Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 #include "RatsMatrix.h"
00005 #include "../TorqueFilter/IIRFilter.h"
00006 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
00007 #include <iostream>
00008 #include <cmath>
00009 #include "hrpsys/util/Hrpsys.h"
00011 class ObjectTurnaroundDetector
00012 {
00013  public:
00014     typedef enum {MODE_IDLE, MODE_STARTED, MODE_DETECTED, MODE_MAX_TIME} process_mode;
00015     typedef enum {TOTAL_FORCE, TOTAL_MOMENT} detector_total_wrench;
00016  private:
00017     boost::shared_ptr<FirstOrderLowPassFilter<double> > wrench_filter;
00018     boost::shared_ptr<FirstOrderLowPassFilter<double> > dwrench_filter;
00019     hrp::Vector3 axis, moment_center;
00020     double prev_wrench, dt;
00021     double detect_ratio_thre, start_ratio_thre, ref_dwrench, max_time, current_time, current_wrench;
00022     size_t count;
00023     // detect_count_thre*dt and start_ratio_thre*dt are threshould for time.
00024     //   detect_count_thre*dt : Threshould for time [s] after the first object turnaround detection (Wait detect_time_thre [s] after first object turnaround detection).
00025     //   start_count_thre*dt  : Threshould for time [s] after the first starting detection (Wait start_time_thre [s] after first start detection).
00026     size_t detect_count_thre, start_count_thre;
00027     process_mode pmode;
00028     detector_total_wrench dtw;
00029     std::string print_str;
00030     bool is_dwr_changed;
00031  public:
00032     ObjectTurnaroundDetector (const double _dt) : axis(-1*hrp::Vector3::UnitZ()), moment_center(hrp::Vector3::Zero()), prev_wrench(0.0), dt(_dt), detect_ratio_thre(0.01), start_ratio_thre(0.5),
00033       count(0), detect_count_thre(5), start_count_thre(5), pmode(MODE_IDLE), dtw(TOTAL_FORCE), is_dwr_changed(false)
00034     {
00035         double default_cutoff_freq = 1; // [Hz]
00036         wrench_filter = boost::shared_ptr<FirstOrderLowPassFilter<double> >(new FirstOrderLowPassFilter<double>(default_cutoff_freq, _dt, 0));
00037         dwrench_filter = boost::shared_ptr<FirstOrderLowPassFilter<double> >(new FirstOrderLowPassFilter<double>(default_cutoff_freq, _dt, 0));
00038     };
00039     ~ObjectTurnaroundDetector () {};
00040     void startDetection (const double _ref_diff_wrench, const double _max_time)
00041     {
00042         ref_dwrench = _ref_diff_wrench/_max_time;
00043         max_time = _max_time;
00044         current_time = 0;
00045         count = 0;
00046         std::cerr << "[" << print_str << "] Start Object Turnaround Detection (ref_dwrench = " << ref_dwrench
00047                   << ", detect_thre = " << detect_ratio_thre * ref_dwrench << ", start_thre = " << start_ratio_thre * ref_dwrench << "), max_time = " << max_time << "[s]" << std::endl;
00048         pmode = MODE_IDLE;
00049     };
00050     double calcTotalForce (const std::vector<hrp::Vector3>& fmv)
00051     {
00052         hrp::Vector3 tmpv = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00053         for (size_t i = 0; i < fmv.size(); i++) {
00054             tmpv += fmv[i];
00055         }
00056         return axis.dot(tmpv);
00057     };
00058     double calcTotalMoment (const std::vector<hrp::Vector3>& fmv, const std::vector<hrp::Vector3>& hposv)
00059     {
00060         hrp::Vector3 tmpv = hrp::Vector3::Zero();
00061         for (size_t i = 0; i < fmv.size(); i++) {
00062             tmpv += (hposv[i]-moment_center).cross(fmv[i]);
00063         }
00064         return axis.dot(tmpv);
00065     };
00066     bool checkDetection (const std::vector<hrp::Vector3>& fmv, const std::vector<hrp::Vector3>& hposv)
00067     {
00068         switch(dtw) {
00069         case TOTAL_FORCE:
00070             checkDetection(calcTotalForce(fmv));
00071             break;
00072         case TOTAL_MOMENT:
00073             checkDetection(calcTotalMoment(fmv, hposv));
00074             break;
00075         default:
00076             break;
00077         };
00078     };
00079     bool checkDetection (const double wrench_value)
00080     {
00081         if (is_dwr_changed) {
00082           wrench_filter->reset(wrench_value);
00083           dwrench_filter->reset(0);
00084           is_dwr_changed = false;
00085         }
00086         current_wrench = wrench_value;
00087         double tmp_wr = wrench_filter->passFilter(wrench_value);
00088         double tmp_dwr = dwrench_filter->passFilter((tmp_wr-prev_wrench)/dt);
00089         prev_wrench = tmp_wr;
00090         switch (pmode) {
00091         case MODE_IDLE:
00092             if (tmp_dwr > ref_dwrench*start_ratio_thre) {
00093                 count++;
00094                 if (count > start_count_thre) {
00095                     pmode = MODE_STARTED;
00096                     count = 0;
00097                     std::cerr << "[" << print_str << "] Object Turnaround Detection Started. (" << start_count_thre*dt << "[s] after the first start detection)" << std::endl;
00098                 }
00099             } else {
00100                 /* count--; */
00101             }
00102             break;
00103         case MODE_STARTED:
00104             if (tmp_dwr < ref_dwrench*detect_ratio_thre) {
00105                 count++;
00106                 if (count > detect_count_thre) {
00107                     pmode = MODE_DETECTED;
00108                     std::cerr << "[" << print_str << "] Object Turnaround Detected (time = " << current_time << "[s], " << detect_count_thre*dt << "[s] after the first detection)" << std::endl;
00109                 }
00110             } else {
00111                 /* count--; */
00112             }
00113             //std::cerr << "[" << print_str << "] " << tmp_wr << " " << tmp_dwr << " " << count << std::endl;
00114             break;
00115         case MODE_DETECTED:
00116             break;
00117         case MODE_MAX_TIME:
00118             break;
00119         default:
00120             break;
00121         }
00122         if (max_time <= current_time && (pmode != MODE_DETECTED)) {
00123             if (pmode != MODE_MAX_TIME) std::cerr << "[" << print_str << "] Object Turnaround Detection max time reached." << std::endl;
00124             pmode = MODE_MAX_TIME;
00125         }
00126         current_time += dt;
00127         return isDetected();
00128     };
00129     bool isDetected () const { return (pmode == MODE_DETECTED); };
00130     process_mode getMode () const { return pmode; };
00131     void printParams () const
00132     {
00133         std::cerr << "[" << print_str << "]   ObjectTurnaroundDetector params (" << (dtw==TOTAL_FORCE?"TOTAL_FORCE":"TOTAL_MOMENT") << ")" << std::endl;
00134         std::cerr << "[" << print_str << "]    wrench_cutoff_freq = " << wrench_filter->getCutOffFreq() << "[Hz], dwrench_cutoff_freq = " << dwrench_filter->getCutOffFreq() << "[Hz]" << std::endl;
00135         std::cerr << "[" << print_str << "]    detect_ratio_thre = " << detect_ratio_thre << ", start_ratio_thre = " << start_ratio_thre
00136                   << ", start_time_thre = " << start_count_thre*dt << "[s], detect_time_thre = " << detect_count_thre*dt << "[s]" << std::endl;
00137         std::cerr << "[" << print_str << "]    axis = [" << axis(0) << ", " << axis(1) << ", " << axis(2)
00138                   << "], moment_center = " << moment_center(0) << ", " << moment_center(1) << ", " << moment_center(2) << "][m]" << std::endl;
00139     };
00140     void setPrintStr (const std::string& str) { print_str = str; };
00141     void setWrenchCutoffFreq (const double a) { wrench_filter->setCutOffFreq(a); };
00142     void setDwrenchCutoffFreq (const double a) { dwrench_filter->setCutOffFreq(a); };
00143     void setDetectRatioThre (const double a) { detect_ratio_thre = a; };
00144     void setStartRatioThre (const double a) { start_ratio_thre = a; };
00145     void setDetectTimeThre (const double a) { detect_count_thre = round(a/dt); };
00146     void setStartTimeThre (const double a) { start_count_thre = round(a/dt); };
00147     void setAxis (const hrp::Vector3& a) { axis = a; };
00148     void setMomentCenter (const hrp::Vector3& a) { moment_center = a; };
00149     void setDetectorTotalWrench (const detector_total_wrench _dtw)
00150     {
00151         if (_dtw != dtw) {
00152           is_dwr_changed = true;
00153         }
00154         dtw = _dtw;
00155     };
00156     double getWrenchCutoffFreq () const { return wrench_filter->getCutOffFreq(); };
00157     double getDwrenchCutoffFreq () const { return dwrench_filter->getCutOffFreq(); };
00158     double getDetectRatioThre () const { return detect_ratio_thre; };
00159     double getStartRatioThre () const { return start_ratio_thre; };
00160     double getDetectTimeThre () const { return detect_count_thre*dt; };
00161     double getStartTimeThre () const { return start_count_thre*dt; };
00162     hrp::Vector3 getAxis () const { return axis; };
00163     hrp::Vector3 getMomentCenter () const { return moment_center; };
00164     detector_total_wrench getDetectorTotalWrench () const { return dtw; };
00165     double getFilteredWrench () const { return wrench_filter->getCurrentValue(); };
00166     double getFilteredDwrench () const { return dwrench_filter->getCurrentValue(); };
00167     double getRawWrench () const { return current_wrench; };
00168 };

Author(s): AIST, Fumio Kanehiro
autogenerated on Wed Sep 6 2017 02:35:55