Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
00002 // for linear algebra.
00003 //
00004 // Copyright (C) 2012 David Harmon <>
00005 //
00006 // Eigen is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00007 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00008 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00009 // version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00010 //
00011 // Alternatively, you can redistribute it and/or
00012 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
00013 // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
00014 // the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00015 //
00016 // Eigen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
00017 // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
00018 // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License or the
00019 // GNU General Public License for more details.
00020 //
00021 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00022 // License and a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
00023 // Eigen. If not, see <>.
00028 #include <Eigen/Dense>
00030 namespace Eigen { 
00032 namespace internal {
00033   template<typename Scalar, typename RealScalar> struct arpack_wrapper;
00034   template<typename MatrixSolver, typename MatrixType, typename Scalar, bool BisSPD> struct OP;
00035 }
00039 template<typename MatrixType, typename MatrixSolver=SimplicialLLT<MatrixType>, bool BisSPD=false>
00040 class ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver
00041 {
00042 public:
00043   //typedef typename MatrixSolver::MatrixType MatrixType;
00046   typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
00047   typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
00055   typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
00062   typedef typename internal::plain_col_type<MatrixType, RealScalar>::type RealVectorType;
00070   ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver()
00071    : m_eivec(),
00072      m_eivalues(),
00073      m_isInitialized(false),
00074      m_eigenvectorsOk(false),
00075      m_nbrConverged(0),
00076      m_nbrIterations(0)
00077   { }
00101   ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver(const MatrixType& A, const MatrixType& B,
00102                                           Index nbrEigenvalues, std::string eigs_sigma="LM",
00103                                int options=ComputeEigenvectors, RealScalar tol=0.0)
00104     : m_eivec(),
00105       m_eivalues(),
00106       m_isInitialized(false),
00107       m_eigenvectorsOk(false),
00108       m_nbrConverged(0),
00109       m_nbrIterations(0)
00110   {
00111     compute(A, B, nbrEigenvalues, eigs_sigma, options, tol);
00112   }
00136   ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver(const MatrixType& A,
00137                                           Index nbrEigenvalues, std::string eigs_sigma="LM",
00138                                int options=ComputeEigenvectors, RealScalar tol=0.0)
00139     : m_eivec(),
00140       m_eivalues(),
00141       m_isInitialized(false),
00142       m_eigenvectorsOk(false),
00143       m_nbrConverged(0),
00144       m_nbrIterations(0)
00145   {
00146     compute(A, nbrEigenvalues, eigs_sigma, options, tol);
00147   }
00173   ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver& compute(const MatrixType& A, const MatrixType& B,
00174                                                    Index nbrEigenvalues, std::string eigs_sigma="LM",
00175                                         int options=ComputeEigenvectors, RealScalar tol=0.0);
00199   ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver& compute(const MatrixType& A,
00200                                                    Index nbrEigenvalues, std::string eigs_sigma="LM",
00201                                         int options=ComputeEigenvectors, RealScalar tol=0.0);
00223   const Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic>& eigenvectors() const
00224   {
00225     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
00226     eigen_assert(m_eigenvectorsOk && "The eigenvectors have not been computed together with the eigenvalues.");
00227     return m_eivec;
00228   }
00245   const Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>& eigenvalues() const
00246   {
00247     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
00248     return m_eivalues;
00249   }
00269   Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic> operatorSqrt() const
00270   {
00271     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
00272     eigen_assert(m_eigenvectorsOk && "The eigenvectors have not been computed together with the eigenvalues.");
00273     return m_eivec * m_eivalues.cwiseSqrt().asDiagonal() * m_eivec.adjoint();
00274   }
00294   Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic> operatorInverseSqrt() const
00295   {
00296     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "SelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
00297     eigen_assert(m_eigenvectorsOk && "The eigenvectors have not been computed together with the eigenvalues.");
00298     return m_eivec * m_eivalues.cwiseInverse().cwiseSqrt().asDiagonal() * m_eivec.adjoint();
00299   }
00305   ComputationInfo info() const
00306   {
00307     eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver is not initialized.");
00308     return m_info;
00309   }
00311   size_t getNbrConvergedEigenValues() const
00312   { return m_nbrConverged; }
00314   size_t getNbrIterations() const
00315   { return m_nbrIterations; }
00317 protected:
00318   Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic> m_eivec;
00319   Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1> m_eivalues;
00320   ComputationInfo m_info;
00321   bool m_isInitialized;
00322   bool m_eigenvectorsOk;
00324   size_t m_nbrConverged;
00325   size_t m_nbrIterations;
00326 };
00332 template<typename MatrixType, typename MatrixSolver, bool BisSPD>
00333 ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixType, MatrixSolver, BisSPD>&
00334     ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixType, MatrixSolver, BisSPD>
00335 ::compute(const MatrixType& A, Index nbrEigenvalues,
00336           std::string eigs_sigma, int options, RealScalar tol)
00337 {
00338     MatrixType B(0,0);
00339     compute(A, B, nbrEigenvalues, eigs_sigma, options, tol);
00341     return *this;
00342 }
00345 template<typename MatrixType, typename MatrixSolver, bool BisSPD>
00346 ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixType, MatrixSolver, BisSPD>&
00347     ArpackGeneralizedSelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixType, MatrixSolver, BisSPD>
00348 ::compute(const MatrixType& A, const MatrixType& B, Index nbrEigenvalues,
00349           std::string eigs_sigma, int options, RealScalar tol)
00350 {
00351   eigen_assert(A.cols() == A.rows());
00352   eigen_assert(B.cols() == B.rows());
00353   eigen_assert(B.rows() == 0 || A.cols() == B.rows());
00354   eigen_assert((options &~ (EigVecMask | GenEigMask)) == 0
00355             && (options & EigVecMask) != EigVecMask
00356             && "invalid option parameter");
00358   bool isBempty = (B.rows() == 0) || (B.cols() == 0);
00360   // For clarity, all parameters match their ARPACK name
00361   //
00362   // Always 0 on the first call
00363   //
00364   int ido = 0;
00366   int n = (int)A.cols();
00368   // User options: "LA", "SA", "SM", "LM", "BE"
00369   //
00370   char whch[3] = "LM";
00372   // Specifies the shift if iparam[6] = { 3, 4, 5 }, not used if iparam[6] = { 1, 2 }
00373   //
00374   RealScalar sigma = 0.0;
00376   if (eigs_sigma.length() >= 2 && isalpha(eigs_sigma[0]) && isalpha(eigs_sigma[1]))
00377   {
00378       eigs_sigma[0] = toupper(eigs_sigma[0]);
00379       eigs_sigma[1] = toupper(eigs_sigma[1]);
00381       // In the following special case we're going to invert the problem, since solving
00382       // for larger magnitude is much much faster
00383       // i.e., if 'SM' is specified, we're going to really use 'LM', the default
00384       //
00385       if (eigs_sigma.substr(0,2) != "SM")
00386       {
00387           whch[0] = eigs_sigma[0];
00388           whch[1] = eigs_sigma[1];
00389       }
00390   }
00391   else
00392   {
00393       eigen_assert(false && "Specifying clustered eigenvalues is not yet supported!");
00395       // If it's not scalar values, then the user may be explicitly
00396       // specifying the sigma value to cluster the evs around
00397       //
00398       sigma = atof(eigs_sigma.c_str());
00400       // If atof fails, it returns 0.0, which is a fine default
00401       //
00402   }
00404   // "I" means normal eigenvalue problem, "G" means generalized
00405   //
00406   char bmat[2] = "I";
00407   if (eigs_sigma.substr(0,2) == "SM" || !(isalpha(eigs_sigma[0]) && isalpha(eigs_sigma[1])) || (!isBempty && !BisSPD))
00408       bmat[0] = 'G';
00410   // Now we determine the mode to use
00411   //
00412   int mode = (bmat[0] == 'G') + 1;
00413   if (eigs_sigma.substr(0,2) == "SM" || !(isalpha(eigs_sigma[0]) && isalpha(eigs_sigma[1])))
00414   {
00415       // We're going to use shift-and-invert mode, and basically find
00416       // the largest eigenvalues of the inverse operator
00417       //
00418       mode = 3;
00419   }
00421   // The user-specified number of eigenvalues/vectors to compute
00422   //
00423   int nev = (int)nbrEigenvalues;
00425   // Allocate space for ARPACK to store the residual
00426   //
00427   Scalar *resid = new Scalar[n];
00429   // Number of Lanczos vectors, must satisfy nev < ncv <= n
00430   // Note that this indicates that nev != n, and we cannot compute
00431   // all eigenvalues of a mtrix
00432   //
00433   int ncv = std::min(std::max(2*nev, 20), n);
00435   // The working n x ncv matrix, also store the final eigenvectors (if computed)
00436   //
00437   Scalar *v = new Scalar[n*ncv];
00438   int ldv = n;
00440   // Working space
00441   //
00442   Scalar *workd = new Scalar[3*n];
00443   int lworkl = ncv*ncv+8*ncv; // Must be at least this length
00444   Scalar *workl = new Scalar[lworkl];
00446   int *iparam= new int[11];
00447   iparam[0] = 1; // 1 means we let ARPACK perform the shifts, 0 means we'd have to do it
00448   iparam[2] = std::max(300, (int)std::ceil(2*n/std::max(ncv,1)));
00449   iparam[6] = mode; // The mode, 1 is standard ev problem, 2 for generalized ev, 3 for shift-and-invert
00451   // Used during reverse communicate to notify where arrays start
00452   //
00453   int *ipntr = new int[11]; 
00455   // Error codes are returned in here, initial value of 0 indicates a random initial
00456   // residual vector is used, any other values means resid contains the initial residual
00457   // vector, possibly from a previous run
00458   //
00459   int info = 0;
00461   Scalar scale = 1.0;
00462   //if (!isBempty)
00463   //{
00464   //Scalar scale = B.norm() / std::sqrt(n);
00465   //scale = std::pow(2, std::floor(std::log(scale+1)));
00467   //for (size_t i=0; i<(size_t)B.outerSize(); i++)
00468   //    for (typename MatrixType::InnerIterator it(B, i); it; ++it)
00469   //        it.valueRef() /= scale;
00470   //}
00472   MatrixSolver OP;
00473   if (mode == 1 || mode == 2)
00474   {
00475       if (!isBempty)
00476           OP.compute(B);
00477   }
00478   else if (mode == 3)
00479   {
00480       if (sigma == 0.0)
00481       {
00482           OP.compute(A);
00483       }
00484       else
00485       {
00486           // Note: We will never enter here because sigma must be 0.0
00487           //
00488           if (isBempty)
00489           {
00490             MatrixType AminusSigmaB(A);
00491             for (Index i=0; i<A.rows(); ++i)
00492                 AminusSigmaB.coeffRef(i,i) -= sigma;
00494             OP.compute(AminusSigmaB);
00495           }
00496           else
00497           {
00498               MatrixType AminusSigmaB = A - sigma * B;
00499               OP.compute(AminusSigmaB);
00500           }
00501       }
00502   }
00504   if (!(mode == 1 && isBempty) && !(mode == 2 && isBempty) && != Success)
00505       std::cout << "Error factoring matrix" << std::endl;
00507   do
00508   {
00509     internal::arpack_wrapper<Scalar, RealScalar>::saupd(&ido, bmat, &n, whch, &nev, &tol, resid, 
00510                                                         &ncv, v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
00511                                                         &lworkl, &info);
00513     if (ido == -1 || ido == 1)
00514     {
00515       Scalar *in  = workd + ipntr[0] - 1;
00516       Scalar *out = workd + ipntr[1] - 1;
00518       if (ido == 1 && mode != 2)
00519       {
00520           Scalar *out2 = workd + ipntr[2] - 1;
00521           if (isBempty || mode == 1)
00522             Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out2, n) = Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n);
00523           else
00524             Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out2, n) = B * Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n);
00526           in = workd + ipntr[2] - 1;
00527       }
00529       if (mode == 1)
00530       {
00531         if (isBempty)
00532         {
00533           // OP = A
00534           //
00535           Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = A * Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n);
00536         }
00537         else
00538         {
00539           // OP = L^{-1}AL^{-T}
00540           //
00541           internal::OP<MatrixSolver, MatrixType, Scalar, BisSPD>::applyOP(OP, A, n, in, out);
00542         }
00543       }
00544       else if (mode == 2)
00545       {
00546         if (ido == 1)
00547           Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n)  = A * Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n);
00549         // OP = B^{-1} A
00550         //
00551         Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = OP.solve(Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n));
00552       }
00553       else if (mode == 3)
00554       {
00555         // OP = (A-\sigmaB)B (\sigma could be 0, and B could be I)
00556         // The B * in is already computed and stored at in if ido == 1
00557         //
00558         if (ido == 1 || isBempty)
00559           Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = OP.solve(Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n));
00560         else
00561           Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = OP.solve(B * Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n));
00562       }
00563     }
00564     else if (ido == 2)
00565     {
00566       Scalar *in  = workd + ipntr[0] - 1;
00567       Scalar *out = workd + ipntr[1] - 1;
00569       if (isBempty || mode == 1)
00570         Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n);
00571       else
00572         Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = B * Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n);
00573     }
00574   } while (ido != 99);
00576   if (info == 1)
00577     m_info = NoConvergence;
00578   else if (info == 3)
00579     m_info = NumericalIssue;
00580   else if (info < 0)
00581     m_info = InvalidInput;
00582   else if (info != 0)
00583     eigen_assert(false && "Unknown ARPACK return value!");
00584   else
00585   {
00586     // Do we compute eigenvectors or not?
00587     //
00588     int rvec = (options & ComputeEigenvectors) == ComputeEigenvectors;
00590     // "A" means "All", use "S" to choose specific eigenvalues (not yet supported in ARPACK))
00591     //
00592     char howmny[2] = "A"; 
00594     // if howmny == "S", specifies the eigenvalues to compute (not implemented in ARPACK)
00595     //
00596     int *select = new int[ncv];
00598     // Final eigenvalues
00599     //
00600     m_eivalues.resize(nev, 1);
00602     internal::arpack_wrapper<Scalar, RealScalar>::seupd(&rvec, howmny, select,, v, &ldv,
00603                                                         &sigma, bmat, &n, whch, &nev, &tol, resid, &ncv,
00604                                                         v, &ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, &lworkl, &info);
00606     if (info == -14)
00607       m_info = NoConvergence;
00608     else if (info != 0)
00609       m_info = InvalidInput;
00610     else
00611     {
00612       if (rvec)
00613       {
00614         m_eivec.resize(A.rows(), nev);
00615         for (int i=0; i<nev; i++)
00616           for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
00617             m_eivec(j,i) = v[i*n+j] / scale;
00619         if (mode == 1 && !isBempty && BisSPD)
00620           internal::OP<MatrixSolver, MatrixType, Scalar, BisSPD>::project(OP, n, nev,;
00622         m_eigenvectorsOk = true;
00623       }
00625       m_nbrIterations = iparam[2];
00626       m_nbrConverged  = iparam[4];
00628       m_info = Success;
00629     }
00631     delete select;
00632   }
00634   delete v;
00635   delete iparam;
00636   delete ipntr;
00637   delete workd;
00638   delete workl;
00639   delete resid;
00641   m_isInitialized = true;
00643   return *this;
00644 }
00647 // Single precision
00648 //
00649 extern "C" void ssaupd_(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
00650     int *nev, float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv,
00651     float *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
00652     float *workd, float *workl, int *lworkl,
00653     int *info);
00655 extern "C" void sseupd_(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, float *d,
00656     float *z, int *ldz, float *sigma, 
00657     char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev,
00658     float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv, float *v,
00659     int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, float *workd,
00660     float *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr);
00662 // Double precision
00663 //
00664 extern "C" void dsaupd_(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
00665     int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv,
00666     double *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
00667     double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl,
00668     int *info);
00670 extern "C" void dseupd_(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, double *d,
00671     double *z, int *ldz, double *sigma, 
00672     char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev,
00673     double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv, double *v,
00674     int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, double *workd,
00675     double *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr);
00678 namespace internal {
00680 template<typename Scalar, typename RealScalar> struct arpack_wrapper
00681 {
00682   static inline void saupd(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
00683       int *nev, RealScalar *tol, Scalar *resid, int *ncv,
00684       Scalar *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
00685       Scalar *workd, Scalar *workl, int *lworkl, int *info)
00686   { 
00687     EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(!NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex, NUMERIC_TYPE_MUST_BE_REAL)
00688   }
00690   static inline void seupd(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, Scalar *d,
00691       Scalar *z, int *ldz, RealScalar *sigma,
00692       char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev,
00693       RealScalar *tol, Scalar *resid, int *ncv, Scalar *v,
00694       int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, Scalar *workd,
00695       Scalar *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr)
00696   {
00697     EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT(!NumTraits<Scalar>::IsComplex, NUMERIC_TYPE_MUST_BE_REAL)
00698   }
00699 };
00701 template <> struct arpack_wrapper<float, float>
00702 {
00703   static inline void saupd(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
00704       int *nev, float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv,
00705       float *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
00706       float *workd, float *workl, int *lworkl, int *info)
00707   {
00708     ssaupd_(ido, bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info);
00709   }
00711   static inline void seupd(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, float *d,
00712       float *z, int *ldz, float *sigma,
00713       char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev,
00714       float *tol, float *resid, int *ncv, float *v,
00715       int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, float *workd,
00716       float *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr)
00717   {
00718     sseupd_(rvec, All, select, d, z, ldz, sigma, bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr,
00719         workd, workl, lworkl, ierr);
00720   }
00721 };
00723 template <> struct arpack_wrapper<double, double>
00724 {
00725   static inline void saupd(int *ido, char *bmat, int *n, char *which,
00726       int *nev, double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv,
00727       double *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
00728       double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl, int *info)
00729   {
00730     dsaupd_(ido, bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, info);
00731   }
00733   static inline void seupd(int *rvec, char *All, int *select, double *d,
00734       double *z, int *ldz, double *sigma,
00735       char *bmat, int *n, char *which, int *nev,
00736       double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv, double *v,
00737       int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr, double *workd,
00738       double *workl, int *lworkl, int *ierr)
00739   {
00740     dseupd_(rvec, All, select, d, v, ldv, sigma, bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr,
00741         workd, workl, lworkl, ierr);
00742   }
00743 };
00746 template<typename MatrixSolver, typename MatrixType, typename Scalar, bool BisSPD>
00747 struct OP
00748 {
00749     static inline void applyOP(MatrixSolver &OP, const MatrixType &A, int n, Scalar *in, Scalar *out);
00750     static inline void project(MatrixSolver &OP, int n, int k, Scalar *vecs);
00751 };
00753 template<typename MatrixSolver, typename MatrixType, typename Scalar>
00754 struct OP<MatrixSolver, MatrixType, Scalar, true>
00755 {
00756   static inline void applyOP(MatrixSolver &OP, const MatrixType &A, int n, Scalar *in, Scalar *out)
00757 {
00758     // OP = L^{-1} A L^{-T}  (B = LL^T)
00759     //
00760     // First solve L^T out = in
00761     //
00762     Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = OP.matrixU().solve(Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(in, n));
00763     Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = OP.permutationPinv() * Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n);
00765     // Then compute out = A out
00766     //
00767     Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = A * Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n);
00769     // Then solve L out = out
00770     //
00771     Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = OP.permutationP() * Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n);
00772     Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n) = OP.matrixL().solve(Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, 1>::Map(out, n));
00773 }
00775   static inline void project(MatrixSolver &OP, int n, int k, Scalar *vecs)
00776 {
00777     // Solve L^T out = in
00778     //
00779     Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic>::Map(vecs, n, k) = OP.matrixU().solve(Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic>::Map(vecs, n, k));
00780     Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic>::Map(vecs, n, k) = OP.permutationPinv() * Matrix<Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic>::Map(vecs, n, k);
00781 }
00783 };
00785 template<typename MatrixSolver, typename MatrixType, typename Scalar>
00786 struct OP<MatrixSolver, MatrixType, Scalar, false>
00787 {
00788   static inline void applyOP(MatrixSolver &OP, const MatrixType &A, int n, Scalar *in, Scalar *out)
00789 {
00790     eigen_assert(false && "Should never be in here...");
00791 }
00793   static inline void project(MatrixSolver &OP, int n, int k, Scalar *vecs)
00794 {
00795     eigen_assert(false && "Should never be in here...");
00796 }
00798 };
00800 } // end namespace internal
00802 } // end namespace Eigen

Author(s): Roberto Martín-Martín
autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 18:28:57