crsm_slam::CrsmExpansion | |
crsm_slam::CrsmHillClimbingPerson | The container of the basic element of hill climbing. (a person or individual, with transformation as genome) |
crsm_slam::CrsmLaser | The container of the laser range finder |
crsm_slam::CrsmLaserInfo | The container of the laser range finder information |
crsm_slam::CrsmLaserScan | The container of a laser range finder scan |
crsm_slam::CrsmMap | Holds the occupancy grid map |
crsm_slam::CrsmMapInfo | Holds the occupancy grid map information |
crsm_slam::CrsmPoint | Holds the variables for a laser ray casted at a specific point |
crsm_slam::CrsmPose | Holds a robot 2D pose |
crsm_slam::CrsmSlam | The main slam class. Contains the main functionalities of CRSM slam |
crsm_slam::CrsmSlamParameters | Contains the parameters needed to execute CRSM slam. These parameters are dynamically loaded from the file crsm_slamParameters.yaml |
crsm_slam::CrsmTransformation | Holds a robot 2D transformation |