Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ComponentClass component
MagnetStructData structure for a Magnet
PathClass to manage the waypoints and magnets of the current path
purepursuit_planner.path_marker_1.PointPathClass to manage the creation of a Waypoint base on InteractiveMarker
purepursuit_planner.path_marker_2.PointPathClass to manage the creation of a Waypoint base on InteractiveMarker
purepursuit_planner.path_marker_1.PointPathManagerManages the creation of waypoints and how to send them to Purepursuit
purepursuit_planner.path_marker_2.PointPathManagerManages the creation of waypoints and how to send them to Purepursuit
thread_dataStruct to store main data for a thread
thread_paramStruct used for real time thread
WaypointData structure for a Waypoint

Author(s): Román Navarro
autogenerated on Thu Aug 27 2015 12:08:42