Public Types | Static Public Member Functions
tools::Tools Class Reference

#include <tools.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef pcl::PointXYZRGB Point
typedef pcl::PointCloud< PointPointCloud

Static Public Member Functions

static tf::Transform buildTransformation (cv::Mat rvec, cv::Mat tvec)
 compose the transformation matrix using 2 cv::Mat as inputs: one for rotation and one for translation
static string convertTo5digits (int in)
static void getCameraModel (sensor_msgs::CameraInfo l_info_msg, sensor_msgs::CameraInfo r_info_msg, image_geometry::StereoCameraModel &stereo_camera_model, cv::Mat &camera_matrix)
 Get the stereo camera model from info messages.
static tf::Transform getVertexPose (g2o::VertexSE3 *v)
 get the pose of vertex in format tf::Transform
static bool imgMsgToMat (sensor_msgs::Image l_img_msg, sensor_msgs::Image r_img_msg, cv::Mat &l_img, cv::Mat &r_img)
 Convert image messages to cv cv::Mat.
static tf::Transform isometryToTf (Eigen::Isometry3d in)
 convert a Eigen::Isometry3d to tf::transform
static tf::Transform odomTotf (nav_msgs::Odometry odom_msg)
 Convert odometry message to tf::Transform.
static double poseDiff2D (tf::Transform pose_1, tf::Transform pose_2)
 compute the absolute diference between 2 poses (omitting z)
static double poseDiff3D (tf::Transform pose_1, tf::Transform pose_2)
 compute the absolute diference between 2 poses (omitting z)
static void ratioMatching (cv::Mat desc_1, cv::Mat desc_2, double ratio, vector< cv::DMatch > &matches)
 Ration matching between descriptors.
static bool sortByDistance (const pair< int, double > d1, const pair< int, double > d2)
 Sort 2 pairs by size.
static bool sortByMatching (const pair< int, float > d1, const pair< int, float > d2)
 Sort 2 matchings by value.
static Eigen::Isometry3d tfToIsometry (tf::Transform in)
 convert a tf::transform to Eigen::Isometry3d
static cv::Point3f transformPoint (cv::Point3f point, tf::Transform base)
static tf::Transform transformVector4f (Eigen::Vector4f in, tf::Transform transform)
 Transform vector4f.
static tf::Transform vector4fToTransform (Eigen::Vector4f in)
 convert a Eigen::Vector4f to tf::Transform

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file tools.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef pcl::PointXYZRGB tools::Tools::Point

Definition at line 30 of file tools.h.

Definition at line 31 of file tools.h.

Member Function Documentation

static tf::Transform tools::Tools::buildTransformation ( cv::Mat  rvec,
cv::Mat  tvec 
) [inline, static]

compose the transformation matrix using 2 cv::Mat as inputs: one for rotation and one for translation

the transformation matrix
rveccv matrix with the rotation angles
tveccv matrix with the transformation x y z

Definition at line 245 of file tools.h.

static string tools::Tools::convertTo5digits ( int  in) [inline, static]

Definition at line 295 of file tools.h.

static void tools::Tools::getCameraModel ( sensor_msgs::CameraInfo  l_info_msg,
sensor_msgs::CameraInfo  r_info_msg,
image_geometry::StereoCameraModel stereo_camera_model,
cv::Mat &  camera_matrix 
) [inline, static]

Get the stereo camera model from info messages.

leftimage info message.
rightimage info message.
willcontain the output camera model.
willcontain the output camera matrix.

Definition at line 160 of file tools.h.

static tf::Transform tools::Tools::getVertexPose ( g2o::VertexSE3 *  v) [inline, static]

get the pose of vertex in format tf::Transform

tf::Transform pose matrix

Definition at line 190 of file tools.h.

static bool tools::Tools::imgMsgToMat ( sensor_msgs::Image  l_img_msg,
sensor_msgs::Image  r_img_msg,
cv::Mat &  l_img,
cv::Mat &  r_img 
) [inline, static]

Convert image messages to cv cv::Mat.

leftimage message.
rightimage message.
willcontain the output left cv::Mat.
willcontain the output right cv::Mat.

Definition at line 131 of file tools.h.

static tf::Transform tools::Tools::isometryToTf ( Eigen::Isometry3d  in) [inline, static]

convert a Eigen::Isometry3d to tf::transform

tf::transform matrix
inof type Eigen::Isometry3d

Definition at line 82 of file tools.h.

static tf::Transform tools::Tools::odomTotf ( nav_msgs::Odometry  odom_msg) [inline, static]

Convert odometry message to tf::Transform.

the trasnformation matrix
rveccv matrix with the rotation angles
tveccv matrix with the transformation x y z

Definition at line 97 of file tools.h.

static double tools::Tools::poseDiff2D ( tf::Transform  pose_1,
tf::Transform  pose_2 
) [inline, static]

compute the absolute diference between 2 poses (omitting z)

the norm between two poses
pose_1transformation matrix of pose 1
pose_2transformation matrix of pose 2

Definition at line 213 of file tools.h.

static double tools::Tools::poseDiff3D ( tf::Transform  pose_1,
tf::Transform  pose_2 
) [inline, static]

compute the absolute diference between 2 poses (omitting z)

the norm between two poses
pose_1transformation matrix of pose 1
pose_2transformation matrix of pose 2

Definition at line 202 of file tools.h.

static void tools::Tools::ratioMatching ( cv::Mat  desc_1,
cv::Mat  desc_2,
double  ratio,
vector< cv::DMatch > &  matches 
) [inline, static]

Ration matching between descriptors.

Descriptorsof image 1
Descriptorsof image 2
ratiovalue (0.6/0.9)

Definition at line 276 of file tools.h.

static bool tools::Tools::sortByDistance ( const pair< int, double >  d1,
const pair< int, double >  d2 
) [inline, static]

Sort 2 pairs by size.

true if pair 1 is smaller than pair 2

Definition at line 234 of file tools.h.

static bool tools::Tools::sortByMatching ( const pair< int, float >  d1,
const pair< int, float >  d2 
) [inline, static]

Sort 2 matchings by value.

true if matching 1 is smaller than matching 2

Definition at line 224 of file tools.h.

static Eigen::Isometry3d tools::Tools::tfToIsometry ( tf::Transform  in) [inline, static]

convert a tf::transform to Eigen::Isometry3d

Eigen::Isometry3d matrix
inof type tf::transform

Definition at line 62 of file tools.h.

static cv::Point3f tools::Tools::transformPoint ( cv::Point3f  point,
tf::Transform  base 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 262 of file tools.h.

static tf::Transform tools::Tools::transformVector4f ( Eigen::Vector4f  in,
tf::Transform  transform 
) [inline, static]

Transform vector4f.

transformed Eigen::Vector4f

Definition at line 52 of file tools.h.

static tf::Transform tools::Tools::vector4fToTransform ( Eigen::Vector4f  in) [inline, static]

convert a Eigen::Vector4f to tf::Transform

tf::Transform matrix
inof type Eigen::Vector4f

Definition at line 38 of file tools.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Pep Lluis Negre
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:40:57