Classes | |
class | BaseRobotFootprintModel |
Abstract class that defines the interface for robot footprint/contour models. More... | |
class | CircularRobotFootprint |
Class that defines the a robot of circular shape. More... | |
class | EdgeAcceleration |
Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration. More... | |
class | EdgeAccelerationGoal |
Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the end of the trajectory. More... | |
class | EdgeAccelerationStart |
Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the beginning of the trajectory. More... | |
class | EdgeDynamicObstacle |
Edge defining the cost function for keeping a distance from dynamic (moving) obstacles. More... | |
class | EdgeInflatedObstacle |
Edge defining the cost function for keeping a minimum distance from inflated obstacles. More... | |
class | EdgeKinematicsCarlike |
Edge defining the cost function for satisfying the non-holonomic kinematics of a carlike mobile robot. More... | |
class | EdgeKinematicsDiffDrive |
Edge defining the cost function for satisfying the non-holonomic kinematics of a differential drive mobile robot. More... | |
class | EdgeObstacle |
Edge defining the cost function for keeping a minimum distance from obstacles. More... | |
class | EdgeTimeOptimal |
Edge defining the cost function for minimizing transition time of the trajectory. More... | |
class | EdgeVelocity |
Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational velocity. More... | |
class | EdgeViaPoint |
Edge defining the cost function for pushing a configuration towards a via point. More... | |
struct | HcGraphVertex |
Vertex in the graph that is used to find homotopy classes (only stores 2D positions) More... | |
class | HomotopyClassPlanner |
Local planner that explores alternative homotopy classes, create a plan for each alternative and finally return the robot controls for the current best path (repeated in each sampling interval) More... | |
class | LineObstacle |
Implements a 2D line obstacle. More... | |
class | LineRobotFootprint |
Class that approximates the robot with line segment (zero-width) More... | |
class | Obstacle |
Abstract class that defines the interface for modelling obstacles. More... | |
class | PlannerInterface |
This abstract class defines an interface for local planners. More... | |
class | PointObstacle |
Implements a 2D point obstacle. More... | |
class | PointRobotFootprint |
class | PolygonObstacle |
Implements a polygon obstacle with an arbitrary number of vertices. More... | |
class | PolygonRobotFootprint |
Class that approximates the robot with a closed polygon. More... | |
class | PoseSE2 |
This class implements a pose in the domain SE2: The pose consist of the position x and y and an orientation given as angle theta [-pi, pi]. More... | |
class | TebConfig |
Config class for the teb_local_planner and its components. More... | |
class | TebLocalPlannerROS |
Implements the actual abstract navigation stack routines of the teb_local_planner plugin. More... | |
class | TebOptimalPlanner |
This class optimizes an internal Timed Elastic Band trajectory using the g2o-framework. More... | |
class | TebVisualization |
Forward Declaration. More... | |
class | TimedElasticBand |
Class that defines a trajectory modeled as an elastic band with augmented tempoarl information. More... | |
class | TwoCirclesRobotFootprint |
Class that approximates the robot with two shifted circles. More... | |
class | VertexPose |
This class stores and wraps a SE2 pose (position and orientation) into a vertex that can be optimized via g2o. More... | |
class | VertexTimeDiff |
This class stores and wraps a time difference into a vertex that can be optimized via g2o. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef boost::adjacency_list < boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS, HcGraphVertex, boost::no_property > | HcGraph |
Abbrev. for the homotopy class search-graph type. | |
typedef boost::graph_traits < HcGraph > ::adjacency_iterator | HcGraphAdjecencyIterator |
Abbrev. for the adjacency iterator that iterates vertices that are adjecent to the specified one. | |
typedef boost::graph_traits < HcGraph >::edge_iterator | HcGraphEdgeIterator |
Abbrev. for the edges iterator of the homotopy class search-graph. | |
typedef boost::graph_traits < HcGraph >::edge_descriptor | HcGraphEdgeType |
Abbrev. for edge type descriptors in the homotopy class search-graph. | |
typedef boost::graph_traits < HcGraph >::vertex_iterator | HcGraphVertexIterator |
Abbrev. for the vertices iterator of the homotopy class search-graph. | |
typedef boost::graph_traits < HcGraph >::vertex_descriptor | HcGraphVertexType |
Abbrev. for vertex type descriptors in the homotopy class search-graph. | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < HomotopyClassPlanner > | HomotopyClassPlannerPtr |
Abbrev. for a shared pointer of a HomotopyClassPlanner instance. | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < const Obstacle > | ObstacleConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle const pointers. | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < Obstacle > | ObstaclePtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle pointers. | |
typedef std::vector< ObstaclePtr > | ObstContainer |
Abbrev. for containers storing multiple obstacles. | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < PlannerInterface > | PlannerInterfacePtr |
Abbrev. for shared instances of PlannerInterface or it's subclasses. | |
typedef std::vector < Eigen::Vector2d, Eigen::aligned_allocator < Eigen::Vector2d > > | Point2dContainer |
Abbrev. for a container storing 2d points. | |
typedef std::vector< VertexPose * > | PoseSequence |
Container of poses that represent the spatial part of the trajectory. | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < const BaseRobotFootprintModel > | RobotFootprintModelConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle const pointers. | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < BaseRobotFootprintModel > | RobotFootprintModelPtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle pointers. | |
typedef g2o::BlockSolver < g2o::BlockSolverTraits<-1,-1 > > | TEBBlockSolver |
Typedef for the block solver utilized for optimization. | |
typedef g2o::LinearSolverCSparse < TEBBlockSolver::PoseMatrixType > | TEBLinearSolver |
Typedef for the linear solver utilized for optimization. | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < const TebOptimalPlanner > | TebOptimalPlannerConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared const TebOptimalPlanner pointers. | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < TebOptimalPlanner > | TebOptimalPlannerPtr |
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebOptimalPlanner. | |
typedef std::vector < TebOptimalPlannerPtr > | TebOptPlannerContainer |
Abbrev. for containers storing multiple teb optimal planners. | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < const TebVisualization > | TebVisualizationConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebVisualization (read-only) | |
typedef boost::shared_ptr < TebVisualization > | TebVisualizationPtr |
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebVisualization. | |
typedef std::vector < VertexTimeDiff * > | TimeDiffSequence |
Container of time differences that define the temporal of the trajectory. | |
typedef std::vector < Eigen::Vector2d, Eigen::aligned_allocator < Eigen::Vector2d > > | ViaPointContainer |
Typedef for a container storing via-points. | |
Functions | |
double | average_angles (const std::vector< double > &angles) |
Return the average angle of an arbitrary number of given angles [rad]. | |
template<typename VectorType > | |
double | calc_closest_point_to_approach_distance (const VectorType &x1, const VectorType &vel1, const VectorType &x2, const VectorType &vel2, double bound_cpa_time=0) |
template<typename VectorType > | |
double | calc_closest_point_to_approach_time (const VectorType &x1, const VectorType &vel1, const VectorType &x2, const VectorType &vel2) |
double | calc_distance_line_to_line_3d (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &x1, Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &u, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &x2, Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &v) |
template<typename VectorType > | |
double | calc_distance_point_to_line (const VectorType &point, const VectorType &line_base, const VectorType &line_dir) |
template<typename VectorType > | |
double | calc_distance_point_to_segment (const VectorType &point, const VectorType &line_start, const VectorType &line_end) |
double | calc_distance_segment_to_segment3D (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &line1_start, Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &line1_end, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &line2_start, Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > &line2_end) |
bool | check_line_segments_intersection_2d (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line1_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line1_end, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line2_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line2_end, Eigen::Vector2d *intersection=NULL) |
Helper function to check whether two line segments intersects. | |
Eigen::Vector2d | closest_point_on_line_segment_2d (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &point, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line_end) |
Helper function to obtain the closest point on a line segment w.r.t. a reference point. | |
bool | compareH (std::pair< TebOptPlannerContainer::iterator, std::complex< long double > > i, std::complex< long double > j) |
Small helper function to check whether two h-signatures are assumed to be equal. | |
double | distance_point_to_polygon_2d (const Eigen::Vector2d &point, const Point2dContainer &vertices) |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between a point and a closed polygon. | |
double | distance_point_to_segment_2d (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &point, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line_end) |
Helper function to calculate the distance between a line segment and a point. | |
template<typename P1 , typename P2 > | |
double | distance_points2d (const P1 &point1, const P2 &point2) |
Calculate Euclidean distance between two 2D point datatypes. | |
double | distance_polygon_to_polygon_2d (const Point2dContainer &vertices1, const Point2dContainer &vertices2) |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between two closed polygons. | |
double | distance_segment_to_polygon_2d (const Eigen::Vector2d &line_start, const Eigen::Vector2d &line_end, const Point2dContainer &vertices) |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between a line segment and a closed polygon. | |
double | distance_segment_to_segment_2d (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line1_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line1_end, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line2_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &line2_end) |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between two line segments. | |
double | fast_sigmoid (double x) |
Calculate a fast approximation of a sigmoid function. | |
template<typename T > | |
const T & | get_const_reference (const T *ptr) |
Helper function that returns the const reference to a value defined by either its raw pointer type or const reference. | |
template<typename T > | |
const T & | get_const_reference (const T &val, typename boost::disable_if< boost::is_pointer< T > >::type *dummy=0) |
Helper function that returns the const reference to a value defined by either its raw pointer type or const reference. | |
std::complex< long double > | getCplxFromHcGraph (HcGraphVertexType vert_descriptor, const HcGraph &graph) |
Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with HCP graph vertex descriptors. | |
std::complex< long double > | getCplxFromMsgPoseStamped (const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose) |
Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with geometry_msgs::PoseStamped. | |
std::complex< long double > | getCplxFromVertexPosePtr (const VertexPose *pose) |
< Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with VertexPose pointers | |
const Eigen::Vector2d & | getVector2dFromHcGraph (HcGraphVertexType vert_descriptor, const HcGraph &graph) |
Inline function used for initializing the TEB in combination with HCP graph vertex descriptors. | |
bool | is_close (double a, double b, double epsilon=1e-4) |
Check whether two variables (double) are close to each other. | |
double | penaltyBoundFromBelow (const double &var, const double &a, const double &epsilon) |
Linear penalty function for bounding var from below: . | |
double | penaltyBoundFromBelowDerivative (const double &var, const double &a, const double &epsilon) |
Derivative of the linear penalty function for bounding var from below: . | |
double | penaltyBoundToInterval (const double &var, const double &a, const double &epsilon) |
Linear penalty function for bounding var to the interval . | |
double | penaltyBoundToInterval (const double &var, const double &a, const double &b, const double &epsilon) |
Linear penalty function for bounding var to the interval . | |
double | penaltyBoundToIntervalDerivative (const double &var, const double &a, const double &epsilon) |
Derivative of the linear penalty function for bounding var to the interval . | |
double | penaltyBoundToIntervalDerivative (const double &var, const double &a, const double &b, const double &epsilon) |
Derivative of the linear penalty function for bounding var to the interval . | |
bool | smaller_than_abs (double i, double j) |
Small helper function: check if |a|<|b|. |
typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS, HcGraphVertex, boost::no_property > teb_local_planner::HcGraph |
Abbrev. for the homotopy class search-graph type.
Definition at line 94 of file homotopy_class_planner.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<HcGraph>::adjacency_iterator teb_local_planner::HcGraphAdjecencyIterator |
Abbrev. for the adjacency iterator that iterates vertices that are adjecent to the specified one.
Definition at line 104 of file homotopy_class_planner.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<HcGraph>::edge_iterator teb_local_planner::HcGraphEdgeIterator |
Abbrev. for the edges iterator of the homotopy class search-graph.
Definition at line 102 of file homotopy_class_planner.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<HcGraph>::edge_descriptor teb_local_planner::HcGraphEdgeType |
Abbrev. for edge type descriptors in the homotopy class search-graph.
Definition at line 98 of file homotopy_class_planner.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<HcGraph>::vertex_iterator teb_local_planner::HcGraphVertexIterator |
Abbrev. for the vertices iterator of the homotopy class search-graph.
Definition at line 100 of file homotopy_class_planner.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<HcGraph>::vertex_descriptor teb_local_planner::HcGraphVertexType |
Abbrev. for vertex type descriptors in the homotopy class search-graph.
Definition at line 96 of file homotopy_class_planner.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<HomotopyClassPlanner> teb_local_planner::HomotopyClassPlannerPtr |
Abbrev. for a shared pointer of a HomotopyClassPlanner instance.
Definition at line 574 of file homotopy_class_planner.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Obstacle> teb_local_planner::ObstacleConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle const pointers.
Definition at line 205 of file obstacles.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Obstacle> teb_local_planner::ObstaclePtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle pointers.
Definition at line 203 of file obstacles.h.
typedef std::vector<ObstaclePtr> teb_local_planner::ObstContainer |
Abbrev. for containers storing multiple obstacles.
Definition at line 207 of file obstacles.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<PlannerInterface> teb_local_planner::PlannerInterfacePtr |
Abbrev. for shared instances of PlannerInterface or it's subclasses.
Definition at line 194 of file planner_interface.h.
typedef std::vector< Eigen::Vector2d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector2d> > teb_local_planner::Point2dContainer |
Abbrev. for a container storing 2d points.
Definition at line 50 of file distance_calculations.h.
typedef std::vector<VertexPose*> teb_local_planner::PoseSequence |
Container of poses that represent the spatial part of the trajectory.
Definition at line 63 of file timed_elastic_band.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<const BaseRobotFootprintModel> teb_local_planner::RobotFootprintModelConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle const pointers.
Definition at line 105 of file robot_footprint_model.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<BaseRobotFootprintModel> teb_local_planner::RobotFootprintModelPtr |
Abbrev. for shared obstacle pointers.
Definition at line 103 of file robot_footprint_model.h.
typedef g2o::BlockSolver< g2o::BlockSolverTraits<-1, -1> > teb_local_planner::TEBBlockSolver |
Typedef for the block solver utilized for optimization.
Definition at line 84 of file optimal_planner.h.
typedef g2o::LinearSolverCSparse<TEBBlockSolver::PoseMatrixType> teb_local_planner::TEBLinearSolver |
Typedef for the linear solver utilized for optimization.
Definition at line 87 of file optimal_planner.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<const TebOptimalPlanner> teb_local_planner::TebOptimalPlannerConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared const TebOptimalPlanner pointers.
Definition at line 683 of file optimal_planner.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<TebOptimalPlanner> teb_local_planner::TebOptimalPlannerPtr |
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebOptimalPlanner.
Definition at line 681 of file optimal_planner.h.
typedef std::vector< TebOptimalPlannerPtr > teb_local_planner::TebOptPlannerContainer |
Abbrev. for containers storing multiple teb optimal planners.
Definition at line 685 of file optimal_planner.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<const TebVisualization> teb_local_planner::TebVisualizationConstPtr |
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebVisualization (read-only)
Definition at line 251 of file visualization.h.
typedef boost::shared_ptr<TebVisualization> teb_local_planner::TebVisualizationPtr |
Abbrev. for shared instances of the TebVisualization.
Definition at line 248 of file visualization.h.
typedef std::vector<VertexTimeDiff*> teb_local_planner::TimeDiffSequence |
Container of time differences that define the temporal of the trajectory.
Definition at line 65 of file timed_elastic_band.h.
typedef std::vector< Eigen::Vector2d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector2d> > teb_local_planner::ViaPointContainer |
Typedef for a container storing via-points.
Definition at line 91 of file optimal_planner.h.
double teb_local_planner::average_angles | ( | const std::vector< double > & | angles | ) | [inline] |
double teb_local_planner::calc_closest_point_to_approach_distance | ( | const VectorType & | x1, |
const VectorType & | vel1, | ||
const VectorType & | x2, | ||
const VectorType & | vel2, | ||
double | bound_cpa_time = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 408 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::calc_closest_point_to_approach_time | ( | const VectorType & | x1, |
const VectorType & | vel1, | ||
const VectorType & | x2, | ||
const VectorType & | vel2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 393 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::calc_distance_line_to_line_3d | ( | const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > & | x1, |
Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > & | u, | ||
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > & | x2, | ||
Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > & | v | ||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 278 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::calc_distance_point_to_line | ( | const VectorType & | point, |
const VectorType & | line_base, | ||
const VectorType & | line_dir | ||
) |
Definition at line 424 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::calc_distance_point_to_segment | ( | const VectorType & | point, |
const VectorType & | line_start, | ||
const VectorType & | line_end | ||
) |
Definition at line 442 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::calc_distance_segment_to_segment3D | ( | const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > & | line1_start, |
Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > & | line1_end, | ||
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > & | line2_start, | ||
Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector3d > & | line2_end | ||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 310 of file distance_calculations.h.
bool teb_local_planner::check_line_segments_intersection_2d | ( | const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | line1_start, |
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | line1_end, | ||
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | line2_start, | ||
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | line2_end, | ||
Eigen::Vector2d * | intersection = NULL |
) | [inline] |
Helper function to check whether two line segments intersects.
line1_start | 2D point representing the start of the first line segment | |
line1_end | 2D point representing the end of the first line segment | |
line2_start | 2D point representing the start of the second line segment | |
line2_end | 2D point representing the end of the second line segment | |
[out] | intersection | [optional] Write intersection point to destination (the value is only written, if both lines intersect, e.g. if the function returns true ) |
if both line segments intersect Definition at line 97 of file distance_calculations.h.
Eigen::Vector2d teb_local_planner::closest_point_on_line_segment_2d | ( | const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | point, |
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | line_start, | ||
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | line_end | ||
) | [inline] |
Helper function to obtain the closest point on a line segment w.r.t. a reference point.
point | 2D point |
line_start | 2D point representing the start of the line segment |
line_end | 2D point representing the end of the line segment |
Definition at line 60 of file distance_calculations.h.
bool teb_local_planner::compareH | ( | std::pair< TebOptPlannerContainer::iterator, std::complex< long double > > | i, |
std::complex< long double > | j | ||
) | [inline] |
Small helper function to check whether two h-signatures are assumed to be equal.
Definition at line 531 of file homotopy_class_planner.cpp.
double teb_local_planner::distance_point_to_polygon_2d | ( | const Eigen::Vector2d & | point, |
const Point2dContainer & | vertices | ||
) | [inline] |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between a point and a closed polygon.
point | 2D point |
vertices | Vertices describing the closed polygon (the first vertex is not repeated at the end) |
Definition at line 165 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::distance_point_to_segment_2d | ( | const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | point, |
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | line_start, | ||
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | line_end | ||
) | [inline] |
Helper function to calculate the distance between a line segment and a point.
point | 2D point |
line_start | 2D point representing the start of the line segment |
line_end | 2D point representing the end of the line segment |
Definition at line 83 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::distance_points2d | ( | const P1 & | point1, |
const P2 & | point2 | ||
) | [inline] |
double teb_local_planner::distance_polygon_to_polygon_2d | ( | const Point2dContainer & | vertices1, |
const Point2dContainer & | vertices2 | ||
) | [inline] |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between two closed polygons.
vertices1 | Vertices describing the first closed polygon (the first vertex is not repeated at the end) |
vertices2 | Vertices describing the second closed polygon (the first vertex is not repeated at the end) |
Definition at line 236 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::distance_segment_to_polygon_2d | ( | const Eigen::Vector2d & | line_start, |
const Eigen::Vector2d & | line_end, | ||
const Point2dContainer & | vertices | ||
) | [inline] |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between a line segment and a closed polygon.
line_start | 2D point representing the start of the line segment |
line_end | 2D point representing the end of the line segment |
vertices | Vertices describing the closed polygon (the first vertex is not repeated at the end) |
Definition at line 201 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::distance_segment_to_segment_2d | ( | const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | line1_start, |
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | line1_end, | ||
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | line2_start, | ||
const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > & | line2_end | ||
) | [inline] |
Helper function to calculate the smallest distance between two line segments.
line1_start | 2D point representing the start of the first line segment |
line1_end | 2D point representing the end of the first line segment |
line2_start | 2D point representing the start of the second line segment |
line2_end | 2D point representing the end of the second line segment |
Definition at line 138 of file distance_calculations.h.
double teb_local_planner::fast_sigmoid | ( | double | x | ) | [inline] |
const T& teb_local_planner::get_const_reference | ( | const T * | ptr | ) | [inline] |
Helper function that returns the const reference to a value defined by either its raw pointer type or const reference.
Return a constant reference for boths input variants (pointer or reference).
ptr | pointer of type T |
T | arbitrary type |
const T& teb_local_planner::get_const_reference | ( | const T & | val, |
typename boost::disable_if< boost::is_pointer< T > >::type * | dummy = 0 |
) | [inline] |
Helper function that returns the const reference to a value defined by either its raw pointer type or const reference.
Return a constant reference for boths input variants (pointer or reference).
val | |
dummy | SFINAE helper variable |
T | arbitrary type |
std::complex<long double> teb_local_planner::getCplxFromHcGraph | ( | HcGraphVertexType | vert_descriptor, |
const HcGraph & | graph | ||
) | [inline] |
Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with HCP graph vertex descriptors.
Definition at line 51 of file homotopy_class_planner.cpp.
std::complex<long double> teb_local_planner::getCplxFromMsgPoseStamped | ( | const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped & | pose | ) | [inline] |
Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with geometry_msgs::PoseStamped.
Definition at line 63 of file homotopy_class_planner.cpp.
std::complex<long double> teb_local_planner::getCplxFromVertexPosePtr | ( | const VertexPose * | pose | ) | [inline] |
< Inline function used for calculateHSignature() in combination with VertexPose pointers
Definition at line 45 of file homotopy_class_planner.cpp.
const Eigen::Vector2d& teb_local_planner::getVector2dFromHcGraph | ( | HcGraphVertexType | vert_descriptor, |
const HcGraph & | graph | ||
) | [inline] |
Inline function used for initializing the TEB in combination with HCP graph vertex descriptors.
Definition at line 57 of file homotopy_class_planner.cpp.
bool teb_local_planner::is_close | ( | double | a, |
double | b, | ||
double | epsilon = 1e-4 |
) | [inline] |
double teb_local_planner::penaltyBoundFromBelow | ( | const double & | var, |
const double & | a, | ||
const double & | epsilon | ||
) | [inline] |
Linear penalty function for bounding var
from below: .
var | The scalar that should be bounded |
a | lower bound |
epsilon | safty margin (move bound to the interior of the interval) |
Definition at line 107 of file penalties.h.
double teb_local_planner::penaltyBoundFromBelowDerivative | ( | const double & | var, |
const double & | a, | ||
const double & | epsilon | ||
) | [inline] |
Derivative of the linear penalty function for bounding var
from below: .
var | The scalar that should be bounded |
a | lower bound |
epsilon | safty margin (move bound to the interior of the interval) |
Definition at line 177 of file penalties.h.
double teb_local_planner::penaltyBoundToInterval | ( | const double & | var, |
const double & | a, | ||
const double & | epsilon | ||
) | [inline] |
Linear penalty function for bounding var
to the interval .
var | The scalar that should be bounded |
a | lower and upper absolute bound |
epsilon | safty margin (move bound to the interior of the interval) |
Definition at line 57 of file penalties.h.
double teb_local_planner::penaltyBoundToInterval | ( | const double & | var, |
const double & | a, | ||
const double & | b, | ||
const double & | epsilon | ||
) | [inline] |
Linear penalty function for bounding var
to the interval .
var | The scalar that should be bounded |
a | lower bound |
b | upper bound |
epsilon | safty margin (move bound to the interior of the interval) |
Definition at line 82 of file penalties.h.
double teb_local_planner::penaltyBoundToIntervalDerivative | ( | const double & | var, |
const double & | a, | ||
const double & | epsilon | ||
) | [inline] |
Derivative of the linear penalty function for bounding var
to the interval .
var | The scalar that should be bounded |
a | lower and upper absolute bound |
epsilon | safty margin (move bound to the interior of the interval) |
Definition at line 127 of file penalties.h.
double teb_local_planner::penaltyBoundToIntervalDerivative | ( | const double & | var, |
const double & | a, | ||
const double & | b, | ||
const double & | epsilon | ||
) | [inline] |
Derivative of the linear penalty function for bounding var
to the interval .
var | The scalar that should be bounded |
a | lower bound |
b | upper bound |
epsilon | safty margin (move bound to the interior of the interval) |
Definition at line 152 of file penalties.h.
bool teb_local_planner::smaller_than_abs | ( | double | i, |
double | j | ||
) | [inline] |