Classes | Functions
dwb_local_planner Namespace Reference


class  DebugDWBLocalPlanner
 A version of DWBLocalPlanner with ROS services for the major components. More...
class  DWBLocalPlanner
 Plugin-based flexible local_planner. More...
class  DWBPublisher
 Consolidation of all the publishing logic for the DWB Local Planner. More...
class  GoalChecker
 Function-object for checking whether a goal has been reached. More...
class  IllegalTrajectoryTracker
class  NoLegalTrajectoriesException
 Thrown when all the trajectories explored are illegal. More...
class  TrajectoryCritic
 Evaluates a Trajectory2D to produce a score. More...
class  TrajectoryGenerator
 Interface for iterating through possible velocities and creating trajectories. More...


std::string getBackwardsCompatibleDefaultGenerator (const ros::NodeHandle &nh)
const geometry_msgs::Pose2D & getClosestPose (const dwb_msgs::Trajectory2D &trajectory, const double time_offset)
 Helper function to find a pose in the trajectory with a particular time time_offset.
double getSquareDistance (const geometry_msgs::Pose2D &pose_a, const geometry_msgs::Pose2D &pose_b)
void loadBackwardsCompatibleParameters (const ros::NodeHandle &nh)
 Load parameters to emulate dwa_local_planner.
geometry_msgs::Pose2D projectPose (const dwb_msgs::Trajectory2D &trajectory, const double time_offset)
 Helper function to create a pose with an exact time_offset by linearly interpolating between existing poses.

Function Documentation

Definition at line 44 of file backwards_compatibility.cpp.

const geometry_msgs::Pose2D & dwb_local_planner::getClosestPose ( const dwb_msgs::Trajectory2D &  trajectory,
const double  time_offset 

Helper function to find a pose in the trajectory with a particular time time_offset.

trajectoryThe trajectory to search
time_offsetThe desired time_offset
reference to the pose that is closest to the particular time offset

Linearly searches through the poses. Once the poses time_offset is greater than the desired time_offset, the search ends, since the poses have increasing time_offsets.

Definition at line 40 of file trajectory_utils.cpp.

double dwb_local_planner::getSquareDistance ( const geometry_msgs::Pose2D &  pose_a,
const geometry_msgs::Pose2D &  pose_b 

Definition at line 382 of file dwb_local_planner.cpp.

Load parameters to emulate dwa_local_planner.

If no critic parameters are specified, this function should be called to load/move parameters that will emulate the behavior of dwa_local_planner

nhNodeHandle to load parameters from

Definition at line 58 of file backwards_compatibility.cpp.

geometry_msgs::Pose2D dwb_local_planner::projectPose ( const dwb_msgs::Trajectory2D &  trajectory,
const double  time_offset 

Helper function to create a pose with an exact time_offset by linearly interpolating between existing poses.

trajectoryThe trajectory with pose and time offset information
time_offsetThe desired time_offset
New Pose2D with interpolated values
If the given time offset is outside the bounds of the trajectory, the return pose will be either the first or last pose.

Definition at line 66 of file trajectory_utils.cpp.

Author(s): David V. Lu!!
autogenerated on Wed Jun 26 2019 20:09:38