Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************
00002  * 
00003  * Copyright (c) 2010
00004  *
00005  * Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering
00006  * and Automation (IPA)
00007  *
00008  * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00009  *
00010  * Project name: care-o-bot
00011  * ROS stack name: cob_vision
00012  * ROS package name: cob_people_detection
00013  * Description: Takes the positions of detected or recognized faces and
00014  * a people segmentation of the environment as input and outputs people
00015  * positions.
00016  *
00017  * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00018  *
00019  * Author: Jan Fischer,
00020  * Author: Richard Bormann, email:
00021  * Supervised by:
00022  *
00023  * Date of creation: 03/2011
00024  * ToDo:
00025  *
00026  * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00027  *
00028  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
00029  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
00030  *
00031  * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
00032  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
00033  * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
00034  * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
00035  * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
00036  * * Neither the name of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing
00037  * Engineering and Automation (IPA) nor the names of its
00038  * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
00039  * this software without specific prior written permission.
00040  *
00041  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00042  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL as
00043  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
00044  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
00045  *
00046  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00047  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00049  * GNU Lesser General Public License LGPL for more details.
00050  *
00051  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00052  * License LGPL along with this program.
00053  * If not, see <>.
00054  *
00055  ****************************************************************/
00057 #ifndef _PEOPLE_DETECTION_
00058 #define _PEOPLE_DETECTION_
00060 //##################
00061 //#### includes ####
00063 // standard includes
00064 //--
00066 // ROS includes
00067 #include <ros/ros.h>
00068 #include <nodelet/nodelet.h>
00069 #include <ros/package.h>
00071 // ROS message includes
00072 #include <sensor_msgs/Image.h>
00073 #include <sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.h>
00074 #include <cob_perception_msgs/DetectionArray.h>
00076 // services
00077 #include <cob_people_detection/DetectPeople.h>
00079 // topics
00080 #include <message_filters/subscriber.h>
00081 #include <message_filters/synchronizer.h>
00082 #include <message_filters/sync_policies/approximate_time.h>
00083 #include <image_transport/image_transport.h>
00084 #include <image_transport/subscriber_filter.h>
00086 // opencv
00087 #include <opencv/cv.h>
00088 #include <opencv/highgui.h>
00089 #include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h>
00090 #include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h>
00092 // point cloud
00093 #include <pcl/point_types.h>
00094 #include <pcl_ros/point_cloud.h>
00096 // boost
00097 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
00098 #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
00100 // external includes
00101 #include "cob_vision_utils/GlobalDefines.h"
00103 #include <sstream>
00104 #include <string>
00105 #include <vector>
00107 #include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
00109 namespace ipa_PeopleDetector
00110 {
00112 //####################
00113 //#### node class ####
00114 class CobPeopleDetectionNodelet: public nodelet::Nodelet
00115 {
00116 protected:
00117         //message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> shared_image_sub_; ///< Shared xyz image and color image topic
00118         image_transport::ImageTransport* it_;
00119         image_transport::SubscriberFilter people_segmentation_image_sub_; 
00120         image_transport::SubscriberFilter color_image_sub_; 
00121         message_filters::Synchronizer<message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime<cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray, sensor_msgs::Image> >* sync_input_2_;
00122         message_filters::Synchronizer<message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime<cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray, sensor_msgs::Image, sensor_msgs::Image> >
00123                         * sync_input_3_;
00124         message_filters::Subscriber<cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray> face_position_subscriber_; 
00125         ros::Publisher face_position_publisher_; 
00126         image_transport::Publisher people_detection_image_pub_; 
00127         ros::ServiceServer service_server_detect_people_; 
00130         ros::NodeHandle node_handle_; 
00132         std::vector<cob_perception_msgs::Detection> face_position_accumulator_; 
00133         boost::timed_mutex face_position_accumulator_mutex_; 
00134         std::vector<std::map<std::string, double> > face_identification_votes_; 
00136         // parameters
00137         bool display_; 
00138         bool use_people_segmentation_; 
00139         double face_redetection_time_; 
00140         double min_segmented_people_ratio_color_; 
00141         double min_segmented_people_ratio_range_; 
00142         double tracking_range_m_; 
00143         double face_identification_score_decay_rate_; 
00144         double min_face_identification_score_to_publish_; 
00145         bool fall_back_to_unknown_identification_; 
00147 public:
00149         CobPeopleDetectionNodelet()
00150         {
00151                 it_ = 0;
00152                 sync_input_2_ = 0;
00153                 sync_input_3_ = 0;
00154         }
00156         ~CobPeopleDetectionNodelet()
00157         {
00158                 if (it_ != 0)
00159                         delete it_;
00160                 if (sync_input_2_ != 0)
00161                         delete sync_input_2_;
00162                 if (sync_input_3_ != 0)
00163                         delete sync_input_3_;
00164         }
00167         void onInit()
00168         {
00169                 node_handle_ = getNodeHandle();
00171                 // parameters
00172                 std::cout << "\n---------------------------\nPeople Detection Parameters:\n---------------------------\n";
00173                 node_handle_.param("display", display_, true);
00174                 std::cout << "display = " << display_ << "\n";
00175                 node_handle_.param("face_redetection_time", face_redetection_time_, 2.0);
00176                 std::cout << "face_redetection_time = " << face_redetection_time_ << "\n";
00177                 node_handle_.param("min_segmented_people_ratio_color", min_segmented_people_ratio_color_, 0.7);
00178                 std::cout << "min_segmented_people_ratio_color = " << min_segmented_people_ratio_color_ << "\n";
00179                 node_handle_.param("min_segmented_people_ratio_range", min_segmented_people_ratio_range_, 0.2);
00180                 std::cout << "min_segmented_people_ratio_range = " << min_segmented_people_ratio_range_ << "\n";
00181                 node_handle_.param("use_people_segmentation", use_people_segmentation_, true);
00182                 std::cout << "use_people_segmentation = " << use_people_segmentation_ << "\n";
00183                 node_handle_.param("tracking_range_m", tracking_range_m_, 0.3);
00184                 std::cout << "tracking_range_m = " << tracking_range_m_ << "\n";
00185                 node_handle_.param("face_identification_score_decay_rate", face_identification_score_decay_rate_, 0.9);
00186                 std::cout << "face_identification_score_decay_rate = " << face_identification_score_decay_rate_ << "\n";
00187                 node_handle_.param("min_face_identification_score_to_publish", min_face_identification_score_to_publish_, 0.9);
00188                 std::cout << "min_face_identification_score_to_publish = " << min_face_identification_score_to_publish_ << "\n";
00189                 node_handle_.param("fall_back_to_unknown_identification", fall_back_to_unknown_identification_, true);
00190                 std::cout << "fall_back_to_unknown_identification = " << fall_back_to_unknown_identification_ << "\n";
00192                 // subscribers
00193                 it_ = new image_transport::ImageTransport(node_handle_);
00194                 people_segmentation_image_sub_.subscribe(*it_, "people_segmentation_image", 1);
00195                 if (display_ == true)
00196                         color_image_sub_.subscribe(*it_, "colorimage", 1);
00197                 face_position_subscriber_.subscribe(node_handle_, "face_position_array_in", 1);
00199                 // input synchronization
00200                 sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr nullPtr;
00201                 if (use_people_segmentation_ == true)
00202                 {
00203                         if (display_ == false)
00204                         {
00205                                 sync_input_2_
00206                                                 = new message_filters::Synchronizer<message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime<cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray, sensor_msgs::Image> >(2);
00207                                 sync_input_2_->connectInput(face_position_subscriber_, people_segmentation_image_sub_);
00208                                 sync_input_2_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&CobPeopleDetectionNodelet::inputCallback, this, _1, _2, nullPtr));
00209                         }
00210                         else
00211                         {
00212                                 sync_input_3_ = new message_filters::Synchronizer<message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime<cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray, sensor_msgs::Image,
00213                                                 sensor_msgs::Image> >(3);
00214                                 sync_input_3_->connectInput(face_position_subscriber_, people_segmentation_image_sub_, color_image_sub_);
00215                                 sync_input_3_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&CobPeopleDetectionNodelet::inputCallback, this, _1, _2, _3));
00216                         }
00217                 }
00218                 else
00219                 {
00220                         if (display_ == true)
00221                         {
00222                                 sync_input_2_
00223                                                 = new message_filters::Synchronizer<message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime<cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray, sensor_msgs::Image> >(2);
00224                                 sync_input_2_->connectInput(face_position_subscriber_, color_image_sub_);
00225                                 sync_input_2_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&CobPeopleDetectionNodelet::inputCallback, this, _1, nullPtr, _2));
00226                         }
00227                         else
00228                         {
00229                                 face_position_subscriber_.registerCallback(boost::bind(&CobPeopleDetectionNodelet::inputCallback, this, _1, nullPtr, nullPtr));
00230                         }
00231                 }
00233                 // services
00234                 service_server_detect_people_ = node_handle_.advertiseService("detect_people", &CobPeopleDetectionNodelet::detectPeopleCallback, this);
00236                 // publishers
00237                 face_position_publisher_ = node_handle_.advertise<cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray>("face_position_array", 1);
00238                 people_detection_image_pub_ = it_->advertise("people_detection_image", 1);
00240                 std::cout << "CobPeopleDetectionNodelet initialized.\n";
00242                 //ros::spin(); not necessary with nodelets
00243         }
00246         unsigned long convertColorImageMessageToMat(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& image_msg, cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr& image_ptr, cv::Mat& image)
00247         {
00248                 try
00249                 {
00250                         image_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvShare(image_msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8);
00251                 } catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e)
00252                 {
00253                         ROS_ERROR("PeopleDetection: cv_bridge exception: %s", e.what());
00254                         return ipa_Utils::RET_FAILED;
00255                 }
00256                 image = image_ptr->image;
00258                 return ipa_Utils::RET_OK;
00259         }
00267         unsigned long copyDetection(const cob_perception_msgs::Detection& src, cob_perception_msgs::Detection& dest, bool update = false,
00268                         unsigned int updateIndex = UINT_MAX)
00269         {
00270                 // 2D image coordinates
00271                 dest.mask.roi.x = src.mask.roi.x;
00272                 dest.mask.roi.y = src.mask.roi.y;
00273                 dest.mask.roi.width = src.mask.roi.width;
00274                 dest.mask.roi.height = src.mask.roi.height;
00276                 // 3D world coordinates
00277                 const geometry_msgs::Point* pointIn = &(src.pose.pose.position);
00278                 geometry_msgs::Point* pointOut = &(dest.pose.pose.position);
00279                 pointOut->x = pointIn->x;
00280                 pointOut->y = pointIn->y;
00281                 pointOut->z = pointIn->z;
00283                 // person ID
00284                 if (update == true)
00285                 {
00286                         // update label history
00287                         // if (src.label!="No face")
00288                         // {
00289                         if (face_identification_votes_[updateIndex].find(src.label) == face_identification_votes_[updateIndex].end())
00290                                 face_identification_votes_[updateIndex][src.label] = 1.0;
00291                         else
00292                                 face_identification_votes_[updateIndex][src.label] += 1.0;
00293                         // }
00295                         // apply voting decay with time and find most voted label
00296                         double max_score = 0;
00297                         dest.label = src.label;
00298                         for (std::map<std::string, double>::iterator face_identification_votes_it = face_identification_votes_[updateIndex].begin(); face_identification_votes_it
00299                                         != face_identification_votes_[updateIndex].end(); face_identification_votes_it++)
00300                         {
00301                                 face_identification_votes_it->second *= face_identification_score_decay_rate_;
00302                                 std::string label = face_identification_votes_it->first;
00303                                 if (((label != "Unknown" && fall_back_to_unknown_identification_ == false) || fall_back_to_unknown_identification_ == true) && label != "UnknownRange"
00304                                                 /*&& label!="No face"*/&& face_identification_votes_it->second > max_score)
00305                                 {
00306                                         max_score = face_identification_votes_it->second;
00307                                         dest.label = label;
00308                                 }
00309                         }
00311                         // if the score for the assigned label is higher than the score for UnknownRange increase the score for UnknownRange to the label's score (allows smooth transition if only the range detection is available after recognition)
00312                         if (face_identification_votes_[updateIndex][dest.label] > face_identification_votes_[updateIndex]["UnknownRange"])
00313                                 face_identification_votes_[updateIndex]["UnknownRange"] = face_identification_votes_[updateIndex][dest.label];
00314                         if (fall_back_to_unknown_identification_ == false)
00315                         {
00316                                 if (face_identification_votes_[updateIndex]["Unknown"] > face_identification_votes_[updateIndex]["UnknownRange"])
00317                                         face_identification_votes_[updateIndex]["UnknownRange"] = face_identification_votes_[updateIndex]["Unknown"];
00318                         }
00319                 }
00320                 else
00321                         dest.label = src.label;
00323                 if (dest.label == "UnknownRange")
00324                         dest.label = "Unknown";
00326                 // time stamp, detector (color or range)
00327                 // if (update==true)
00328                 // {
00329                 // if (src.detector=="color") dest.detector = "color";
00330                 // }
00331                 // else dest.detector = src.detector;
00332                 dest.detector = src.detector;
00334                 dest.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00336                 return ipa_Utils::RET_OK;
00337         }
00339         inline double abs(double x)
00340         {
00341                 return ((x < 0) ? -x : x);
00342         }
00347         double computeFacePositionDistance(const cob_perception_msgs::Detection& previous_detection, const cob_perception_msgs::Detection& current_detection)
00348         {
00349                 const geometry_msgs::Point* point_1 = &(previous_detection.pose.pose.position);
00350                 const geometry_msgs::Point* point_2 = &(current_detection.pose.pose.position);
00352                 double dx = abs(point_1->x - point_2->x);
00353                 double dy = abs(point_1->y - point_2->y);
00354                 double dz = abs(point_1->z - point_2->z);
00356                 // return a huge distance if the current face position is too far away from the recent
00357                 if (dx > tracking_range_m_ || dy > tracking_range_m_ || dz > tracking_range_m_)
00358                 {
00359                         // new face position is too distant to recent position
00360                         return DBL_MAX;
00361                 }
00363                 // return Euclidian distance if both faces are sufficiently close
00364                 double dist = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
00365                 return dist;
00366         }
00370         unsigned long removeMultipleInstancesOfLabel()
00371         {
00372                 // check this for each recognized face
00373                 for (int i = 0; i < (int)face_position_accumulator_.size(); i++)
00374                 {
00375                         // label of this detection
00376                         std::string label = face_position_accumulator_[i].label;
00378                         // check whether this label has multiple occurrences if it is a real name
00379                         if (label != "Unknown" && label != "No face")
00380                         {
00381                                 for (int j = 0; j < (int)face_position_accumulator_.size(); j++)
00382                                 {
00383                                         if (j == i)
00384                                                 continue; // do not check yourself
00386                                         if (face_position_accumulator_[j].label == label)
00387                                         {
00388                                                 if (display_)
00389                                                         std::cout << "face_identification_votes_[i][" << label << "] = " << face_identification_votes_[i][label] << " face_identification_votes_[j][" << label
00390                                                                         << "] = " << face_identification_votes_[j][label] << "\n";
00392                                                 // correct this label to Unknown when some other instance has a higher score on this label
00393                                                 if (face_identification_votes_[i][label] < face_identification_votes_[j][label])
00394                                                 {
00395                                                         face_position_accumulator_[i].label = "Unknown";
00396                                                         // copy score to unknown if it is higher (this enables the display if either the unknown score or label's recognition score were high enough)
00397                                                         if (face_identification_votes_[i][label] > face_identification_votes_[i]["Unknown"])
00398                                                                 face_identification_votes_[i]["Unknown"] = face_identification_votes_[i][label];
00399                                                 }
00400                                         }
00401                                 }
00402                         }
00403                 }
00405                 return ipa_Utils::RET_OK;
00406         }
00408         unsigned long prepareFacePositionMessage(cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray& face_position_msg_out)
00409         {
00410                 // publish face positions
00411                 std::vector<cob_perception_msgs::Detection> faces_to_publish;
00412                 for (int i = 0; i < (int)face_position_accumulator_.size(); i++)
00413                 {
00414                         if (display_)
00415                                 std::cout << "'UnknownRange' score: " << face_identification_votes_[i]["UnknownRange"] << " label '" << face_position_accumulator_[i].label << "' score: "
00416                                                 << face_identification_votes_[i][face_position_accumulator_[i].label] << " - ";
00417                         if (face_identification_votes_[i][face_position_accumulator_[i].label] > min_face_identification_score_to_publish_ || face_identification_votes_[i]["UnknownRange"]
00418                                         > min_face_identification_score_to_publish_)
00419                         {
00420                                 faces_to_publish.push_back(face_position_accumulator_[i]);
00421                                 if (display_)
00422                                         std::cout << "published\n";
00423                         }
00424                         else if (display_)
00425                                 std::cout << "not published\n";
00426                 }
00427                 face_position_msg_out.detections = faces_to_publish;
00428                 // hack: for WimiCare replace 'Unknown' by '0000'
00429                 //        for (int i=0; i<(int)face_position_msg_out.detections.size(); i++)
00430                 //        {
00431                 //                if (face_position_msg_out.detections[i].label=="Unknown")
00432                 //                        face_position_msg_out.detections[i].label = "0000";
00433                 //        }
00434                 face_position_msg_out.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00436                 return ipa_Utils::RET_OK;
00437         }
00440         void inputCallback(const cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray::ConstPtr& face_position_msg_in, const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& people_segmentation_image_msg,
00441                         const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& color_image_msg)
00442         {
00443                 // convert segmentation image to cv::Mat
00444                 cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr people_segmentation_image_ptr;
00445                 cv::Mat people_segmentation_image;
00446                 if (use_people_segmentation_ == true)
00447                         convertColorImageMessageToMat(people_segmentation_image_msg, people_segmentation_image_ptr, people_segmentation_image);
00449                 if (display_)
00450                         std::cout << "detections: " << face_position_msg_in->detections.size() << "\n";
00452                 // source image size
00453                 std::stringstream ss;
00454                 ss << face_position_msg_in->header.frame_id;
00455                 int width, height;
00456                 ss >> width;
00457                 ss >> height;
00459                 // delete old face positions in list
00460                 ros::Duration timeSpan(face_redetection_time_);
00461                 for (int i = 0; i < (int)face_position_accumulator_.size(); i++)
00462                 {
00463                         if ((ros::Time::now() - face_position_accumulator_[i].header.stamp) > timeSpan)
00464                         {
00465                                 face_position_accumulator_.erase(face_position_accumulator_.begin() + i);
00466                                 face_identification_votes_.erase(face_identification_votes_.begin() + i);
00467                         }
00468                 }
00469                 if (display_)
00470                         std::cout << "Old face positions deleted.\n";
00472                 // secure this section with a mutex
00473                 boost::timed_mutex::scoped_timed_lock lock(face_position_accumulator_mutex_, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(2000));
00474                 if (lock.owns_lock() == false)
00475                 {
00476                         ROS_ERROR("cob_people_detection::CobPeopleDetectionNodelet: Mutex was not freed during response time.");
00477                         return;
00478                 }
00479                 if (display_)
00480                         std::cout << "Got mutex.\n";
00482                 // verify face detections with people segmentation if enabled -> only accept detected faces if a person is segmented at that position
00483                 std::vector<int> face_detection_indices; // index set for face_position_msg_in: contains those indices of detected faces which are supported by a person segmentation at the same location
00484                 if (use_people_segmentation_ == true)
00485                 {
00486                         for (int i = 0; i < (int)face_position_msg_in->detections.size(); i++)
00487                         {
00488                                 const cob_perception_msgs::Detection* const det_in = &(face_position_msg_in->detections[i]);
00489                                 cv::Rect face;
00490                                 face.x = det_in->mask.roi.x;
00491                                 face.y = det_in->mask.roi.y;
00492                                 face.width = det_in->mask.roi.width;
00493                                 face.height = det_in->mask.roi.height;
00495                                 int numberBlackPixels = 0;
00496                                 //std::cout << "face: " << face.x << " " << face.y << " " << face.width << " " << face.height << "\n";
00497                                 for (int v = face.y; v < face.y + face.height; v++)
00498                                 {
00499                                         uchar* data = people_segmentation_image.ptr(v);
00500                                         for (int u = face.x; u < face.x + face.width; u++)
00501                                         {
00502                                                 int index = 3 * u;
00503                                                 if (data[index] == 0 && data[index + 1] == 0 && data[index + 2] == 0)
00504                                                         numberBlackPixels++;
00505                                         }
00506                                 }
00507                                 int faceArea = face.height * face.width;
00508                                 double segmentedPeopleRatio = (double)(faceArea - numberBlackPixels) / (double)faceArea;
00510                                 // if (display_) std::cout << "ratio: " << segmentedPeopleRatio << "\n";
00511                                 if ((det_in->detector == "color" && segmentedPeopleRatio < min_segmented_people_ratio_color_) || (det_in->detector == "range" && segmentedPeopleRatio
00512                                                 < min_segmented_people_ratio_range_))
00513                                 {
00514                                         // False detection
00515                                         if (display_)
00516                                                 std::cout << "False detection\n";
00517                                 }
00518                                 else
00519                                 {
00520                                         // Push index of this detection into the list
00521                                         face_detection_indices.push_back(i);
00522                                 }
00523                         }
00524                         if (display_)
00525                                 std::cout << "Verification with people segmentation done.\n";
00526                 }
00527                 else
00528                 {
00529                         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face_position_msg_in->detections.size(); i++)
00530                                 face_detection_indices.push_back(i);
00531                 }
00532                 // match current detections with previous detections
00533                 // build distance matrix
00534                 std::map<int, std::map<int, double> > distance_matrix; // 1. index = face_position_accumulator_ index of previous detections, 2. index = index of current detections, content = spatial distance between the indexed faces
00535                 std::map<int, std::map<int, double> >::iterator distance_matrix_it;
00536                 for (unsigned int previous_det = 0; previous_det < face_position_accumulator_.size(); previous_det++)
00537                 {
00538                         std::map<int, double> distance_row;
00539                         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face_detection_indices.size(); i++)
00540                                 distance_row[face_detection_indices[i]] = computeFacePositionDistance(face_position_accumulator_[previous_det],
00541                                                 face_position_msg_in->detections[face_detection_indices[i]]);
00542                         distance_matrix[previous_det] = distance_row;
00543                 }
00544                 if (display_)
00545                         std::cout << "Distance matrix.\n";
00547                 // find matching faces between previous and current detections
00548                 unsigned int number_matchings = (face_position_accumulator_.size() < face_detection_indices.size()) ? face_position_accumulator_.size() : face_detection_indices.size();
00549                 std::vector<bool> current_detection_has_matching(face_detection_indices.size(), false); // index set for face_detection_indices: contains the indices of face_detection_indices and whether these faces could be matched to previously found faces
00550                 for (unsigned int m = 0; m < number_matchings; m++)
00551                 {
00552                         // find minimum matching distance between any two elements of the distance_matrix
00553                         double min_dist = DBL_MAX;
00554                         int previous_min_index, current_min_index;
00555                         for (distance_matrix_it = distance_matrix.begin(); distance_matrix_it != distance_matrix.end(); distance_matrix_it++)
00556                         {
00557                                 for (std::map<int, double>::iterator distance_row_it = distance_matrix_it->second.begin(); distance_row_it != distance_matrix_it->second.end(); distance_row_it++)
00558                                 {
00559                                         if (distance_row_it->second < min_dist)
00560                                         {
00561                                                 min_dist = distance_row_it->second;
00562                                                 previous_min_index = distance_matrix_it->first;
00563                                                 current_min_index = distance_row_it->first;
00564                                         }
00565                                 }
00566                         }
00568                         // todo: consider size relation between color and depth image face frames!
00570                         // if there is no matching pair of detections interrupt the search for matchings at this point
00571                         if (min_dist == DBL_MAX)
00572                                 break;
00574                         // instantiate the matching
00575                         copyDetection(face_position_msg_in->detections[current_min_index], face_position_accumulator_[previous_min_index], true, previous_min_index);
00576                         // mark the respective entry in face_detection_indices as labeled
00577                         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face_detection_indices.size(); i++)
00578                                 if (face_detection_indices[i] == current_min_index)
00579                                         current_detection_has_matching[i] = true;
00581                         // delete the row and column of the found matching so that both detections cannot be involved in any further matching again
00582                         distance_matrix.erase(previous_min_index);
00583                         for (distance_matrix_it = distance_matrix.begin(); distance_matrix_it != distance_matrix.end(); distance_matrix_it++)
00584                                 distance_matrix_it->second.erase(current_min_index);
00585                 }
00586                 if (display_)
00587                         std::cout << "Matches found.\n";
00589                 // create new detections for the unmatched of the current detections if they originate from the color image
00590                 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face_detection_indices.size(); i++)
00591                 {
00592                         if (current_detection_has_matching[i] == false)
00593                         {
00594                                 const cob_perception_msgs::Detection* const det_in = &(face_position_msg_in->detections[face_detection_indices[i]]);
00595                                 if (det_in->detector == "color")
00596                                 {
00597                                         // save in accumulator
00598                                         if (display_)
00599                                                 std::cout << "\n***** New detection *****\n\n";
00600                                         cob_perception_msgs::Detection det_out;
00601                                         copyDetection(*det_in, det_out, false);
00602                                         det_out.pose.header.frame_id = "head_cam3d_link";
00603                                         face_position_accumulator_.push_back(det_out);
00604                                         // remember label history
00605                                         std::map<std::string, double> new_identification_data;
00606                                         //new_identification_data["Unknown"] = 0.0;
00607                                         new_identification_data["UnknownRange"] = 0.0;
00608                                         new_identification_data[det_in->label] = 1.0;
00609                                         face_identification_votes_.push_back(new_identification_data);
00610                                 }
00611                         }
00612                 }
00613                 if (display_)
00614                         std::cout << "New detections.\n";
00616                 // eliminate multiple instances of a label
00617                 removeMultipleInstancesOfLabel();
00619                 // publish face positions
00620                 cob_perception_msgs::DetectionArray face_position_msg_out;
00621                 /*      std::vector<cob_perception_msgs::Detection> faces_to_publish;
00622                  for (int i=0; i<(int)face_position_accumulator_.size(); i++)
00623                  {
00624                  if (display_) std::cout << "'UnknownRange' score: " << face_identification_votes_[i]["UnknownRange"] << " label '" << face_position_accumulator_[i].label << "' score: " << face_identification_votes_[i][face_position_accumulator_[i].label] << " - ";
00625                  if (face_identification_votes_[i][face_position_accumulator_[i].label]>min_face_identification_score_to_publish_ || face_identification_votes_[i]["UnknownRange"]>min_face_identification_score_to_publish_)
00626                  {
00627                  faces_to_publish.push_back(face_position_accumulator_[i]);
00628                  if (display_) std::cout << "published\n";
00629                  }
00630                  else if (display_) std::cout << "not published\n";
00631                  }
00632                  face_position_msg_out.detections = faces_to_publish;
00633                  // hack: for WimiCare replace 'Unknown' by '0000'
00634                  for (int i=0; i<(int)face_position_msg_out.detections.size(); i++)
00635                  {
00636                  if (face_position_msg_out.detections[i].label=="Unknown")
00637                  face_position_msg_out.detections[i].label = "0000";
00638                  }
00639                  face_position_msg_out.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00640                  */
00641                 prepareFacePositionMessage(face_position_msg_out);
00642                 face_position_publisher_.publish(face_position_msg_out);
00644                 // display
00645                 if (display_ == true)
00646                 {
00647                         // convert image message to cv::Mat
00648                         cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr colorImagePtr;
00649                         cv::Mat colorImage;
00650                         convertColorImageMessageToMat(color_image_msg, colorImagePtr, colorImage);
00652                         // display color image
00653                         for (int i = 0; i < (int)face_position_msg_out.detections.size(); i++)
00654                         {
00655                                 cv::Rect face;
00656                                 cob_perception_msgs::Rect& faceRect = face_position_msg_out.detections[i].mask.roi;
00657                                 face.x = faceRect.x;
00658                                 face.width = faceRect.width;
00659                                 face.y = faceRect.y;
00660                                 face.height = faceRect.height;
00662                                 if (face_position_msg_out.detections[i].detector == "range")
00663                                         cv::rectangle(colorImage, cv::Point(face.x, face.y), cv::Point(face.x + face.width, face.y + face.height), CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0);
00664                                 else
00665                                         cv::rectangle(colorImage, cv::Point(face.x, face.y), cv::Point(face.x + face.width, face.y + face.height), CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), 2, 8, 0);
00667                                 if (face_position_msg_out.detections[i].label == "Unknown")
00668                                         // Distance to face class is too high
00669                                         cv::putText(colorImage, "Unknown", cv::Point(face.x, face.y + face.height + 25), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ), 2);
00670                                 else if (face_position_msg_out.detections[i].label == "No face")
00671                                         // Distance to face space is too high
00672                                         cv::putText(colorImage, "No face", cv::Point(face.x, face.y + face.height + 25), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB( 255, 0, 0 ), 2);
00673                                 else
00674                                         // Face classified
00675                                         cv::putText(colorImage, face_position_msg_out.detections[i].label.c_str(), cv::Point(face.x, face.y + face.height + 25), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2,
00676                                                         CV_RGB( 0, 255, 0 ), 2);
00677                         }
00678                         // publish image
00679                         cv_bridge::CvImage cv_ptr;
00680                         cv_ptr.image = colorImage;
00681                         cv_ptr.encoding = "bgr8";
00682                         people_detection_image_pub_.publish(cv_ptr.toImageMsg());
00683                 }
00684         }
00686         bool detectPeopleCallback(cob_people_detection::DetectPeople::Request &req, cob_people_detection::DetectPeople::Response &res)
00687         {
00688                 // secure this section with a mutex
00689                 boost::timed_mutex::scoped_timed_lock lock(face_position_accumulator_mutex_, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(2000));
00690                 if (lock.owns_lock() == false)
00691                 {
00692                         ROS_ERROR("cob_people_detection::CobPeopleDetectionNodelet: Mutex was not freed during response time.");
00693                         return false;
00694                 }
00696                 prepareFacePositionMessage(res.people_list);
00697                 //res.people_list.detections = face_position_accumulator_;
00698                 //res.people_list.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
00699                 return true;
00700         }
00701 };
00703 }
00704 ;
00706 PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(ipa_PeopleDetector, CobPeopleDetectionNodelet, ipa_PeopleDetector::CobPeopleDetectionNodelet, nodelet::Nodelet)
00707 ;
00709 #endif // _PEOPLE_DETECTION_

Author(s): Richard Bormann , Thomas Zwölfer
autogenerated on Fri Aug 28 2015 10:24:13