Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
rail::spatial_temporal_learning::worldlib::model::PlacementModel Class Reference

Placement model information. More...

#include <PlacementModel.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

double getDecisionValue () const
 Decision value accessor.
const world::PlacementgetPlacement () const
 Placement value accessor (immutable).
world::PlacementgetPlacement ()
 Placement value accessor.
double getSigmaTheta () const
 Sigma-theta value accessor.
double getSigmaX () const
 Sigma-x value accessor.
double getSigmaY () const
 Sigma-y value accessor.
 PlacementModel (const world::Placement &placement, const double decision_value, const double sigma_x, const double sigma_y, const double sigma_theta)
 Create a new PlacementModel.
void setDecisionValue (const double decision_value)
 Decision value mutator.
void setPlacement (const world::Placement &placement)
 Placement value mutator.
void setSigmaTheta (const double sigma_theta)
 Sigma-theta value mutator.
void setSigmaX (const double sigma_x)
 Sigma-x value mutator.
void setSigmaY (const double sigma_y)
 Sigma-y value mutator.

Private Attributes

double decision_value_
world::Placement placement_
double sigma_theta_
double sigma_x_
double sigma_y_

Detailed Description

Placement model information.

A placement model contains information about the strength of an item in reference to some object.

Definition at line 32 of file PlacementModel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PlacementModel::PlacementModel ( const world::Placement placement,
const double  decision_value,
const double  sigma_x,
const double  sigma_y,
const double  sigma_theta 

Create a new PlacementModel.

Create a new PlacementModel with the given parameters.

placementThe Placement for this PlacementModel.
decision_valueThe decision value for this PlacementModel.
sigma_xThe standard deviation in the x-coordinate for this PlacementModel.
sigma_yThe standard deviation in the y-coordinate for this PlacementModel.
sigma_thetaThe standard deviation in the angle (about the z-axis) for this PlacementModel.

Definition at line 18 of file PlacementModel.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Decision value accessor.

Get the decision value of this PlacementModel.

The decision value of this PlacementModel.

Definition at line 42 of file PlacementModel.cpp.

Placement value accessor (immutable).

Get the Placement value of this PlacementModel.

The Placement value of this PlacementModel.

Definition at line 27 of file PlacementModel.cpp.

Placement value accessor.

Get the Placement value of this PlacementModel.

The Placement value of this PlacementModel.

Definition at line 32 of file PlacementModel.cpp.

Sigma-theta value accessor.

Get the standard deviation in the theta value of this PlacementModel.

The sigma-theta value of this PlacementModel.

Definition at line 73 of file PlacementModel.cpp.

double PlacementModel::getSigmaX ( ) const

Sigma-x value accessor.

Get the standard deviation along the x-axis value of this PlacementModel.

The sigma-x value of this PlacementModel.

Definition at line 53 of file PlacementModel.cpp.

double PlacementModel::getSigmaY ( ) const

Sigma-y value accessor.

Get the standard deviation along the y-axis value of this PlacementModel.

The sigma-y value of this PlacementModel.

Definition at line 63 of file PlacementModel.cpp.

void PlacementModel::setDecisionValue ( const double  decision_value)

Decision value mutator.

Set the decision value of this PlacementModel.

decision_valueThe new decision value of this PlacementModel.

Definition at line 47 of file PlacementModel.cpp.

void PlacementModel::setPlacement ( const world::Placement placement)

Placement value mutator.

Set the Placement value of this PlacementModel.

placementThe new Placement value of this PlacementModel.

Definition at line 37 of file PlacementModel.cpp.

void PlacementModel::setSigmaTheta ( const double  sigma_theta)

Sigma-theta value mutator.

Set the standard deviation in the theta value of this PlacementModel.

sigma_thetaThe new sigma-theta value of this PlacementModel.

Definition at line 78 of file PlacementModel.cpp.

void PlacementModel::setSigmaX ( const double  sigma_x)

Sigma-x value mutator.

Set the standard deviation along the x-axis value of this PlacementModel.

sigma_xThe new sigma-x value of this PlacementModel.

Definition at line 58 of file PlacementModel.cpp.

void PlacementModel::setSigmaY ( const double  sigma_y)

Sigma-y value mutator.

Set the standard deviation along the y-axis value of this PlacementModel.

sigma_yThe new sigma-y value of this PlacementModel.

Definition at line 68 of file PlacementModel.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

The numeric attributes of this model.

Definition at line 152 of file PlacementModel.h.

The Placement value for the model.

Definition at line 150 of file PlacementModel.h.

Definition at line 152 of file PlacementModel.h.

Definition at line 152 of file PlacementModel.h.

Definition at line 152 of file PlacementModel.h.

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Author(s): Russell Toris
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 20:55:36