Class Segment

Class Documentation

class Segment

Represents a line fit to a set of pixels whose gradients are similiar.

Public Functions

inline const cv::Point2f &p0() const
inline void set_p0(const cv::Point2f &p0)
inline const cv::Point2f &p1() const
inline void set_p1(const cv::Point2f &p1)
inline float x0() const
inline void set_x0(float x0)
inline float y0() const
inline void set_y0(float y0)
inline float x1() const
inline void set_x1(float x1)
inline float y1() const
inline void set_y1(float y1)
inline float theta() const
inline void set_theta(float theta)
inline float length() const
inline void set_length(float length)
inline int id() const

Public Members

std::vector<Segment*> children

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr int kMinSegmentPixels = 40

minimumSegmentSize Minimum number of pixels in a segment before we’ll fit a line to it

static constexpr float kMinLineLength = 24

minimumLineLength Calculated based on minimum plausible decoding size for Tag9 family