Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
00002 // Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
00003 #pragma once
00007 #include "catch/catch.hpp"
00008 #include <librealsense/rs.h>
00009 #include <limits> // For std::numeric_limits
00010 #include <cmath> // For std::sqrt
00011 #include <cassert> // For assert
00012 #include <thread> // For std::this_thread::sleep_for
00013 #include <map>
00014 #include <mutex>
00015 #include <condition_variable>
00016 #include <atomic>
00018 // noexcept is not accepted by Visual Studio 2013 yet, but noexcept(false) is require on throwing destructors on gcc and clang
00019 // It is normally advisable not to throw in a destructor, however, this usage is safe for require_error/require_no_error because
00020 // they will only ever be created as temporaries immediately before being passed to a C ABI function. All parameters and return
00021 // types are vanilla C types, and thus nothrow-copyable, and the function itself cannot throw because it is a C ABI function.
00022 // Therefore, when a temporary require_error/require_no_error is destructed immediately following one of these C ABI function
00023 // calls, we should not have any exceptions in flight, and can freely throw (perhaps indirectly by calling Catch's REQUIRE() 
00024 // macro) to indicate postcondition violations.
00025 #ifdef WIN32
00026 #define NOEXCEPT_FALSE
00027 #else
00028 #define NOEXCEPT_FALSE noexcept(false)
00029 #endif
00031 // Can be passed to rs_error ** parameters, requires that an error is indicated with the specific provided message
00032 class require_error
00033 {
00034     std::string message;
00035     bool validate_error_message;      // Messages content may vary , subject to backend selection
00036     rs_error * err;
00037 public:
00038     require_error(std::string message,bool message_validation=true) : message(move(message)), validate_error_message(message_validation), err() {}
00039     require_error(const require_error &) = delete;
00040     ~require_error() NOEXCEPT_FALSE
00041     {
00042         assert(!std::uncaught_exception());
00043         REQUIRE(err != nullptr);
00044         if (validate_error_message)
00045         {
00046             REQUIRE(rs_get_error_message(err) == std::string(message));
00047         }
00048     }
00049     require_error &  operator = (const require_error &) = delete;
00050     operator rs_error ** () { return &err; }
00051 };
00053 // Can be passed to rs_error ** parameters, requires that no error is indicated
00054 class require_no_error
00055 {
00056     rs_error * err;
00057 public:
00058     require_no_error() : err() {}
00059     require_no_error(const require_error &) = delete;
00060     ~require_no_error() NOEXCEPT_FALSE 
00061     { 
00062         assert(!std::uncaught_exception());
00063         REQUIRE(rs_get_error_message(err) == rs_get_error_message(nullptr)); // Perform this check first. If an error WAS indicated, Catch will display it, making our debugging easier.
00064         REQUIRE(err == nullptr);
00065     }
00066     require_no_error &  operator = (const require_no_error &) = delete;
00067     operator rs_error ** () { return &err; }
00068 };
00070 // RAII wrapper to ensure that contexts are always cleaned up. rs_context has singleton
00071 // semantics, and creation will fail if an undeleted previous context still exists.
00072 class safe_context
00073 {
00074     rs_context * context;
00075     safe_context(int) : context() {}
00076 public:
00077     safe_context() : safe_context(1)
00078     {
00079         context = rs_create_context(RS_API_VERSION, require_no_error());
00080         REQUIRE(context != nullptr);
00081     }
00083     ~safe_context()
00084     {
00085         if(context)
00086         {
00087             rs_delete_context(context, nullptr);
00088         }
00089     }
00091     bool operator == (const safe_context& other) const { return context == other.context; }
00093     operator rs_context * () const { return context; }
00094 };
00097 // Compute dot product of a and b
00098 inline float dot_product(const float (& a)[3], const float (& b)[3])
00099 { 
00100     return a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2]; 
00101 }
00103 // Compute length of v
00104 inline float vector_length(const float (& v)[3])
00105 { 
00106     return std::sqrt(dot_product(v, v));
00107 }
00109 // Require that r = cross(a, b)
00110 inline void require_cross_product(const float (& r)[3], const float (& a)[3], const float (& b)[3])
00111 {
00112     REQUIRE( r[0] == Approx(a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1]) );
00113     REQUIRE( r[1] == Approx(a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2]) );
00114     REQUIRE( r[2] == Approx(a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0]) );
00115 }
00117 // Require that vector is exactly the zero vector
00118 inline void require_zero_vector(const float (& vector)[3])
00119 {
00120     for(int i=1; i<3; ++i) REQUIRE( vector[i] == 0.0f );
00121 }
00123 // Require that a == transpose(b)
00124 inline void require_transposed(const float (& a)[9], const float (& b)[9])
00125 {
00126     REQUIRE( a[0] == Approx(b[0]) );
00127     REQUIRE( a[1] == Approx(b[3]) );
00128     REQUIRE( a[2] == Approx(b[6]) );
00129     REQUIRE( a[3] == Approx(b[1]) );
00130     REQUIRE( a[4] == Approx(b[4]) );
00131     REQUIRE( a[5] == Approx(b[7]) );
00132     REQUIRE( a[6] == Approx(b[2]) );
00133     REQUIRE( a[7] == Approx(b[5]) );
00134     REQUIRE( a[8] == Approx(b[8]) );
00135 }
00137 // Require that matrix is an orthonormal 3x3 matrix
00138 inline void require_rotation_matrix(const float (& matrix)[9])
00139 {
00140     const float row0[] = {matrix[0], matrix[3], matrix[6]};
00141     const float row1[] = {matrix[1], matrix[4], matrix[7]};
00142     const float row2[] = {matrix[2], matrix[5], matrix[8]};
00143     REQUIRE( dot_product(row0, row0) == Approx(1) );
00144     REQUIRE( dot_product(row1, row1) == Approx(1) );
00145     REQUIRE( dot_product(row2, row2) == Approx(1) );
00146     REQUIRE( dot_product(row0, row1) == Approx(0) );
00147     REQUIRE( dot_product(row1, row2) == Approx(0) );
00148     REQUIRE( dot_product(row2, row0) == Approx(0) );
00149     require_cross_product(row0, row1, row2);
00150     require_cross_product(row0, row1, row2);
00151     require_cross_product(row0, row1, row2); 
00152 }
00154 // Require that matrix is exactly the identity matrix
00155 inline void require_identity_matrix(const float (& matrix)[9])
00156 {
00157     static const float identity_matrix_3x3[] = {1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1};
00158     for(int i=0; i<9; ++i) REQUIRE( matrix[i] == identity_matrix_3x3[i] );
00159 }
00161 struct test_duration{
00162     bool is_start_time_initialized;
00163     bool is_end_time_initialized;
00164     std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point start_time , end_time;
00165     uint32_t actual_frames_to_receive;
00166     uint32_t first_frame_to_capture;
00167     uint32_t frames_to_capture;
00168 };
00170 inline void check_fps(double actual_fps, double configured_fps)
00171 {
00172     REQUIRE(actual_fps >= configured_fps * 0.9); // allow threshold of 10 percent
00173 }
00175 struct stream_mode { rs_stream stream; int width, height; rs_format format; int framerate; };
00177 // All streaming tests are bounded by time or number of frames, which comes first
00178 const int max_capture_time_sec = 3;            // Each streaming test configuration shall not exceed this threshold
00179 const uint32_t max_frames_to_receive = 50;     // Max frames to capture per streaming tests
00181 inline void test_wait_for_frames(rs_device * device, std::initializer_list<stream_mode>& modes, std::map<rs_stream, test_duration>& duration_per_stream)
00182 {
00183     rs_start_device(device, require_no_error());
00184     REQUIRE( rs_is_device_streaming(device, require_no_error()) == 1 );
00186     rs_wait_for_frames(device, require_no_error());
00188     int lowest_fps_mode = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
00189     for(auto & mode : modes)
00190     {
00191         REQUIRE( rs_is_stream_enabled(device, mode.stream, require_no_error()) == 1 );
00192         REQUIRE( rs_get_frame_data(device, mode.stream, require_no_error()) != nullptr );
00193         REQUIRE( rs_get_frame_timestamp(device, mode.stream, require_no_error()) >= 0 );
00194         if (mode.framerate < lowest_fps_mode) lowest_fps_mode = mode.framerate;
00195     }
00197     std::vector<unsigned long long> last_frame_number;
00198     std::vector<unsigned long long> number_of_frames;
00199     last_frame_number.resize(RS_STREAM_COUNT);
00200     number_of_frames.resize(RS_STREAM_COUNT);
00202     for (auto& elem : modes)
00203     {
00204         number_of_frames[elem.stream] = 0;
00205         last_frame_number[elem.stream] = 0;
00206     }
00208     const auto actual_frames_to_receive = std::min(max_frames_to_receive, (uint32_t)(max_capture_time_sec* lowest_fps_mode));
00209     const auto first_frame_to_capture = (actual_frames_to_receive*0.1);   // Skip the first 10% of frames
00210     const auto frames_to_capture = (actual_frames_to_receive - first_frame_to_capture);
00212     for (auto i = 0u; i< actual_frames_to_receive; ++i)
00213     {
00214         rs_wait_for_frames(device, require_no_error());
00216         if (i < first_frame_to_capture) continue;       // Skip some frames at the beginning to stabilize the stream output
00218         for (auto & mode : modes)
00219         {
00220             if (rs_get_frame_timestamp(device, mode.stream, require_no_error()) > 0)
00221             {
00222                 REQUIRE( rs_is_stream_enabled(device, mode.stream, require_no_error()) == 1);
00223                 REQUIRE( rs_get_frame_data(device, mode.stream, require_no_error()) != nullptr);
00224                 REQUIRE( rs_get_frame_timestamp(device, mode.stream, require_no_error()) >= 0);
00226                 auto frame_number = rs_get_frame_number(device, mode.stream, require_no_error());
00227                 if (!duration_per_stream[mode.stream].is_end_time_initialized && last_frame_number[mode.stream] != frame_number)
00228                 {
00229                     last_frame_number[mode.stream] = frame_number;
00230                     ++number_of_frames[mode.stream];
00231                 }
00233                 if (!duration_per_stream[mode.stream].is_start_time_initialized && number_of_frames[mode.stream] >= 1)
00234                 {
00235                     duration_per_stream[mode.stream].start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
00236                     duration_per_stream[mode.stream].is_start_time_initialized = true;
00237                 }
00239                 if (!duration_per_stream[mode.stream].is_end_time_initialized && (number_of_frames[mode.stream] > (0.9 * frames_to_capture))) // Requires additional work for streams with different fps
00240                 {
00241                     duration_per_stream[mode.stream].end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
00242                     auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(duration_per_stream[mode.stream].end_time - duration_per_stream[mode.stream].start_time).count();
00243                     auto fps = ((double)number_of_frames[mode.stream] / duration) * 1000.;
00244                     //check_fps(fps, mode.framerate);   // requires additional work to configure UVC controls in order to achieve the required fps
00245                     duration_per_stream[mode.stream].is_end_time_initialized = true;
00246                 }
00247             }
00248         }
00249     }
00251     rs_stop_device(device, require_no_error());
00252     REQUIRE( rs_is_device_streaming(device, require_no_error()) == 0 );
00253 }
00256 static std::mutex m;
00257 static std::mutex cb_mtx;
00258 static std::condition_variable cv;
00259 static std::atomic<bool> stop_streaming;
00260 static int done;
00261 struct user_data{
00262     std::map<rs_stream, test_duration> duration_per_stream;
00263     std::map<rs_stream, unsigned> number_of_frames_per_stream;
00264 };
00267 inline void frame_callback(rs_device * dev, rs_frame_ref * frame, void * user)
00268 {
00269     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(cb_mtx);
00271     if (stop_streaming || (rs_get_detached_frame_timestamp(frame, require_no_error()) == 0))
00272     {
00273         rs_release_frame(dev, frame, require_no_error());
00274         return;
00275     }
00277     auto data = (user_data*)user;
00278     bool stop = true;
00280     auto stream_type = rs_get_detached_frame_stream_type(frame, require_no_error());
00282     for (auto& elem : data->number_of_frames_per_stream)
00283     {
00284         if (elem.second < data->duration_per_stream[stream_type].actual_frames_to_receive)
00285         {
00286             stop = false;
00287             break;
00288         }
00289     }
00292     if (stop)
00293     {
00294         stop_streaming = true;
00295         rs_release_frame(dev, frame, require_no_error());
00296         {
00297             std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m);
00298             done = true;
00299         }
00300         cv.notify_one();
00301         return;
00302     }
00304     if (data->duration_per_stream[stream_type].is_end_time_initialized)
00305     {
00306         rs_release_frame(dev, frame, require_no_error());
00307         return;
00308     }
00310     unsigned num_of_frames = 0;
00311     num_of_frames = (++data->number_of_frames_per_stream[stream_type]);
00313     if (num_of_frames >= data->duration_per_stream[stream_type].actual_frames_to_receive)
00314     {
00315         if (!data->duration_per_stream[stream_type].is_end_time_initialized)
00316         {
00317             data->duration_per_stream[stream_type].end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
00318             data->duration_per_stream[stream_type].is_end_time_initialized = true;
00319         }
00321         rs_release_frame(dev, frame, require_no_error());
00322         return;
00323     }
00325     if ((num_of_frames == data->duration_per_stream[stream_type].first_frame_to_capture) && (!data->duration_per_stream[stream_type].is_start_time_initialized))  // Skip some frames at the beginning to stabilize the stream output
00326     {
00327         data->duration_per_stream[stream_type].start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
00328         data->duration_per_stream[stream_type].is_start_time_initialized = true;
00329     }
00331     REQUIRE( rs_get_detached_frame_data(frame, require_no_error()) != nullptr );
00332     REQUIRE( rs_get_detached_frame_timestamp(frame, require_no_error()) >= 0 );
00334     rs_release_frame(dev, frame, require_no_error());
00335 }
00337 inline void test_frame_callback(rs_device * device, std::initializer_list<stream_mode>& modes, std::map<rs_stream, test_duration>& duration_per_stream)
00338 {
00339     done = false;
00340     stop_streaming = false;
00341     user_data data;
00342     data.duration_per_stream = duration_per_stream;
00343     for(auto & mode : modes)
00344     {
00345         data.number_of_frames_per_stream[mode.stream] = 0;
00346         data.duration_per_stream[mode.stream].is_start_time_initialized = false;
00347         data.duration_per_stream[mode.stream].is_end_time_initialized = false;
00348         data.duration_per_stream[mode.stream].actual_frames_to_receive = std::min(max_frames_to_receive, (uint32_t)(max_capture_time_sec* mode.framerate));
00349         data.duration_per_stream[mode.stream].first_frame_to_capture = (uint32_t)(data.duration_per_stream[mode.stream].actual_frames_to_receive*0.1);   // Skip the first 10% of frames
00350         data.duration_per_stream[mode.stream].frames_to_capture = data.duration_per_stream[mode.stream].actual_frames_to_receive - data.duration_per_stream[mode.stream].first_frame_to_capture;
00351         REQUIRE( rs_is_stream_enabled(device, mode.stream, require_no_error()) == 1 );
00352         rs_set_frame_callback(device, mode.stream, frame_callback, &data, require_no_error());
00353     }
00355     rs_start_device(device, require_no_error());
00356     REQUIRE( rs_is_device_streaming(device, require_no_error()) == 1 );
00358     {
00359         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
00360         cv.wait(lk, [&]{return done;});
00361         lk.unlock();
00362     }
00364     rs_stop_device(device, require_no_error());
00365     REQUIRE( rs_is_device_streaming(device, require_no_error()) == 0 );
00367     for(auto & mode : modes)
00368     {
00369         auto duration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(data.duration_per_stream[mode.stream].end_time - data.duration_per_stream[mode.stream].start_time).count();
00370         auto fps = ((float)data.number_of_frames_per_stream[mode.stream] / duration) * 1000.;
00371         //check_fps(fps, mode.framerate); / TODO is not suppuorted yet. See above message
00372     }
00373 }
00375 inline void motion_callback(rs_device * , rs_motion_data, void *)
00376 {
00377 }
00379 inline void timestamp_callback(rs_device * , rs_timestamp_data, void *)
00380 {
00381 }
00383 // Provide support for doing basic streaming tests on a set of specified modes
00384 inline void test_streaming(rs_device * device, std::initializer_list<stream_mode> modes)
00385 {
00386     std::map<rs_stream, test_duration> duration_per_stream;
00387     for(auto & mode : modes)
00388     {
00389         duration_per_stream.insert(std::pair<rs_stream, test_duration>(mode.stream, test_duration()));
00390         rs_enable_stream(device, mode.stream, mode.width, mode.height, mode.format, mode.framerate, require_no_error());
00391         REQUIRE( rs_is_stream_enabled(device, mode.stream, require_no_error()) == 1 );
00392     }
00394     test_wait_for_frames(device, modes, duration_per_stream);
00396     test_frame_callback(device, modes, duration_per_stream);
00398     for(auto & mode : modes)
00399     {
00400         rs_disable_stream(device, mode.stream, require_no_error());
00401         REQUIRE( rs_is_stream_enabled(device, mode.stream, require_no_error()) == 0 );
00402     }
00403 }
00405 inline void test_option(rs_device * device, rs_option option, std::initializer_list<int> good_values, std::initializer_list<int> bad_values)
00406 {
00407     // Test reading the current value
00408     const auto first_value = rs_get_device_option(device, option, require_no_error());
00410     // todo - Check that the first value is something sane?
00412     // Test setting good values, and that each value set can be subsequently get
00413     for(auto value : good_values)
00414     {
00415         rs_set_device_option(device, option, value, require_no_error());
00416         REQUIRE( rs_get_device_option(device, option, require_no_error()) == value );
00417     }
00419     // Test setting bad values, and verify that they do not change the value of the option
00420     const auto last_good_value = rs_get_device_option(device, option, require_no_error());
00421     for(auto value : bad_values)
00422     {
00423         rs_set_device_option(device, option, value, require_error("foo",false));
00424         REQUIRE( rs_get_device_option(device, option, require_no_error()) == last_good_value );
00425     }
00427     // Test that we can reset the option to its original value
00428     rs_set_device_option(device, option, first_value, require_no_error());
00429     REQUIRE( rs_get_device_option(device, option, require_no_error()) == first_value );
00430 }
00431 #endif

Author(s): Sergey Dorodnicov , Mark Horn , Reagan Lopez
autogenerated on Tue Jun 25 2019 19:54:39