Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | Static Private Attributes
robot_process::RobotProcess Class Reference

Class for adding node lifecycle to ROS processes. More...

#include <robot_process.h>

Inheritance diagram for robot_process::RobotProcess:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

std::string getNamespace () const
 Returns the full private namespace.
State getState ()
 Returns the current state.
RobotProcessinit (bool autostart=false)
 Initializes the RobotProcess.
 RobotProcess ()
 Default constructor is deleted.
 RobotProcess (int argc, char *argv[], const std::string &name_space=std::string(), const std::string &name=std::string())
void run (uint8_t threads=0)
 Spins an amount of threads to serve the global callback queue. The call is blocking.
void runAsync (uint8_t threads=0)
 Spins an amount of threads to serve the global callback queue. The call is non-blocking.
virtual ~RobotProcess ()
 Virtual destructor.

Protected Member Functions

void notifyError (uint8_t error_type, const std::string &function, const std::string &description)
 Sends an error message to a global error topic "/error".
void registerIsolatedTimer (const IsolatedAsyncTimer::LambdaCallback &callback, const float &frequency, bool stoppable=true)
 Register an isolated async timer.

Protected Attributes

ros::NodeHandlePtr node_handle_
ros::NodeHandlePtr node_handle_private_

Private Types

typedef boost::function< bool(std_srvs::Empty::Request
std_srvs::Empty::Response &res) > 
typedef void(RobotProcess::* MemberLambdaCallback )()
typedef State StateTransitionPaths [static_cast< uint8_t >(State::Count)][static_cast< uint8_t >(State::Count)]
typedef MemberLambdaCallback StateTransitions [static_cast< uint8_t >(State::Count)][static_cast< uint8_t >(State::Count)]

Private Member Functions

void changeState (const State &new_state)
 Changes state from current to new. Direct transition must exist. The appropriate function will be called during transition.
void configure ()
 Called automatically, when transition from UNCONFIGURED to STOPPED.
void create ()
 Called automatically, when transition from LAUNCHING to UNCONFIGURED.
void notifyState () const
 Sends a heartbeat message with the current state.
virtual void onConfigure ()=0
 Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from UNCONFIGURED to STOPPED.
virtual void onCreate ()=0
 Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from LAUNCHING to UNCONFIGURED.
virtual void onPause ()=0
 Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from RUNNING to PAUSED.
virtual void onResume ()=0
 Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from PAUSED to RUNNING.
virtual void onStart ()=0
 Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from STOPPED to PAUSED.
virtual void onStop ()=0
 Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from PAUSED to STOPPED.
virtual void onTerminate ()=0
 Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from UNCONFIGURED to TERMINATED.
virtual void onUnconfigure ()=0
 Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from STOPPED to UNCONFIGURED.
void pause ()
 Called automatically, when transition from RUNNING to PAUSED.
ros::ServiceServer registerStateChangeRequest (const std::string &service_name, const std::vector< State > &states)
 Registers a ROS service server listening for state change requests.
void resume ()
 Called automatically, when transition from PAUSED to RUNNING.
void start ()
 Called automatically, when transition from STOPPED to PAUSED.
void stop ()
 Called automatically, when transition from PAUSED to STOPPED.
void terminate ()
 Called automatically, when transition from UNCONFIGURED to TERMINATED.
bool transitionToState (const State &new_state)
 Transitions to a new state. Path must exists between the current and the new state. All appropriate function will be called when transition to the goal state.
void unconfigure ()
 Called automatically, when transition from STOPPED to UNCONFIGURED.

Private Attributes

bool autostart_ = false
 Whether to automatically start (transition to RUNNING) at the end of init function if not the node will transition to STOPPED state.
bool autostart_after_reconfigure_ = false
 Whether to autostart after reconfigure service is called.
State current_state_ = State::LAUNCHING
 Current state of the RobotProcess. Initially, LAUNCHING state.
< ros::AsyncSpinner
 Shared pointer to async spinner that serves the global callback queue.
< robot_process::IsolatedAsyncTimer
 Shared pointer to the isolated timer that sends heartbeat messages.
std::string node_name_
 Name of the actual ROS node.
std::string node_namespace_
 Node's namespace, if empty then the private node handle resolves to ~ otheerwise private node handle resolves to ~node_namespace.
ros::ServiceServer pause_server_
 ServiceServer for serving pause service.
ros::Publisher process_error_pub_
 ROS Publisher of error messages.
ros::Publisher process_state_pub_
 ROS Publisher of heartbeat messages and state changes messages.
std::vector< std::shared_ptr
< robot_process::IsolatedAsyncTimer > > 
 Vector of shared pointers to isolated timers created by register isolated timer.
ros::ServiceServer reconfigure_server_
 ServiceServer for serving reconfigure service.
ros::ServiceServer restart_server_
 ServiceServer for serving restart service, where restart means transition to STOPPED and then RUNNING.
ros::ServiceServer start_server_
 ServiceServer for serving start service.
ros::CallbackQueue state_request_callback_queue_
 Callback queue for state change request services.
< ros::AsyncSpinner
 Async spinner for serving state change requests.
ros::ServiceServer stop_server_
 ServiceServer for serving stop service.
ros::ServiceServer terminate_server_
 ServiceServer for serving terminate service.
bool wait_for_supervisor_ = true
 Whether to wait for the supervisor during the init function. Waiting means that there has to be at least one subscriber of the hearthbeat topic.

Static Private Attributes

static const StateTransitions STATE_TRANSITIONS
 2D array of direct state transitions with values being the corresponding functions to be called during that transition. First index signifies the state we are transitioning from, while the second index signifies the state we are transitioning to.
static const StateTransitionPaths STATE_TRANSITIONS_PATHS
 2D array of paths between states.

Detailed Description

Class for adding node lifecycle to ROS processes.

Definition at line 91 of file robot_process.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::function< bool( std_srvs::Empty::Request& req, std_srvs::Empty::Response& res) > robot_process::RobotProcess::EmptyServiceCallback [private]

Definition at line 432 of file robot_process.h.

typedef void(RobotProcess::* robot_process::RobotProcess::MemberLambdaCallback)() [private]

Definition at line 428 of file robot_process.h.

typedef State robot_process::RobotProcess::StateTransitionPaths[static_cast< uint8_t >(State::Count)][static_cast< uint8_t >(State::Count)] [private]

Definition at line 439 of file robot_process.h.

typedef MemberLambdaCallback robot_process::RobotProcess::StateTransitions[static_cast< uint8_t >(State::Count)][static_cast< uint8_t >(State::Count)] [private]

Definition at line 435 of file robot_process.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor is deleted.

robot_process::RobotProcess::RobotProcess ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
const std::string &  name_space = std::string(),
const std::string &  name = std::string() 


UNIX process args are passed in due to ros::init being called inside. name_space allows for running multiple instances of the same class or multiple RobotProcess classes in the same UNIX process without name collisions. name argument is the name passed in to ros::init, which is usually remapped in roslaunch. If name is empty and name is not remapped, then anonymous name will be created.

Definition at line 48 of file robot_process.cpp.

Virtual destructor.

Definition at line 70 of file robot_process.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void robot_process::RobotProcess::changeState ( const State new_state) [private]

Changes state from current to new. Direct transition must exist. The appropriate function will be called during transition.

new_stateState to transition to.

Definition at line 329 of file robot_process.cpp.

Called automatically, when transition from UNCONFIGURED to STOPPED.

Definition at line 213 of file robot_process.cpp.

Called automatically, when transition from LAUNCHING to UNCONFIGURED.

Definition at line 199 of file robot_process.cpp.

Returns the full private namespace.

Returns the full private namespace, meaning name of the actual ROS node together with the name_space argument passed during construction.

Returned namespace

Definition at line 190 of file robot_process.cpp.

Returns the current state.

State that the node is in

Definition at line 154 of file robot_process.cpp.

RobotProcess & robot_process::RobotProcess::init ( bool  autostart = false)

Initializes the RobotProcess.

Creates node handles, starts heartbeat thread, advertises state change request services, waits for the supervisor if requested

autostartIf true, transitions immediately to RUNNING state
Returns a reference to itself for method chaning

Definition at line 75 of file robot_process.cpp.

void robot_process::RobotProcess::notifyError ( uint8_t  error_type,
const std::string &  function,
const std::string &  description 
) [protected]

Sends an error message to a global error topic "/error".

Ideally the

error_typeType of error
functionFunction, where the error was caused
descriptionDetailed description of the error

Definition at line 159 of file robot_process.cpp.

void robot_process::RobotProcess::notifyState ( ) const [private]

Sends a heartbeat message with the current state.

Definition at line 295 of file robot_process.cpp.

virtual void robot_process::RobotProcess::onConfigure ( ) [private, pure virtual]

Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from UNCONFIGURED to STOPPED.

Implemented in robot_process::ManagedRobotProcess, AnyRobotProcess, and AnyRobotProcess.

virtual void robot_process::RobotProcess::onCreate ( ) [private, pure virtual]

Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from LAUNCHING to UNCONFIGURED.

Implemented in robot_process::ManagedRobotProcess, AnyRobotProcessWithTimer, AnyRobotProcess, and AnyRobotProcess.

virtual void robot_process::RobotProcess::onPause ( ) [private, pure virtual]

Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from RUNNING to PAUSED.

Implemented in robot_process::ManagedRobotProcess, AnyRobotProcess, and AnyRobotProcess.

virtual void robot_process::RobotProcess::onResume ( ) [private, pure virtual]

Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from PAUSED to RUNNING.

Implemented in robot_process::ManagedRobotProcess, AnyRobotProcess, and AnyRobotProcess.

virtual void robot_process::RobotProcess::onStart ( ) [private, pure virtual]

Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from STOPPED to PAUSED.

Implemented in robot_process::ManagedRobotProcess, AnyRobotProcess, and AnyRobotProcess.

virtual void robot_process::RobotProcess::onStop ( ) [private, pure virtual]

Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from PAUSED to STOPPED.

Implemented in robot_process::ManagedRobotProcess, AnyRobotProcess, and AnyRobotProcess.

virtual void robot_process::RobotProcess::onTerminate ( ) [private, pure virtual]

Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from UNCONFIGURED to TERMINATED.

Implemented in robot_process::ManagedRobotProcess, AnyRobotProcess, and AnyRobotProcess.

virtual void robot_process::RobotProcess::onUnconfigure ( ) [private, pure virtual]

Function to be defined by the user. Called at the end of transition from STOPPED to UNCONFIGURED.

Implemented in robot_process::ManagedRobotProcess, AnyRobotProcess, and AnyRobotProcess.

Called automatically, when transition from RUNNING to PAUSED.

Definition at line 258 of file robot_process.cpp.

void robot_process::RobotProcess::registerIsolatedTimer ( const IsolatedAsyncTimer::LambdaCallback callback,
const float &  frequency,
bool  stoppable = true 
) [protected]

Register an isolated async timer.

Registers an isolated async timer, which runs on a separate callback queue and is served by a single separate thread. The timer is managed during the lifecycle and transitioning to PAUSED state will pause its execution, meaning that the callback still executes, but returns immediately. When RobotProcess transitions to STOPPED state, the timer is stopped completely and started again during transition from STOPPED to PAUSED

callbackTimer callback to be registered
frequencyFrequency of the timer in Hz
stoppableIf true, timer cannot be stopped when transitioning to PAUSED or STOPPED state

Definition at line 175 of file robot_process.cpp.

ros::ServiceServer robot_process::RobotProcess::registerStateChangeRequest ( const std::string &  service_name,
const std::vector< State > &  states 
) [private]

Registers a ROS service server listening for state change requests.

service_nameName of the service
statesStates to transition to in order
Returns the created ros::ServiceServer

Definition at line 269 of file robot_process.cpp.

Called automatically, when transition from PAUSED to RUNNING.

Definition at line 247 of file robot_process.cpp.

void robot_process::RobotProcess::run ( uint8_t  threads = 0)

Spins an amount of threads to serve the global callback queue. The call is blocking.

threadsNumber of threads to use, 0 signifies the amount of CPU cores available to the OS

Definition at line 142 of file robot_process.cpp.

void robot_process::RobotProcess::runAsync ( uint8_t  threads = 0)

Spins an amount of threads to serve the global callback queue. The call is non-blocking.

threadsNumber of threads to use, 0 signifies the amount of CPU cores available to the OS

Definition at line 148 of file robot_process.cpp.

Called automatically, when transition from STOPPED to PAUSED.

Definition at line 225 of file robot_process.cpp.

Called automatically, when transition from PAUSED to STOPPED.

Definition at line 236 of file robot_process.cpp.

Called automatically, when transition from UNCONFIGURED to TERMINATED.

Definition at line 205 of file robot_process.cpp.

bool robot_process::RobotProcess::transitionToState ( const State new_state) [private]

Transitions to a new state. Path must exists between the current and the new state. All appropriate function will be called when transition to the goal state.

new_stateState to transition to.
Returns true if transition succeeded

Definition at line 305 of file robot_process.cpp.

Called automatically, when transition from STOPPED to UNCONFIGURED.

Definition at line 219 of file robot_process.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Whether to automatically start (transition to RUNNING) at the end of init function if not the node will transition to STOPPED state.

Definition at line 233 of file robot_process.h.

Whether to autostart after reconfigure service is called.

Definition at line 238 of file robot_process.h.

State robot_process::RobotProcess::current_state_ = State::LAUNCHING [private]

Current state of the RobotProcess. Initially, LAUNCHING state.

Definition at line 303 of file robot_process.h.

Shared pointer to async spinner that serves the global callback queue.

Definition at line 297 of file robot_process.h.

Shared pointer to the isolated timer that sends heartbeat messages.

Definition at line 207 of file robot_process.h.

Definition at line 163 of file robot_process.h.

Definition at line 164 of file robot_process.h.

Name of the actual ROS node.

Definition at line 219 of file robot_process.h.

Node's namespace, if empty then the private node handle resolves to ~ otheerwise private node handle resolves to ~node_namespace.

Definition at line 214 of file robot_process.h.

ServiceServer for serving pause service.

Definition at line 280 of file robot_process.h.

ROS Publisher of error messages.

Definition at line 291 of file robot_process.h.

ROS Publisher of heartbeat messages and state changes messages.

Definition at line 286 of file robot_process.h.

Vector of shared pointers to isolated timers created by register isolated timer.

Definition at line 202 of file robot_process.h.

ServiceServer for serving reconfigure service.

Definition at line 258 of file robot_process.h.

ServiceServer for serving restart service, where restart means transition to STOPPED and then RUNNING.

Definition at line 264 of file robot_process.h.

ServiceServer for serving start service.

Definition at line 269 of file robot_process.h.

Callback queue for state change request services.

Definition at line 243 of file robot_process.h.

Async spinner for serving state change requests.

Definition at line 248 of file robot_process.h.

Initial value:
  {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
  {nullptr, nullptr, &RobotProcess::create, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr},
  {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &RobotProcess::configure, nullptr, nullptr, &RobotProcess::terminate},
  {nullptr, nullptr, &RobotProcess::unconfigure, nullptr, &RobotProcess::start, nullptr, nullptr},
  {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &RobotProcess::stop, nullptr, &RobotProcess::resume, nullptr},
  {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &RobotProcess::pause, nullptr, nullptr},
  {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}

2D array of direct state transitions with values being the corresponding functions to be called during that transition. First index signifies the state we are transitioning from, while the second index signifies the state we are transitioning to.

Definition at line 447 of file robot_process.h.

2D array of paths between states.

Definition at line 452 of file robot_process.h.

ServiceServer for serving stop service.

Definition at line 275 of file robot_process.h.

ServiceServer for serving terminate service.

Definition at line 253 of file robot_process.h.

Whether to wait for the supervisor during the init function. Waiting means that there has to be at least one subscriber of the hearthbeat topic.

Definition at line 227 of file robot_process.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Maciej ZURAD
autogenerated on Mon Apr 16 2018 02:56:34