Struct L2
Defined in File picoflann.h
Struct Documentation
struct L2
The KdTreeIndex class is the simplest an minimal method to use kdtrees. You only must define an adapter, that tells the class how to access the i-th dimension of your element. Here are two examples showing how easy it is:
You can use any container providing the methods size() ant at(). You must create the adapter that must implement the method : T operator( )(const E &elem, int dim)const; T=float or double, E is your element type
You can easily save/read the index to/from an stream using toStream() and fromStream(). Please notice that the data of the container is not copied in the KdTreeIndex so you must be sure it is available when doing the searchs
See examples below
#include <random> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include “picoflann.h” void example1(){ Data type struct Point2f{ Point2f(float X,float Y) { x=X;y=Y; } float x,y; };
Adapter. Given an Point2f element, it returns the element of the dimension specified such that dim=0 is x and dim=1 is y struct PicoFlann_Point2fAdapter{ inline float operator(
)(const Point2f &elem, int dim)const { return dim==0?elem.x:elem.y; } };
create the points randomly std::default_random_engine generator; std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(-1000.0,1000.0); std::vector<Point2f> data; for(size_t i=0;i<1000;i++) data.push_back( Point2f ( distribution(generator),distribution(generator))); /———————————————————— / Create the kdtree picoflann::KdTreeIndex<2,PicoFlann_Point2fAdapter> kdtree;//2 is the number of dimensions; search 10 nearest neibors to point (0,0) std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t,double> > res=kdtree.searchKnn(data,Point2f(0,0),10);
radius search in a radius of 30 (the resulting distances are squared) res=kdtree.radiusSearch(data,Point2f(0,0),30); another version kdtree.radiusSearch(res,data,Point2f(0,0),30);
you can save to a file std::ofstream file_out(“out.bin”,std::ios::binary); kdtree.toStream(file_out);
recover from the file picoflann::KdTreeIndex<2,PicoFlann_Point2fAdapter> kdtree2; std::ifstream file_in(“out.bin”,std::ios::binary); kdtree2.fromStream(file_in); res=kdtree2.radiusSearch(data,Point2f(0,0),30);
Using an array of 3d points void example2(){
struct Point3f{ Point3f(float X,float Y,float Z) { data[0]=X;data[1]=Y;data[2]=Z; } float data[3]; }; struct PicoFlann_Array3f_Adapter{ inline float operator( )(const Point3f &elem, int dim)const{ return[dim]; } }; struct PicoFlann_Array3f_Container{ const Point3f *_array; size_t _size; PicoFlann_Array3f_Container(float <em>array,size_t
Size):_array((Point3f)array),_size(Size){} inline size_t size()const{return _size;} inline const Point3f &at(int idx)const{ return _array [idx];} }; std::default_random_engine generator; std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(-1000.0,1000.0);
int nPoints=1000; float *array=new float[nPoints*3]; for(size_t i=0;i<1000*3;i++) array[i]= distribution(generator);
/———————————————————— picoflann::KdTreeIndex<3,PicoFlann_Array3f_Adapter> kdtree;// 3 is the number of dimensions, L2
is the type of distance
PicoFlann_Array3f_Container(array,nPoints)); PicoFlann_Array3f_Container p3container(array,nPoints); std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t,double> > res=kdtree.searchKnn(p3container,Point3f(0,0,0),10); res=kdtree.radiusSearch(p3container,Point3f(0,0,0),30); }
Public Functions
template<typename ElementType, typename ElementType2, typename Adapter>
inline double compute_distance(const ElementType &elema, const ElementType2 &elemb, const Adapter &adapter, int ndims, double worstDist) const
template<typename ElementType, typename ElementType2, typename Adapter>