File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
common_errors.h [code]
rs232.cpp [code]Software API to deal with the RS232 port. This API was designed to interact with faulhaber's MCDC3006S driver using the serial port interface
rs232.h [code]Software API to deal with the RS232 port. This API was designed to interact with faulhaber's MCDC3006S driver using the serial port interface
semaphores.c [code]Software API for an easy use of the *nix IPC system
semaphores.h [code]Software API for an easy use of the *nix IPC system
test_manual_rs232.cpp [code]
test_manual_screen.cpp [code]
test_manual_semaphores.c [code]

Author(s): Raul Perula-Martinez , Victor Gonzalez
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 16:26:48