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Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType > Class Template Reference

Modified Incomplete Cholesky with dual threshold. More...

#include <IncompleteCholesky.h>

Inheritance diagram for Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  { UpLo = _UpLo }
typedef MatrixType::Index Index
typedef Matrix< Index, Dynamic, 1 > IndexType
typedef SparseMatrix< Scalar,
typedef _OrderingType OrderingType
typedef PermutationMatrix
< Dynamic, Dynamic, Index
typedef MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar
typedef Matrix< Scalar,
Dynamic, 1 > 
typedef std::vector< std::list
< Index > > 

Public Member Functions

template<typename Rhs , typename Dest >
void _solve (const Rhs &b, Dest &x) const
template<typename MatrixType >
void analyzePattern (const MatrixType &mat)
 Computes the fill reducing permutation vector.
Index cols () const
template<typename MatrixType >
void compute (const MatrixType &matrix)
template<typename MatrixType >
void factorize (const MatrixType &amat)
template<typename _MatrixType >
void factorize (const _MatrixType &mat)
 IncompleteCholesky ()
 IncompleteCholesky (const MatrixType &matrix)
ComputationInfo info () const
 Reports whether previous computation was successful.
Index rows () const
void setShift (Scalar shift)
 Set the initial shift parameter.
template<typename Rhs >
const internal::solve_retval
< IncompleteCholesky, Rhs > 
solve (const MatrixBase< Rhs > &b) const

Protected Attributes

bool m_analysisIsOk
bool m_factorizationIsOk
ComputationInfo m_info
bool m_isInitialized
SparseMatrix< Scalar, ColMajorm_L
PermutationType m_perm
ScalarType m_scal
Scalar m_shift

Private Member Functions

template<typename IdxType , typename SclType >
void updateList (const IdxType &colPtr, IdxType &rowIdx, SclType &vals, const Index &col, const Index &jk, IndexType &firstElt, VectorList &listCol)

Detailed Description

template<typename Scalar, int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
class Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >

Modified Incomplete Cholesky with dual threshold.

References : C-J. Lin and J. J. Moré, Incomplete Cholesky Factorizations with Limited memory, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 21(1), pp. 24-45, 1999

Template Parameters:
_MatrixTypeThe type of the sparse matrix. It should be a symmetric matrix. It is advised to give a row-oriented sparse matrix
_UpLoThe triangular part of the matrix to reference.

Definition at line 30 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
typedef MatrixType::Index Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::Index

Definition at line 36 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
typedef Matrix<Index,Dynamic, 1> Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::IndexType

Definition at line 39 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar,ColMajor> Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::MatrixType

Definition at line 33 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
typedef _OrderingType Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::OrderingType

Definition at line 34 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
typedef PermutationMatrix<Dynamic, Dynamic, Index> Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::PermutationType

Definition at line 37 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
typedef MatrixType::RealScalar Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::RealScalar

Definition at line 35 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::ScalarType

Definition at line 38 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
typedef std::vector<std::list<Index> > Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::VectorList

Definition at line 40 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
anonymous enum

Definition at line 41 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::IncompleteCholesky ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 43 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::IncompleteCholesky ( const MatrixType matrix) [inline]

Definition at line 44 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
template<typename Rhs , typename Dest >
void Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::_solve ( const Rhs &  b,
Dest &  x 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 92 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
template<typename MatrixType >
void Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::analyzePattern ( const MatrixType mat) [inline]

Computes the fill reducing permutation vector.

Definition at line 74 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
Index Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::cols ( void  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 51 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
template<typename MatrixType >
void Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::compute ( const MatrixType matrix) [inline]

Definition at line 85 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
template<typename MatrixType >
void Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::factorize ( const MatrixType amat)
template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
template<typename _MatrixType >
void Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::factorize ( const _MatrixType &  mat)

Definition at line 132 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
ComputationInfo Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::info ( ) const [inline]

Reports whether previous computation was successful.

Success if computation was succesful, NumericalIssue if the matrix appears to be negative.

Definition at line 59 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
Index Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::rows ( void  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 49 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
void Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::setShift ( Scalar  shift) [inline]

Set the initial shift parameter.

Definition at line 68 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
template<typename Rhs >
const internal::solve_retval<IncompleteCholesky, Rhs> Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::solve ( const MatrixBase< Rhs > &  b) const [inline]

Definition at line 107 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo, typename OrderingType >
template<typename IdxType , typename SclType >
void Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, OrderingType >::updateList ( const IdxType &  colPtr,
IdxType &  rowIdx,
SclType &  vals,
const Index col,
const Index jk,
IndexType firstElt,
VectorList listCol 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 241 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
bool Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::m_analysisIsOk [protected]

Definition at line 119 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
bool Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::m_factorizationIsOk [protected]

Definition at line 120 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
ComputationInfo Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::m_info [protected]

Definition at line 122 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
bool Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::m_isInitialized [protected]

Definition at line 121 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
SparseMatrix<Scalar,ColMajor> Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::m_L [protected]

Definition at line 116 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
PermutationType Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::m_perm [protected]

Definition at line 123 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
ScalarType Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::m_scal [protected]

Definition at line 117 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

template<typename Scalar , int _UpLo = Lower, typename _OrderingType = NaturalOrdering<int>>
Scalar Eigen::IncompleteCholesky< Scalar, _UpLo, _OrderingType >::m_shift [protected]

Definition at line 118 of file IncompleteCholesky.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:40:08