Classes |
class | Board |
class | BoardConfiguration |
| This class defines a board with several markers. A Board contains several markers so that they are more robustly detected. More...
class | BoardDetector |
| This class detects AR boards Version 1.2 There are two modes for board detection. First, the old way. (You first detect markers with MarkerDetector and then call to detect in this class. More...
class | CameraParameters |
| Parameters of the camera. More...
class | CvDrawingUtils |
| A set of functions to draw in opencv images. More...
class | Dictionary |
class | FiducidalMarkers |
class | HighlyReliableMarkers |
class | Marker |
| This class represents a marker. It is a vector of the fours corners ot the marker. More...
class | MarkerCode |
class | MarkerDetector |
| Main class for marker detection. More...
struct | MarkerInfo |
class | SubPixelCorner |
Functions |
void | findCornerPointsInContour (const vector< cv::Point2f > &points, const vector< cv::Point > &contour, vector< int > &idxs) |
int | findDeformedSidesIdx (const vector< cv::Point > &contour, const vector< int > &idxSegments) |
void | print (cv::Point3f p, string cad) |
void | setPointIntoImage (cv::Point2f &p, cv::Size s) |
void | setPointIntoImage (cv::Point &p, cv::Size s) |
Variables |
int | count = 0 |
int | idc = 11 |