Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
rail::spatial_temporal_learning::worldlib::geometry::Pose Class Reference

Position and orientation information. More...

#include <Pose.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const OrientationgetOrientation () const
 Orientation value accessor (immutable).
OrientationgetOrientation ()
 Orientation value accessor.
const PositiongetPosition () const
 Position value accessor (immutable).
PositiongetPosition ()
 Position value accessor.
 Pose (const Position &position=Position(), const Orientation &orientation=Orientation())
 Create a new Pose.
 Pose (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose)
 Create a new Pose.
 Pose (const geometry_msgs::Transform &tf)
 Create a new Pose.
 Pose (const tf2::Transform &tf)
 Create a new Pose.
void setOrientation (const Orientation &orientation)
 Orientation value mutator.
void setPosition (const Position &position)
 Position value mutator.
geometry_msgs::Pose toROSPoseMessage () const
geometry_msgs::Transform toROSTransformMessage () const
tf2::Transform toTF2Transform () const

Private Attributes

Orientation orientation_
Position position_

Detailed Description

Position and orientation information.

A pose contains position and orientation information. This class is useful for internal data management within the worldlib library. Convenience functions are added for use with ROS messages.

Definition at line 40 of file Pose.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Pose::Pose ( const Position position = Position(),
const Orientation orientation = Orientation() 

Create a new Pose.

Creates a new Pose with the given position and orientation.

positionThe position values of this Pose (defaults are 0).
orientationThe orientation values of this Pose (defaults are a 0 rotation).

Definition at line 18 of file Pose.cpp.

Pose::Pose ( const geometry_msgs::Pose &  pose)

Create a new Pose.

Creates a new Pose with the pose data from the given ROS message.

poseThe ROS Pose message to extract position and orientation data from.

Definition at line 22 of file Pose.cpp.

Pose::Pose ( const geometry_msgs::Transform &  tf)

Create a new Pose.

Creates a new Pose with the data from the given ROS Transform message.

positionThe ROS Transform message to extract position and orientation data from.

Definition at line 26 of file Pose.cpp.

Pose::Pose ( const tf2::Transform tf)

Create a new Pose.

Creates a new Pose with the data from the given ROS tf2 Transform.

positionThe ROS tf2 Transform to extract position and orientation data from.

Definition at line 30 of file Pose.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

const Orientation & Pose::getOrientation ( ) const

Orientation value accessor (immutable).

Get the orientation value of this Pose.

The orientation value.

Definition at line 54 of file Pose.cpp.

Orientation value accessor.

Get the orientation value of this Pose.

The orientation value.

Definition at line 59 of file Pose.cpp.

const Position & Pose::getPosition ( ) const

Position value accessor (immutable).

Get the position value of this Pose.

The position value.

Definition at line 39 of file Pose.cpp.

Position value accessor.

Get the position value of this Pose.

The position value.

Definition at line 44 of file Pose.cpp.

void Pose::setOrientation ( const Orientation orientation)

Orientation value mutator.

Set the orientation value of this Pose.

orientationThe new orientation value.

Definition at line 49 of file Pose.cpp.

void Pose::setPosition ( const Position position)

Position value mutator.

Set the position value of this Pose.

positionThe new position value.

Definition at line 34 of file Pose.cpp.

geometry_msgs::Pose Pose::toROSPoseMessage ( ) const

Converts this Pose object into a ROS Pose message.

The ROS Pose message with this pose data.

Definition at line 64 of file Pose.cpp.

Converts this Pose object into a ROS Transform message.

The ROS Transform message with this positional data.

Converts this Pose object into a ROS tf2 Transform.

The ROS tf2 Transform with this positional data.

Definition at line 72 of file Pose.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Orientation data.

Definition at line 159 of file Pose.h.

Position data.

Definition at line 157 of file Pose.h.

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Author(s): Russell Toris
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 20:55:36