Class Circle
Defined in File circle.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public nav2_collision_monitor::Polygon
(Class Polygon)
Class Documentation
Circle shape implementaiton. For STOP/SLOWDOWN/LIMIT model it represents zone around the robot while for APPROACH model it represents robot footprint.
Public Functions
Circle class constructor.
- Parameters:
node – Collision Monitor node pointer
polygon_name – Name of circle
tf_buffer – Shared pointer to a TF buffer
base_frame_id – Robot base frame ID
transform_tolerance – Transform tolerance
Circle class destructor.
Gets polygon points, approximated to the circle. To be used in visualization purposes.
- Parameters:
poly – Output polygon points (vertices)
Gets number of points inside circle.
- Parameters:
points – Input array of points to be checked
- Returns:
Number of points inside circle. If there are no points, returns zero value.
Specifies that the shape is always set for a circle object.
Protected Functions
Supporting routine obtaining polygon-specific ROS-parameters.
polygon_sub_topic Input name of polygon subscription topic
- Parameters:
polygon_pub_topic – Output name of polygon publishing topic
footprint_topic – Output name of footprint topic. For Circle returns empty string, there is no footprint subscription in this class.
- Returns:
True if all parameters were obtained or false in failure case
Protected Attributes
Radius of the circle.
(radius * radius) value. Stored for optimization.