Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Attributes
ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools Class Reference

#include <ompl_visual_tools.h>

Inheritance diagram for ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void convertPlannerData (const ob::PlannerDataPtr planner_data, og::PathGeometric &path)
 Convert PlannerData to PathGeometric. Assume ordering of verticies is order of path.
bool convertRobotStatesToTipPoints (const ompl::base::PlannerDataPtr &graph, const std::vector< const robot_model::LinkModel * > &tips, std::vector< std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > > &vertex_tip_points)
 Convet each vertex in a graph into a list of tip locations, as desired.
double getCost (const geometry_msgs::Point &point)
 Helper function for converting a point to the correct cost.
double getCostHeight (const geometry_msgs::Point &point)
 Use bilinear interpolation, if necessary, to find the cost of a point between whole numbers From
bool getDisable3D ()
 Getter for disable 3d option in Rviz.
bool interpolateLine (const geometry_msgs::Point &p1, const geometry_msgs::Point &p2, visualization_msgs::Marker *marker, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA color)
 Helper Function for Display Graph that makes the exploration lines follow the curvature of the map.
 OmplVisualTools (const std::string &base_link, const std::string &marker_topic=ompl_visual_tools::RVIZ_MARKER_TOPIC, robot_model::RobotModelConstPtr robot_model=robot_model::RobotModelConstPtr())
bool publishCostMap (PPMImage *image, bool static_id=true)
 Visualize Results.
bool publishEdge (const ob::State *stateA, const ob::State *stateB, const rviz_visual_tools::colors color=rviz_visual_tools::BLUE, const rviz_visual_tools::scales scale=rviz_visual_tools::REGULAR)
bool publishGraph (ob::PlannerDataPtr planner_data, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::BLUE, const double thickness=0.2, const std::string &ns="space_exploration")
 Display Explored Space.
bool publishPath (const ob::PlannerDataPtr &planner_data, const rviz_visual_tools::colors color, const double thickness=0.4, const std::string &ns="result_path")
 Display result path from a solver, in the form of a planner_data where the list of states is also the order of the path.
bool publishPath (const og::PathGeometric &path, const rviz_visual_tools::colors color, const double thickness=0.4, const std::string &ns="result_path")
 Display result path from a solver.
bool publishRobotGraph (const ompl::base::PlannerDataPtr &graph, const std::vector< const robot_model::LinkModel * > &tips)
 Display resulting graph from a planner, in the form of a planner_data object This uses MoveIt's robot state for inverse kinematics.
bool publishRobotPath (const ompl::base::PlannerDataPtr &path, robot_model::JointModelGroup *joint_model_group, const std::vector< const robot_model::LinkModel * > &tips, bool show_trajectory_animated)
 Display resulting path from a solver, in the form of a planner_data where the list of states is also the order of the path. This uses MoveIt's robot state for inverse kinematics.
bool publishRobotState (const ompl::base::State *state)
 Convert an OMPL state to a MoveIt! robot state and publish it.
bool publishSampleIDs (const og::PathGeometric &path, const rviz_visual_tools::colors color=rviz_visual_tools::RED, const rviz_visual_tools::scales scale=rviz_visual_tools::SMALL, const std::string &ns="sample_labels")
 Display labels on samples.
bool publishSampleRegion (const ob::ScopedState<> &state_area, const double &distance)
 Visualize the sampling area in Rviz.
MOVEIT_DEPRECATED bool publishSamples (const ob::PlannerDataPtr &planner_data, const rviz_visual_tools::colors color=rviz_visual_tools::RED, const rviz_visual_tools::scales scale=rviz_visual_tools::SMALL, const std::string &ns="sample_locations")
 Display Sample Points.
MOVEIT_DEPRECATED bool publishSamples (const og::PathGeometric &path, const rviz_visual_tools::colors color=rviz_visual_tools::RED, const rviz_visual_tools::scales scale=rviz_visual_tools::SMALL, const std::string &ns="sample_locations")
bool publishSpheres (const ob::PlannerDataPtr &planner_data, const rviz_visual_tools::colors color=rviz_visual_tools::RED, const rviz_visual_tools::scales scale=rviz_visual_tools::SMALL, const std::string &ns="planner_data_spheres")
 Publish a marker of a series of spheres to rviz.
bool publishSpheres (const og::PathGeometric &path, const rviz_visual_tools::colors color=rviz_visual_tools::RED, double scale=0.1, const std::string &ns="path_spheres")
bool publishSpheres (const og::PathGeometric &path, const rviz_visual_tools::colors color=rviz_visual_tools::RED, const rviz_visual_tools::scales scale=rviz_visual_tools::SMALL, const std::string &ns="path_spheres")
bool publishSpheres (const og::PathGeometric &path, const rviz_visual_tools::colors color, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &scale, const std::string &ns="path_spheres")
bool publishStartGoalSpheres (ob::PlannerDataPtr planner_data, const std::string &ns)
 Display Start Goal.
bool publishState (const ob::ScopedState<> state, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color, const rviz_visual_tools::scales scale=rviz_visual_tools::REGULAR, const std::string &ns="state_sphere")
 Display the start and goal states on the image map.
bool publishState (const ob::ScopedState<> state, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color, double scale=0.1, const std::string &ns="state_sphere")
bool publishState (const ob::ScopedState<> state, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &scale, const std::string &ns="state_sphere")
bool publishStates (std::vector< const ompl::base::State * > states)
 Display States.
bool publishText (const geometry_msgs::Point &point, const std::string &text, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::BLACK, bool static_id=true)
 Publish text to rviz at a given location.
bool publishText (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const std::string &text, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::BLACK, bool static_id=true)
bool publishTriangle (int x, int y, visualization_msgs::Marker *marker, PPMImage *image)
 Helper Function to display triangles.
void setCostMap (intMatrixPtr cost)
 Optional cost map for 2D environments.
void setDisable3D (bool disable_3d)
 Setter for disable 3d option in Rviz.
void setSpaceInformation (ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr si)
void setStateSpace (ompl::base::StateSpacePtr space)
 Load the OMPL state space or space information pointer.
geometry_msgs::Point stateToPointMsg (int vertex_id, ob::PlannerDataPtr planner_data)
 Helper Function: gets the x,y coordinates for a given vertex id.
geometry_msgs::Point stateToPointMsg (const ob::State *state)
geometry_msgs::Point stateToPointMsg (const ob::ScopedState<> state)

Static Public Member Functions

static int natRound (double x)
 Nat_Rounding helper function to make readings from cost map more accurate.

Private Attributes

intMatrixPtr cost_
bool disable_3d_
ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr si_
geometry_msgs::Point temp_point_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 98 of file ompl_visual_tools.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::OmplVisualTools ( const std::string &  base_link,
const std::string &  marker_topic = ompl_visual_tools::RVIZ_MARKER_TOPIC,
robot_model::RobotModelConstPtr  robot_model = robot_model::RobotModelConstPtr() 


Definition at line 75 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::convertPlannerData ( const ob::PlannerDataPtr  planner_data,
og::PathGeometric &  path 

Convert PlannerData to PathGeometric. Assume ordering of verticies is order of path.


Definition at line 551 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::convertRobotStatesToTipPoints ( const ompl::base::PlannerDataPtr graph,
const std::vector< const robot_model::LinkModel * > &  tips,
std::vector< std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > > &  vertex_tip_points 

Convet each vertex in a graph into a list of tip locations, as desired.

input- description
input- description

Definition at line 935 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

Helper function for converting a point to the correct cost.

Definition at line 112 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

Use bilinear interpolation, if necessary, to find the cost of a point between whole numbers From

Definition at line 123 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

Getter for disable 3d option in Rviz.

Definition at line 99 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::interpolateLine ( const geometry_msgs::Point p1,
const geometry_msgs::Point p2,
visualization_msgs::Marker *  marker,
const std_msgs::ColorRGBA  color 

Helper Function for Display Graph that makes the exploration lines follow the curvature of the map.

Definition at line 287 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

Nat_Rounding helper function to make readings from cost map more accurate.

rounded down number

Definition at line 877 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishCostMap ( PPMImage image,
bool  static_id = true 

Visualize Results.

Definition at line 188 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishEdge ( const ob::State *  stateA,
const ob::State *  stateB,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors  color = rviz_visual_tools::BLUE,
const rviz_visual_tools::scales  scale = rviz_visual_tools::REGULAR 
input- description
input- description

Definition at line 450 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishGraph ( ob::PlannerDataPtr  planner_data,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::BLUE,
const double  thickness = 0.2,
const std::string &  ns = "space_exploration" 

Display Explored Space.

Definition at line 386 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishPath ( const ob::PlannerDataPtr planner_data,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors  color,
const double  thickness = 0.4,
const std::string &  ns = "result_path" 

Display result path from a solver, in the form of a planner_data where the list of states is also the order of the path.

true on success

Definition at line 763 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishPath ( const og::PathGeometric &  path,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors  color,
const double  thickness = 0.4,
const std::string &  ns = "result_path" 

Display result path from a solver.

true on success

Definition at line 772 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishRobotGraph ( const ompl::base::PlannerDataPtr graph,
const std::vector< const robot_model::LinkModel * > &  tips 

Display resulting graph from a planner, in the form of a planner_data object This uses MoveIt's robot state for inverse kinematics.

true on success

Definition at line 708 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishRobotPath ( const ompl::base::PlannerDataPtr path,
robot_model::JointModelGroup *  joint_model_group,
const std::vector< const robot_model::LinkModel * > &  tips,
bool  show_trajectory_animated 

Display resulting path from a solver, in the form of a planner_data where the list of states is also the order of the path. This uses MoveIt's robot state for inverse kinematics.

true on success

Definition at line 631 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishRobotState ( const ompl::base::State *  state)

Convert an OMPL state to a MoveIt! robot state and publish it.

OMPLformat of a robot state
true on success

Definition at line 615 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishSampleIDs ( const og::PathGeometric &  path,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors  color = rviz_visual_tools::RED,
const rviz_visual_tools::scales  scale = rviz_visual_tools::SMALL,
const std::string &  ns = "sample_labels" 

Display labels on samples.

Definition at line 458 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishSampleRegion ( const ob::ScopedState<> &  state_area,
const double &  distance 

Visualize the sampling area in Rviz.

state_area- the center point of the uniform sampler
distance- the radius around the center for sampling

Definition at line 897 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishSamples ( const ob::PlannerDataPtr planner_data,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors  color = rviz_visual_tools::RED,
const rviz_visual_tools::scales  scale = rviz_visual_tools::SMALL,
const std::string &  ns = "sample_locations" 

Display Sample Points.

Definition at line 487 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishSamples ( const og::PathGeometric &  path,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors  color = rviz_visual_tools::RED,
const rviz_visual_tools::scales  scale = rviz_visual_tools::SMALL,
const std::string &  ns = "sample_locations" 

Definition at line 497 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishSpheres ( const ob::PlannerDataPtr planner_data,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors  color = rviz_visual_tools::RED,
const rviz_visual_tools::scales  scale = rviz_visual_tools::SMALL,
const std::string &  ns = "planner_data_spheres" 

Publish a marker of a series of spheres to rviz.

spheres- where to publish them
color- an enum pre-defined name of a color
scale- an enum pre-defined name of a size
ns- namespace of marker
true on success

Definition at line 513 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishSpheres ( const og::PathGeometric &  path,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors  color = rviz_visual_tools::RED,
double  scale = 0.1,
const std::string &  ns = "path_spheres" 

Definition at line 522 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishSpheres ( const og::PathGeometric &  path,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors  color = rviz_visual_tools::RED,
const rviz_visual_tools::scales  scale = rviz_visual_tools::SMALL,
const std::string &  ns = "path_spheres" 

Definition at line 532 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishSpheres ( const og::PathGeometric &  path,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors  color,
const geometry_msgs::Vector3 scale,
const std::string &  ns = "path_spheres" 

Definition at line 538 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishStartGoalSpheres ( ob::PlannerDataPtr  planner_data,
const std::string &  ns 

Display Start Goal.

Definition at line 372 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishState ( const ob::ScopedState<>  state,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color,
const rviz_visual_tools::scales  scale = rviz_visual_tools::REGULAR,
const std::string &  ns = "state_sphere" 

Display the start and goal states on the image map.


Definition at line 882 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishState ( const ob::ScopedState<>  state,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color,
double  scale = 0.1,
const std::string &  ns = "state_sphere" 

Definition at line 887 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishState ( const ob::ScopedState<>  state,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color,
const geometry_msgs::Vector3 scale,
const std::string &  ns = "state_sphere" 

Definition at line 892 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishStates ( std::vector< const ompl::base::State * >  states)

Display States.

true on success

Definition at line 560 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishText ( const geometry_msgs::Point point,
const std::string &  text,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::BLACK,
bool  static_id = true 

Publish text to rviz at a given location.

Definition at line 908 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishText ( const geometry_msgs::Pose pose,
const std::string &  text,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::BLACK,
bool  static_id = true 

Definition at line 917 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

bool ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::publishTriangle ( int  x,
int  y,
visualization_msgs::Marker *  marker,
PPMImage image 

Helper Function to display triangles.

Definition at line 264 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

Optional cost map for 2D environments.

Definition at line 91 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

Setter for disable 3d option in Rviz.

Definition at line 107 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

void ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::setSpaceInformation ( ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr  si)

Definition at line 86 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

void ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::setStateSpace ( ompl::base::StateSpacePtr  space)

Load the OMPL state space or space information pointer.

Definition at line 81 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

Helper Function: gets the x,y coordinates for a given vertex id.

idof a vertex
resultfrom an OMPL planner
geometry point msg with no z value filled in

Definition at line 841 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

Definition at line 849 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

Definition at line 868 of file ompl_visual_tools.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 103 of file ompl_visual_tools.h.

Definition at line 112 of file ompl_visual_tools.h.

ompl::base::SpaceInformationPtr ompl_visual_tools::OmplVisualTools::si_ [private]

Definition at line 106 of file ompl_visual_tools.h.

Definition at line 109 of file ompl_visual_tools.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Dave Coleman
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 21:13:31