Classes | |
struct | CartesianPointInformation |
struct | CartesianPointRelationship |
class | DensePlanner |
struct | JointEdge |
struct | JointVertex |
class | PlanningGraph |
class | SparsePlanner |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::map < descartes_core::TrajectoryPt::ID, CartesianPointInformation > | CartesianMap |
typedef boost::function < double(const std::vector < double > &, const std::vector< double > &)> | CostFunction |
typedef boost::graph_traits < JointGraph >::edge_iterator | EdgeIterator |
typedef boost::graph_traits < JointGraph > ::in_edge_iterator | InEdgeIterator |
typedef boost::adjacency_list < boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS, JointVertex, JointEdge > | JointGraph |
typedef std::map < descartes_core::TrajectoryPt::ID, descartes_trajectory::JointTrajectoryPt > | JointMap |
typedef boost::graph_traits < JointGraph > ::out_edge_iterator | OutEdgeIterator |
typedef boost::graph_traits < JointGraph > ::vertex_iterator | VertexIterator |
typedef std::map < descartes_core::TrajectoryPt::ID, JointGraph::vertex_descriptor > | VertexMap |
Variables | |
const double | DEFAULT_SAMPLING = 0.1f |
const int | INVALID_INDEX = -1 |
const double | MAX_JOINT_CHANGE = M_PI_4 |
const std::string | SAMPLING_CONFIG = "sampling" |
typedef std::map<descartes_core::TrajectoryPt::ID, CartesianPointInformation> descartes_planner::CartesianMap |
Definition at line 78 of file planning_graph.h.
typedef boost::function<double(const std::vector<double> &, const std::vector<double> &)> descartes_planner::CostFunction |
Definition at line 69 of file planning_graph.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<JointGraph>::edge_iterator descartes_planner::EdgeIterator |
Definition at line 65 of file planning_graph.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<JointGraph>::in_edge_iterator descartes_planner::InEdgeIterator |
Definition at line 67 of file planning_graph.h.
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::listS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS, JointVertex, JointEdge > descartes_planner::JointGraph |
Definition at line 62 of file planning_graph.h.
typedef std::map<descartes_core::TrajectoryPt::ID, descartes_trajectory::JointTrajectoryPt> descartes_planner::JointMap |
Definition at line 79 of file planning_graph.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<JointGraph>::out_edge_iterator descartes_planner::OutEdgeIterator |
Definition at line 66 of file planning_graph.h.
typedef boost::graph_traits<JointGraph>::vertex_iterator descartes_planner::VertexIterator |
Definition at line 64 of file planning_graph.h.
typedef std::map<descartes_core::TrajectoryPt::ID, JointGraph::vertex_descriptor> descartes_planner::VertexMap |
Definition at line 80 of file planning_graph.h.
const double descartes_planner::DEFAULT_SAMPLING = 0.1f |
Definition at line 61 of file src/sparse_planner.cpp.
const int descartes_planner::INVALID_INDEX = -1 [static] |
Definition at line 59 of file src/sparse_planner.cpp.
const double descartes_planner::MAX_JOINT_CHANGE = M_PI_4 |
Definition at line 60 of file src/sparse_planner.cpp.
const std::string descartes_planner::SAMPLING_CONFIG = "sampling" |
Definition at line 62 of file src/sparse_planner.cpp.