Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef _MRTA_SYSTEM_H_
00002 #define _MRTA_SYSTEM_H_
00004 #include <QMap>
00005 #include <QObject>
00006 #include <QVector>
00007 #include "mrta/taxonomy.h"
00009 namespace utilities
00010 {
00011 class MessageSubscriberRegistry;
00012 }
00014 namespace rqt_mrta
00015 {
00016 namespace config
00017 {
00018 namespace application
00019 {
00020 class Robot;
00021 class RqtMrtaApplication;
00022 }
00024 namespace architecture
00025 {
00026 class RqtMrtaArchitecture;
00027 }
00028 }
00029 }
00031 namespace mrta
00032 {
00033 typedef rqt_mrta::config::application::Robot RobotConfig;
00034 typedef rqt_mrta::config::application::RqtMrtaApplication ApplicationConfig;
00035 typedef rqt_mrta::config::architecture::RqtMrtaArchitecture ArchitectureConfig;
00036 class Allocation;
00037 class Monitor;
00038 class Problem;
00039 class Robot;
00040 class RobotMonitor;
00041 class Task;
00042 class System : public QObject
00043 {
00044   Q_OBJECT
00045 public:
00046   System(QObject* parent, ApplicationConfig* application_config,
00047          ArchitectureConfig* architecture_config,
00048          utilities::MessageSubscriberRegistry* registry);
00049   virtual ~System();
00050   Robot* getRobot(const QString& id);
00051   Task* getTask(const QString& id);
00052   Allocation* getAllocation(const QString& id);
00053   QList<Robot*> getRobots() const;
00054   QList<Task*> getTasks() const;
00055   QList<Allocation*> getAllocations() const;
00056   void setRegistry(utilities::MessageSubscriberRegistry* registry);
00058 signals:
00059   void changed();
00060   void added(const QString& id);
00061   void robotStateChanged(const QString& id, int state);
00062   void taskStateChanged(const QString& id, int state);
00063   void allocationStateChanged(const QString& id, int state);
00065 private:
00066   typedef QMap<QString, Robot*> RobotMap;
00067   RobotMap robots_;
00068   Problem* problem_;
00069   ApplicationConfig* application_config_;
00070   ArchitectureConfig* architecture_config_;
00071   QVector<Monitor*> monitors_;
00072   Robot* addRobot(RobotConfig* config);
00074 private slots:
00075   void robotStateChanged(int state);
00076 };
00077 }
00079 #endif // _MRTA_SYSTEM_H_

Author(s): Adriano Henrique Rossette Leite
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 18:50:52