towr::BaseMotionConstraint | Keeps the 6D base motion in a specified range |
towr::BaseNodes | Node variables used to construct the base motion spline |
towr::BaseState | Can represent the 6Degree-of-Freedom floating base of a robot |
towr::CentroidalModel | Centroidal Dynamics model relating forces to base accelerations |
towr::CubicHermitePolynomial | Represents a Cubic-Hermite-Polynomial |
towr::DynamicConstraint | Ensure that the optimized motion complies with the system dynamics |
towr::DynamicModel | A interface for the the system dynamics of a legged robot |
towr::EulerConverter | Converts Euler angles and derivatives to angular quantities |
towr::ForceConstraint | Ensures foot force that is unilateral and inside friction cone |
towr::HeightMap | Holds the height and slope of the terrain |
towr::Nodes::IndexInfo | Holds information about the node the optimization index represents |
towr::KinematicModel | Contains all the robot specific kinematic parameters |
towr::LinearEqualityConstraint | Calculates the constraint violations for linear constraints |
towr::NlpFactory | |
towr::Node | A node represents the state of a trajectory at a specific time |
towr::NodeCost | Assigns a cost to node values |
towr::Nodes | Position and velocity of nodes used to generate a Hermite spline |
towr::NodesObserver | Base class to receive up-to-date values of the NodeVariables |
towr::NodeSpline | A spline built from node values and fixed polynomial durations |
towr::Parameters | Holds the parameters to tune the optimization problem |
towr::PhaseDurations | A variable set composed of the phase durations of an endeffector |
towr::PhaseDurationsObserver | Base class to receive up-to-date values of the ContactSchedule |
towr::PhaseNodes | Nodes that are associated to either swing or stance phases |
towr::PhaseSpline | A spline built from node values and polynomial durations |
towr::PhaseNodes::PolyInfo | Holds semantic information each polynomial in spline |
towr::Polynomial | A polynomial of arbitrary order and dimension |
towr::RangeOfMotionConstraint | Constrains an endeffector to lie in a box around the nominal stance |
towr::RobotModel | Holds pointers to the robot specific kinematics and dynamics |
towr::SoftConstraint | Converts a constraint to a cost by weighing the quadratic violations |
towr::Spline | A spline built from a sequence of cubic polynomials |
towr::SplineAccConstraint | Ensures continuous accelerations between polynomials |
towr::SplineHolder | Holds pointers to fully constructed splines, that are linked to the optimization variables |
towr::State | Stores at state comprised of values and higher-order derivatives |
towr::SwingConstraint | Constrains the foot position during the swing-phase |
towr::TerrainConstraint | Ensures the endeffectors always lays on or above terrain height |
towr::TimeDiscretizationConstraint | Constraints evaluated at discretized times along a trajectory |
towr::TotalDurationConstraint | Makes sure all the phase durations sum up to the total time |
towr::TOWR | TOWR - Trajectory Optimizer for Walking Robots |