods for Non-Linear Least Squares Problems (2nd ed.)",
//    year         = "2004",
//    pages        = "60",
//    publisher    = "Informatics and Mathematical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark, {DTU}",
//    address      = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby",
//    url          = "!/nonlinear_least_squares.pdf"
template <typename T>
class LevMarq
  typedef Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> eVector;
  typedef std::function<void(const eVector &, eVector &)> F_z_x;
  typedef std::function<void(const eVector &, Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> &)> F_z_J;
  LevMarq(int maxIters, double minError, double min_step_error_diff = 0, double tau = 1,
          double der_epsilon = 1e-3);

  void setParams(int maxIters, double minError, double min_step_error_diff = 0,
                 double tau = 1, double der_epsilon = 1e-3);

  double solve(eVector &z, F_z_x, F_z_J);

  void init(eVector &z, F_z_x);
  bool step(F_z_x f_z_x, F_z_J f_z_J);
  bool step(F_z_x f_z_x);
  double getCurrentSolution(eVector &z);
  double getBestSolution(eVector &z);

  double solve(eVector &z, F_z_x);
  // to enable verbose mode
  bool &verbose()
    return _verbose;

  // sets a callback func call at each step
  void setStepCallBackFunc(std::function<void(const eVector &)> callback)
    _step_callback = callback;
  // sets a function that indicates when the algorithm must be stop. returns true if must stop and false otherwise
  void setStopFunction(std::function<bool(const eVector &)> stop_function)
    _stopFunction = stop_function;

  void calcDerivates(const eVector &z, Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> &, F_z_x);

  int _maxIters;
  double _minErrorAllowed, _der_epsilon, _tau, _min_step_error_diff;
  bool _verbose;
  eVector curr_z, x64;
  double currErr, prevErr, minErr;
  Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> I, J;
  double mu, v;
  std::function<void(const eVector &)> _step_callback;
  std::function<bool(const eVector &)> _stopFunction;

template <typename T>
  _maxIters = 1000;
  _minErrorAllowed = 0;
  _der_epsilon = 1e-3;
  _verbose = false;
  _tau = 1;
  v = 5;
  _min_step_error_diff = 0;
template <typename T>
LevMarq<T>::LevMarq(int maxIters, double minError, double min_step_error_diff, double tau,
                    double der_epsilon)
  _maxIters = maxIters;
  _minErrorAllowed = minError;
  _der_epsilon = der_epsilon;
  _verbose = false;
  _tau = tau;
  v = 5;
  _min_step_error_diff = min_step_error_diff;

template <typename T>
void LevMarq<T>::setParams(int maxIters, double minError, double min_step_error_diff,
                           double tau, double der_epsilon)
  _maxIters = maxIters;
  _minErrorAllowed = minError;
  _der_epsilon = der_epsilon;
  _tau = tau;
  _min_step_error_diff = min_step_error_diff;

template <typename T>
void LevMarq<T>::calcDerivates(const eVector &z,
                               Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> &j, F_z_x f_z_x)
  for (int i = 0; i < z.rows(); i++)
    eVector zp(z), zm(z);
    zp(i) += _der_epsilon;
    zm(i) -= _der_epsilon;
    eVector xp, xm;
    f_z_x(zp, xp);
    f_z_x(zm, xm);
    eVector dif = (xp - xm) / (2.f * _der_epsilon);
    j.middleCols(i, 1) = dif;

template <typename T>
double LevMarq<T>::solve(eVector &z, F_z_x f_z_x)
  return solve(z, f_z_x,
               std::bind(&LevMarq::calcDerivates, this, std::placeholders::_1,
                         std::placeholders::_2, f_z_x));
template <typename T>
bool LevMarq<T>::step(F_z_x f_z_x)
  return step(f_z_x, std::bind(&LevMarq::calcDerivates, this, std::placeholders::_1,
                               std::placeholders::_2, f_z_x));

template <typename T>
void LevMarq<T>::init(eVector &z, F_z_x f_z_x)
  curr_z = z;
  I.resize(z.rows(), z.rows());
  f_z_x(curr_z, x64);
  minErr = currErr = prevErr = x64.cwiseProduct(x64).sum();
  J.resize(x64.rows(), z.rows());
  mu = -1;

#define splm_get_time(a, b)                                                              \
  std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<double>>(a - b).count()

template <typename T>
bool LevMarq<T>::step(F_z_x f_z_x, F_z_J f_J)
  f_J(curr_z, J);
  Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> Jt = J.transpose();
  Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> JtJ = (Jt * J);

  eVector B = -Jt * x64;
  if (mu < 0)
  {  // first time only
    int max = 0;
    for (int j = 1; j < JtJ.cols(); j++)
      if (JtJ(j, j) > JtJ(max, max))
        max = j;
    mu = JtJ(max, max) * _tau;

  double gain = 0, prev_mu = 0;
  int ntries = 0;
  bool isStepAccepted = false;
    // add/update dumping factor to JtJ.
    // very efficient in any case, but particularly if initial dump does not produce improvement and must reenter
    for (int j = 0; j < JtJ.cols(); j++)
      JtJ(j, j) += mu - prev_mu;  // update mu
    prev_mu = mu;
    eVector delta = JtJ.ldlt().solve(B);
    eVector estimated_z = curr_z + delta;
    // compute error
    f_z_x(estimated_z, x64);
    auto err = x64.cwiseProduct(x64).sum();
    auto L = 0.5 * delta.transpose() * ((mu * delta) - B);
    gain = (err - prevErr) / L(0, 0);
    // get gain
    if (gain > 0)
      mu = mu * std::max(double(0.33), 1. - pow(2 * gain - 1, 3));
      v = 5.f;
      currErr = err;
      curr_z = estimated_z;
      isStepAccepted = true;
      mu = mu * v;
      v = v * 5;

  } while (gain <= 0 && ntries++ < 5);

  if (_verbose)
    std::cout << std::setprecision(5) << "Curr Error=" << currErr
              << " AErr(prev-curr)=" << prevErr - currErr << " gain=" << gain
              << " dumping factor=" << mu << std::endl;
  //    //check if we must move to the new position or exit
  if (currErr < prevErr)
    std::swap(currErr, prevErr);

  return isStepAccepted;

template <typename T>
double LevMarq<T>::getCurrentSolution(eVector &z)
  z = curr_z;
  return currErr;
template <typename T>
double LevMarq<T>::solve(eVector &z, F_z_x f_z_x, F_z_J f_J)
  init(z, f_z_x);

  if (_stopFunction)
      step(f_z_x, f_J);
      if (_step_callback)
    } while (!_stopFunction(curr_z));
    // intial error estimation
    int mustExit = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < _maxIters && !mustExit; i++)
      if (_verbose)
        std::cerr << "iteration " << i << "/" << _maxIters << "  ";
      bool isStepAccepted = step(f_z_x, f_J);
      // check if we must exit
      if (currErr < _minErrorAllowed)
        mustExit = 1;
      if (fabs(prevErr - currErr) <= _min_step_error_diff || !isStepAccepted)
        mustExit = 2;
      // exit if error increment
      if (currErr < prevErr)
        mustExit = 3;
      //            if (  (prevErr-currErr)  < 1e-5 )  mustExit=true;
      if (_step_callback)

    //        std::cout<<"Exit code="<<mustExit<<std::endl;
  z = curr_z;
  return currErr;

}  // namespace aruco
