analogue_to_effort.cpp [code] | Contains the data mapping one pin of a GIO module to the effort of the joint |
analogue_to_effort.hpp [code] | Contains the data mapping one pin of a GIO module to the effort of the joint. Based on AnalogueToPosition as it's very close |
analogue_to_position.cpp [code] | Contains the data mapping one pin of a GIO module to the position of the joint |
analogue_to_position.hpp [code] | Contains the data mapping one pin of a GIO module to the position of the joint |
command_to_pwm.cpp [code] | |
command_to_pwm.hpp [code] | Contains the data mapping one joint command to a pwm module |
command_to_pwm_2_dir_pin.cpp [code] | |
command_to_pwm_2_dir_pin.hpp [code] | Contains the data mapping one joint command to a pwm module. It uses 2 opposite direction pins (unlike CommandToPWM, that uses a single one) |
ronex_mapping.hpp [code] | Base class, contains the data mapping one element of a RoNeX to a joint element |
ronex_transmission.cpp [code] | |
ronex_transmission.hpp [code] | A transmission for mapping RoNeXes to joints |
test_ronex_transmission.cpp [code] | Testing the ronex transmission for a given urdf |