Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <jsk_interactive_marker/transformable_object.h>
00002 #include <eigen_conversions/eigen_msg.h>
00003 #include <math.h>
00005 #define PI 3.14159265
00007 using namespace jsk_interactive_marker;
00009 inline geometry_msgs::Pose inverse(geometry_msgs::Pose pose){
00010   Eigen::Affine3d pose_eigen;
00011   tf::poseMsgToEigen(pose, pose_eigen);
00012   tf::poseEigenToMsg(pose_eigen.inverse(), pose);
00013   return pose;
00014 }
00017 TransformableObject::TransformableObject(){
00018   ROS_INFO("Init TransformableObject");
00019   control_offset_pose_.orientation.x = 0;
00020   control_offset_pose_.orientation.y = 0;
00021   control_offset_pose_.orientation.z = 0;
00022   control_offset_pose_.orientation.w = 1;
00023   pose_ = control_offset_pose_;
00024   display_interactive_manipulator_ = true;
00025   display_description_ = true;
00026 }
00028 void TransformableObject::setDisplayInteractiveManipulator(bool v)
00029 {
00030   display_interactive_manipulator_ = v;
00031 }
00033 void TransformableObject::setDisplayDescription(bool v)
00034 {
00035   display_description_ = v;
00036 }
00038 void TransformableObject::setInteractiveMarkerSetting(const InteractiveSettingConfig& config){
00039   display_interactive_manipulator_ = config.display_interactive_manipulator;
00040   display_description_ = config.display_description_only_selected ? false : true;
00041   interactive_manipulator_orientation_ = config.interactive_manipulator_orientation;
00042   interaction_mode_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(config.interaction_mode);
00043 }
00045 std::vector<visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerControl> TransformableObject::makeRotateTransFixControl(unsigned int orientation_mode){
00046   visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerControl control;
00048   std::vector<visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerControl> controls;
00049   control.orientation_mode = orientation_mode;
00050   control.orientation.w = 1;
00051   control.orientation.x = 1;
00052   control.orientation.y = 0;
00053   control.orientation.z = 0;
00054 = "rotate_x";
00055   control.interaction_mode = visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerControl::ROTATE_AXIS;
00056   controls.push_back(control);
00057 = "move_x";
00058   control.interaction_mode = visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerControl::MOVE_AXIS;
00059   controls.push_back(control);
00061   control.orientation.w = 1;
00062   control.orientation.x = 0;
00063   control.orientation.y = 1;
00064   control.orientation.z = 0;
00065 = "rotate_z";
00066   control.interaction_mode = visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerControl::ROTATE_AXIS;
00067   controls.push_back(control);
00068 = "move_z";
00069   control.interaction_mode = visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerControl::MOVE_AXIS;
00070   controls.push_back(control);
00072   control.orientation.w = 1;
00073   control.orientation.x = 0;
00074   control.orientation.y = 0;
00075   control.orientation.z = 1;
00076 = "rotate_y";
00077   control.interaction_mode = visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerControl::ROTATE_AXIS;
00078   controls.push_back(control);
00079 = "move_y";
00080   control.interaction_mode = visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerControl::MOVE_AXIS;
00081   controls.push_back(control);
00083   return controls;
00084 };
00086 void TransformableObject::addMarker(visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarker &int_marker, bool always_visible, unsigned int interaction_mode)
00087 {
00088   visualization_msgs::Marker marker = getVisualizationMsgMarker();
00089   visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerControl marker_control;
00090   marker_control.always_visible = always_visible;
00091   marker_control.markers.push_back(marker);
00092   marker_control.interaction_mode = interaction_mode;
00093   int_marker.controls.push_back(marker_control);
00094 };
00096 void TransformableObject::addControl(visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarker &int_marker)
00097 {
00098   if(display_interactive_manipulator_){
00099     std::vector<visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerControl> rotate_controls = makeRotateTransFixControl(interactive_manipulator_orientation_);
00100     int_marker.controls.insert(int_marker.controls.end(), rotate_controls.begin(), rotate_controls.end());
00101   }
00102 };
00104 visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarker TransformableObject::getInteractiveMarker(){
00105   visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarker int_marker;
00107   addMarker(int_marker, true, interaction_mode_);
00108   addControl(int_marker);
00109   int_marker.header.frame_id = frame_id_;
00110 = name_;
00111   if (display_description_) {
00112     int_marker.description = description_;
00113   } else {
00114     int_marker.description = "";
00115   }
00116   int_marker.pose = pose_;
00117   int_marker.scale = getInteractiveMarkerScale();
00118   return int_marker;
00119 };
00121 void TransformableObject::setPose(geometry_msgs::Pose pose, bool for_interactive_control){
00122   if(for_interactive_control) {
00123     pose_ = pose;
00124   }
00125   else {
00126     Eigen::Affine3d control_offset_eigen;
00127     tf::poseMsgToEigen(control_offset_pose_, control_offset_eigen);
00128     Eigen::Affine3d pose_eigen;
00129     tf::poseMsgToEigen(pose, pose_eigen);
00130     tf::poseEigenToMsg(pose_eigen * control_offset_eigen, pose_);
00131   }
00132 }
00134 geometry_msgs::Pose TransformableObject::getPose(bool for_interactive_control){
00135   if(for_interactive_control) {
00136     return pose_;
00137   }
00138   else{
00139     geometry_msgs::Pose pose;
00140     Eigen::Affine3d control_offset_eigen;
00141     tf::poseMsgToEigen(control_offset_pose_, control_offset_eigen);
00142     Eigen::Affine3d pose_eigen;
00143     tf::poseMsgToEigen(pose_, pose_eigen);
00144     tf::poseEigenToMsg(pose_eigen * control_offset_eigen.inverse(), pose);
00145     //return pose;
00146     return pose;
00147   }
00148 }
00151 void TransformableObject::addPose(geometry_msgs::Pose msg, bool relative){
00152   Eigen::Vector3d original_p(msg.position.x, msg.position.y, msg.position.z);
00153   Eigen::Quaterniond original_q;
00154   tf::quaternionMsgToEigen(pose_.orientation, original_q);
00155   Eigen::Quaterniond diff_q;
00156   tf::quaternionMsgToEigen(msg.orientation, diff_q);
00157   Eigen::Quaterniond updated_q;
00158   if(relative) {
00159      original_p = Eigen::Affine3d(original_q) * original_p;
00160   }
00161   if(relative) {
00162     updated_q = original_q * diff_q;
00163   } else {
00164     updated_q = diff_q * original_q;
00165   }
00166   pose_.position.x += original_p[0];
00167   pose_.position.y += original_p[1];
00168   pose_.position.z += original_p[2];
00169   tf::quaternionEigenToMsg(updated_q, pose_.orientation);
00170 }
00172 void TransformableObject::publishTF(){
00173   tf::Transform transform;
00174   tf::poseMsgToTF(getPose(), transform);
00175   br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), frame_id_, name_));
00176 }
00178 namespace jsk_interactive_marker{
00179   TransformableCylinder::TransformableCylinder( float radius, float z, float r, float g, float b, float a, std::string frame, std::string name, std::string description){
00180     cylinder_radius_ = radius;
00181     cylinder_z_ = z;
00182     cylinder_r_ = r;
00183     cylinder_g_ = g;
00184     cylinder_b_ = b;
00185     cylinder_a_ = a;
00186     marker_.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CYLINDER;
00187     type_ = jsk_rviz_plugins::TransformableMarkerOperate::CYLINDER;
00189     frame_id_ = frame;
00190     name_ = name;
00191     description_ = description;
00192   }
00194   visualization_msgs::Marker TransformableCylinder::getVisualizationMsgMarker(){
00195     marker_.scale.x = cylinder_radius_ * 2.0;
00196     marker_.scale.y = cylinder_radius_ * 2.0;
00197     marker_.scale.z = cylinder_z_;
00198     marker_.color.r = cylinder_r_;
00199     marker_.color.g = cylinder_g_;
00200     marker_.color.b = cylinder_b_;
00201     marker_.color.a = cylinder_a_;
00202     marker_.pose = control_offset_pose_;
00203     return marker_;
00204   }
00205 }
00207 namespace jsk_interactive_marker{
00209   TransformableTorus::TransformableTorus( float radius, float small_radius, int u_div, int v_div, float r, float g, float b, float a, std::string frame, std::string name, std::string description){
00210     torus_radius_ = radius;
00211     torus_small_radius_ = small_radius;
00212     torus_r_ = r;
00213     torus_g_ = g;
00214     torus_b_ = b;
00215     torus_a_ = a;
00216     marker_.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::TRIANGLE_LIST;
00217     type_ = jsk_rviz_plugins::TransformableMarkerOperate::TORUS;
00219     frame_id_ = frame;
00220     name_ = name;
00221     description_ = description;
00223     u_division_num_ = u_div;
00224     v_division_num_ = v_div;
00225   }
00227   std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point > TransformableTorus::calcurateTriangleMesh(){
00228     std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> triangle_mesh;
00229     float center_x = 0;
00230     float center_y = 0;
00231     float u_division_num = u_division_num_;
00232     float v_division_num = v_division_num_;
00233     std::vector<std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> > points_array;
00234     for (int i = 0; i < u_division_num; i ++){
00235       std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> points;
00236       float target_circle_x = torus_radius_ * cos( ( i / u_division_num) * 2 * PI) ;
00237       float target_circle_y = torus_radius_ * sin( ( i / u_division_num) * 2 * PI) ;
00238       for (int j = 0; j < v_division_num; j++){
00239         geometry_msgs::Point new_point;
00240         new_point.x = target_circle_x + torus_small_radius_ * cos ( (j / v_division_num) * 2 * PI) * cos( ( i / u_division_num) * 2 * PI);
00241         new_point.y = target_circle_y + torus_small_radius_ * cos ( (j / v_division_num) * 2 * PI) * sin( ( i / u_division_num) * 2 * PI);
00242         new_point.z = torus_small_radius_ * sin ( (j / v_division_num) * 2 * PI);
00243         points.push_back(new_point);
00244       }
00245       points_array.push_back(points);
00246     }
00248     //create mesh list;
00249     for(int i = 0; i < u_division_num; i++){
00250       std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> target_points = points_array[i];
00251       float prev_index = i - 1, next_index = i + 1;
00252       if(prev_index < 0)
00253         prev_index = u_division_num - 1;
00254       if(next_index > u_division_num - 1)
00255         next_index = 0;
00256       std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> prev_points = points_array[prev_index];
00257       std::vector<geometry_msgs::Point> next_points = points_array[next_index];
00258       for(int j = 0; j < v_division_num; j++){
00259         float next_point_index = j + 1;
00260         if( next_point_index > v_division_num - 1)
00261           next_point_index = 0;
00262         //first pushes
00263         triangle_mesh.push_back(target_points[j]);
00264         triangle_mesh.push_back(next_points[j]);
00265         triangle_mesh.push_back(target_points[next_point_index]);
00266         //second pushes
00267         triangle_mesh.push_back(target_points[j]);
00268         triangle_mesh.push_back(target_points[next_point_index]);
00269         triangle_mesh.push_back(prev_points[next_point_index]);
00270       }
00271     }
00273     return triangle_mesh;
00274   }
00276   visualization_msgs::Marker TransformableTorus::getVisualizationMsgMarker(){
00277     marker_.points = calcurateTriangleMesh();
00278     marker_.color.r = torus_r_;
00279     marker_.color.g = torus_g_;
00280     marker_.color.b = torus_b_;
00281     marker_.color.a = torus_a_;
00282     return marker_;
00283   }
00284 }
00286 namespace jsk_interactive_marker{
00288   TransformableBox::TransformableBox( float length , float r, float g, float b, float a, std::string frame, std::string name, std::string description){
00289     box_x_ = box_y_ = box_z_ = length;
00291     box_r_ = r;
00292     box_g_ = g;
00293     box_b_ = b;
00294     box_a_ = a;
00295     marker_.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE;
00297     frame_id_ = frame;
00298     name_ = name;
00299     description_ = description;
00300   }
00302   TransformableBox::TransformableBox( float x, float y, float z , float r, float g, float b, float a, std::string frame, std::string name, std::string description){
00303     box_x_ = x;
00304     box_y_ = y;
00305     box_z_ = z;
00306     box_r_ = r;
00307     box_g_ = g;
00308     box_b_ = b;
00309     box_a_ = a;
00310     marker_.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE;
00311     type_ = jsk_rviz_plugins::TransformableMarkerOperate::BOX;
00313     frame_id_ = frame;
00314     name_ = name;
00315     description_ = description;
00316   }
00318   visualization_msgs::Marker TransformableBox::getVisualizationMsgMarker(){
00319     marker_.scale.x = box_x_;
00320     marker_.scale.y = box_y_;
00321     marker_.scale.z = box_z_;
00322     marker_.color.r = box_r_;
00323     marker_.color.g = box_g_;
00324     marker_.color.b = box_b_;
00325     marker_.color.a = box_a_;
00326     return marker_;
00327   }
00328 }
00330 namespace jsk_interactive_marker{
00332   TransformableMesh::TransformableMesh( std::string frame, std::string name, std::string description, std::string mesh_resource, bool mesh_use_embedded_materials){
00333     marker_scale_ = 0.5;
00334     marker_.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::MESH_RESOURCE;
00335     type_ = jsk_rviz_plugins::TransformableMarkerOperate::MESH_RESOURCE;
00336     mesh_resource_ = mesh_resource;
00337     mesh_use_embedded_materials_ = mesh_use_embedded_materials;
00338     frame_id_ = frame;
00339     name_ = name;
00340     description_ = description;
00341   }
00343   visualization_msgs::Marker TransformableMesh::getVisualizationMsgMarker(){
00344     marker_.mesh_resource = mesh_resource_;
00345     marker_.mesh_use_embedded_materials = mesh_use_embedded_materials_;
00346     marker_.scale.x = 1.0;
00347     marker_.scale.y = 1.0;
00348     marker_.scale.z = 1.0;
00349     marker_.color.r = mesh_r_;
00350     marker_.color.g = mesh_g_;
00351     marker_.color.b = mesh_b_;
00352     marker_.color.a = mesh_a_;
00353     marker_.pose = inverse(control_offset_pose_);
00354     return marker_;
00355   }
00356 }

Author(s): furuta
autogenerated on Wed May 1 2019 02:40:31