DynamicParameter | Class to read parameter file and set the correct hardware parameters |
DynamicParameter::Settings | Inline struct to store the settings |
driver_svh::SVHControlCommand | ControlCommands are given as a single target position for the position controller (given in ticks) |
driver_svh::SVHControlCommandAllChannels | Structure for transmitting all controllcommands at once |
driver_svh::SVHController | This class controls the the SCHUNK five finger hand |
driver_svh::SVHControllerFeedback | The SVHControllerFeedback saves the feedback of a single motor |
driver_svh::SVHControllerFeedbackAllChannels | The SVHControllerFeedbackAllChannes saves the feedback of a all motors |
driver_svh::SVHControllerState | The SVHControllerState indicates the current state of the MeCoVis controller IC which is used in the SVH |
driver_svh::SVHCurrentSettings | The SVHCurrentSettings save the current controller paramters for a single motor |
driver_svh::SVHEncoderSettings | The SVHEncoderSettings hold the settings for the encoder scaling of each channel |
driver_svh::SVHFeedbackPollingThread | Thread for periodically requesting feedback messages from the SCHUNK five finger hand |
driver_svh::SVHFingerManager | |
driver_svh::SVHFirmwareInfo | The SVHFirmwareInfo holds the data of a firmware response from the hardware |
driver_svh::SVHHomeSettings | Data sctructure for home positions |
SVHNode | |
driver_svh::SVHPositionSettings | The SVHPositionSettings save the position controller paramters for a single motor |
driver_svh::SVHReceiveThread | Thread for receiving messages from the serial device |
rqt_svh_reset_gui.svh_reset_gui.SVHResetGui | |
driver_svh::SVHSerialInterface | Basic communication handler for the SCHUNK five finger hand |
driver_svh::SVHSerialPacket | The SerialPacket holds the (non generated) header and data of one message to the SVH-Hardware |