Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
driver_svh::SVHFeedbackPollingThread Class Reference

Thread for periodically requesting feedback messages from the SCHUNK five finger hand. More...

#include <SVHFeedbackPollingThread.h>

Inheritance diagram for driver_svh::SVHFeedbackPollingThread:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void run ()
 run method of the thread
 SVHFeedbackPollingThread (const TimeSpan &period, SVHFingerManager *finger_manager)
 SVHFeedbackPollingThread constructs a new thread to poll the feedback of all fingers periodically.
virtual ~SVHFeedbackPollingThread ()
 default DTOR

Private Attributes

 pointer to SCHUNK five finger hand fingermanager object

Detailed Description

Thread for periodically requesting feedback messages from the SCHUNK five finger hand.

Definition at line 48 of file SVHFeedbackPollingThread.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SVHFeedbackPollingThread constructs a new thread to poll the feedback of all fingers periodically.

periodtimespan after which the thread should be woken up
finger_managerreference to the fingermanager which functions are used to do the polling

Definition at line 35 of file SVHFeedbackPollingThread.cpp.

default DTOR

Definition at line 59 of file SVHFeedbackPollingThread.h.

Member Function Documentation

run method of the thread

Implements icl_core::thread::Thread.

Definition at line 41 of file SVHFeedbackPollingThread.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

pointer to SCHUNK five finger hand fingermanager object

Definition at line 67 of file SVHFeedbackPollingThread.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Georg Heppner
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 18:29:08