Classes | Functions
RosMsgConverter Namespace Reference


struct  JointAcc
struct  JointCommand
struct  JointVel
struct  ToolFrame


void JointCommandToJointCommandMap (const r2_msgs::JointCommand &jointCommand, std::map< std::string, JointCommand > &jointCommandMap)
void JointControlDataToCoeffStateMap (const r2_msgs::JointControlDataArray &jointData, std::map< std::string, r2_msgs::JointControlCoeffState > &jointMap)
void JointStateToJntArray (const sensor_msgs::JointState &jointState, const std::vector< std::string > jointNames, KDL::JntArray &jointArray)
void JointStateToJntArrayAcc (const sensor_msgs::JointState &jointState, const std::vector< std::string > jointNames, KDL::JntArrayAcc &jointArray)
 Acc term contains effort ///.
void JointStateToJntArrayVel (const sensor_msgs::JointState &jointState, const std::vector< std::string > jointNames, KDL::JntArrayVel &jointArray)
void JointStateToJntMap (const sensor_msgs::JointState &jointState, std::map< std::string, double > &jointMap)
 JointStateToJntMap creates a map of jointName and position.
void JointStateToJointAccMap (const sensor_msgs::JointState &jointState, std::map< std::string, JointAcc > &jointMap)
 JointStateEffortToJntMap ToJntMap creates a map of jointName and effort.
void JointStateToJointVelMap (const sensor_msgs::JointState &jointState, std::map< std::string, JointVel > &jointMap)
 JointStateVel ToJntMap creates a map of jointName and velocity.
void PoseStateToFrame (const r2_msgs::PoseState &poseState, const std::string &baseName, const std::string &tipName, KDL::Frame &frame)
void PoseStateToFrameAcc (const r2_msgs::PoseState &poseState, const std::string &baseName, const std::string &tipName, KDL::FrameAcc &frame)
void PoseStateToFrameAccMap (const r2_msgs::PoseState &poseState, const std::string &base, std::map< std::string, KDL::FrameAcc > &frameaccs)
 updates a map of all the frames in poseState with their new location and orientations
void PoseStateToFrameMap (const r2_msgs::PoseState &poseState, const std::string &base, std::map< std::string, KDL::Frame > &frames)
 updates a map of all the frames in poseState with their new location and orientations
void PoseStateToFrameVel (const r2_msgs::PoseState &poseState, const std::string &baseName, const std::string &tipName, KDL::FrameVel &frame)
void PoseStateToFrameVelMap (const r2_msgs::PoseState &poseState, const std::string &base, std::map< std::string, KDL::FrameVel > &framevels)
 updates a map of all the frames in poseState with their new location and orientations
void ToolFrameToSegment (const r2_msgs::ToolFrame &toolFrame, std::vector< ToolFrame > &segmentList)
 creates a segment map from a toolFrame message
void ToolFrameToSegmentAdd (const r2_msgs::ToolFrame &toolFrame, std::vector< ToolFrame > &segmentList, std::vector< ToolFrame > &addSegmentList)
void ToolFrameToSegmentRemove (const r2_msgs::ToolFrame &toolFrame, std::vector< ToolFrame > &removeSegmentList)
KDL::Wrench wrenchMsgToWrench (const geometry_msgs::Wrench &wrenchMsg)
void WrenchStateToWrenchMap (const r2_msgs::WrenchState &wrenchState, std::map< std::string, KDL::Wrench > &wrenchMap)
geometry_msgs::Wrench wrenchToWrenchMsg (const KDL::Wrench &wrench)

Function Documentation

void RosMsgConverter::JointCommandToJointCommandMap ( const r2_msgs::JointCommand &  jointCommand,
std::map< std::string, JointCommand > &  jointCommandMap 

if jointmap is empty, add all elements

otherwise, locate those elements in jointMap and only add them

if jointmap is empty, add all elements

otherwise, locate those elements in jointMap and only add them

Definition at line 885 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::JointControlDataToCoeffStateMap ( const r2_msgs::JointControlDataArray &  jointData,
std::map< std::string, r2_msgs::JointControlCoeffState > &  jointMap 

if jointmap is empty, add all elements

otherwise, locate those elements in jointMap and only addd them

if jointmap is empty, add all elements

otherwise, locate those elements in jointMap and only addd them

Definition at line 829 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::JointStateToJntArray ( const sensor_msgs::JointState &  jointState,
const std::vector< std::string >  jointNames,
KDL::JntArray jointArray 


jointStatejointState of joints
jointNamesnames of joints to extract
jointArrayarray of joint position values extracted from jointState
logic_errorjointState name length doesn't match positions length
logic_errorjointState name length less than trajectory name length
logic_errorjointState doesn't contain all joints in jointNames

extracts joints from jointState based on jointNames. If jointNames and jointArray are the same size, resizing jointArray is avoided

Definition at line 21 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::JointStateToJntArrayAcc ( const sensor_msgs::JointState &  jointState,
const std::vector< std::string >  jointNames,
KDL::JntArrayAcc jointArray 

Acc term contains effort ///.

Definition at line 166 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::JointStateToJntArrayVel ( const sensor_msgs::JointState &  jointState,
const std::vector< std::string >  jointNames,
KDL::JntArrayVel jointArray 


jointStatejointState of joints
jointNamesnames of joints to extract
jointArrayarray of joint values extracted from jointState
logic_errorjointState name length doesn't match positions length
logic_errorjointState name length less than trajectory name length
logic_errorjointState doesn't contain all joints in jointNames

extracts joints from jointState based on jointNames. If jointNames and jointArray are the same size, resizing jointArray is avoided

Definition at line 86 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::JointStateToJntMap ( const sensor_msgs::JointState &  jointState,
std::map< std::string, double > &  jointMap 

JointStateToJntMap creates a map of jointName and position.

jointStatethe jointState message
jointMapthe output map of jointName and position

if jointmap is empty, add all elements

otherwise, locate those elements in jointMap and only add them

if jointmap is empty, add all elements

otherwise, locate those elements in jointMap and only add them

Definition at line 668 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::JointStateToJointAccMap ( const sensor_msgs::JointState &  jointState,
std::map< std::string, JointAcc > &  jointMap 

JointStateEffortToJntMap ToJntMap creates a map of jointName and effort.

jointStatethe jointState message
jointMapthe output map of jointName and effort

if jointmap is empty, add all elements

otherwise, locate those elements in jointMap and only addd them

if jointmap is empty, add all elements

otherwise, locate those elements in jointMap and only addd them

Definition at line 766 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::JointStateToJointVelMap ( const sensor_msgs::JointState &  jointState,
std::map< std::string, JointVel > &  jointMap 

JointStateVel ToJntMap creates a map of jointName and velocity.

jointStatethe jointState message
jointMapthe output map of jointName and velocity

if jointmap is empty, add all elements

otherwise, locate those elements in jointMap and only addd them

if jointmap is empty, add all elements

otherwise, locate those elements in jointMap and only addd them

Definition at line 709 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::PoseStateToFrame ( const r2_msgs::PoseState &  poseState,
const std::string &  baseName,
const std::string &  tipName,
KDL::Frame frame 


poseStateposeState of robot
baseFramename of the reference frame for returned pose
tipFramename of the tip frame to return
framereturned pose
logic_errorposeState name length doesn't match pose length
logic_errorposeState doesn't contain the necessary transform information

extracts poses from poseState and performs necessary transformations

Definition at line 248 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::PoseStateToFrameAcc ( const r2_msgs::PoseState &  poseState,
const std::string &  baseName,
const std::string &  tipName,
KDL::FrameAcc frame 


poseStateposeState of robot
baseFramename of the reference frame for returned pose
tipFramename of the tip frame to return
framereturned pose
logic_errorposeState name length doesn't match pose length
logic_errorposeState doesn't contain the necessary transform information

extracts poses from poseState and performs necessary transformations

Definition at line 438 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::PoseStateToFrameAccMap ( const r2_msgs::PoseState &  poseState,
const std::string &  base,
std::map< std::string, KDL::FrameAcc > &  frameaccs 

updates a map of all the frames in poseState with their new location and orientations

poseStatethe poseState calculated from forward kinematics
basethe base frame from which to calculate all the poses
frameaccsthe output frame map

Definition at line 632 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::PoseStateToFrameMap ( const r2_msgs::PoseState &  poseState,
const std::string &  base,
std::map< std::string, KDL::Frame > &  frames 

updates a map of all the frames in poseState with their new location and orientations

poseStatethe poseState calculated from forward kinematics
basethe base frame from which to calculate all the poses
framesthe output frame map

Definition at line 558 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::PoseStateToFrameVel ( const r2_msgs::PoseState &  poseState,
const std::string &  baseName,
const std::string &  tipName,
KDL::FrameVel frame 


poseStateposeState of robot
baseFramename of the reference frame for returned pose
tipFramename of the tip frame to return
framereturned pose
logic_errorposeState name length doesn't match pose length
logic_errorposeState doesn't contain the necessary transform information

extracts poses from poseState and performs necessary transformations

Definition at line 329 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::PoseStateToFrameVelMap ( const r2_msgs::PoseState &  poseState,
const std::string &  base,
std::map< std::string, KDL::FrameVel > &  framevels 

updates a map of all the frames in poseState with their new location and orientations

poseStatethe poseState calculated from forward kinematics
basethe base frame from which to calculate all the poses
framevelsthe output frame map

Definition at line 595 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::ToolFrameToSegment ( const r2_msgs::ToolFrame &  toolFrame,
std::vector< ToolFrame > &  segmentList 

creates a segment map from a toolFrame message

toolFrameThe input toolFrame message
segmentMapThe output segmentMap hook_name: KDL::Segment

Definition at line 1050 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::ToolFrameToSegmentAdd ( const r2_msgs::ToolFrame &  toolFrame,
std::vector< ToolFrame > &  segmentList,
std::vector< ToolFrame > &  addSegmentList 

Definition at line 1077 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::ToolFrameToSegmentRemove ( const r2_msgs::ToolFrame &  toolFrame,
std::vector< ToolFrame > &  removeSegmentList 

Definition at line 1105 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

KDL::Wrench RosMsgConverter::wrenchMsgToWrench ( const geometry_msgs::Wrench &  wrenchMsg)

Definition at line 867 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

void RosMsgConverter::WrenchStateToWrenchMap ( const r2_msgs::WrenchState &  wrenchState,
std::map< std::string, KDL::Wrench > &  wrenchMap 

Definition at line 1028 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

geometry_msgs::Wrench RosMsgConverter::wrenchToWrenchMsg ( const KDL::Wrench wrench)

Definition at line 873 of file RosMsgConverter.cpp.

autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 18:56:08