Class QosOverridingOptions

Class Documentation

class QosOverridingOptions

Options that are passed in subscription/publisher constructor to specify QoSConfigurability.

This options struct allows configuring:

  • Which policy kinds will have declared parameters.

  • An optional callback, that will be called to validate the final qos profile.

  • An optional id. In the case that different qos are desired for two publishers/subscriptions in the same topic, this id will allow disambiguating them.

Example parameter file:

       publisher:  # publisher without provided id
         reliability: reliable
         depth: 100
       publisher_my_id:  # publisher with `id="my_id"
         reliability: reliable
         depth: 10

Public Functions

QosOverridingOptions() = default

Default constructor, no overrides allowed.

QosOverridingOptions(std::initializer_list<QosPolicyKind> policy_kinds, QosCallback validation_callback = nullptr, std::string id = {})

Construct passing a list of QoS policies and a verification callback.

This constructor is implicit, e.g.:

    [] (auto && qos) {return check_qos_validity(qos)},

  • policy_kinds – list of policy kinds that will be reconfigurable.

  • validation_callback – callbak that will be called to validate the validity of the qos profile set by the user.

  • id – id of the entity.

const std::string &get_id() const
const std::vector<QosPolicyKind> &get_policy_kinds() const
const QosCallback &get_validation_callback() const

Public Static Functions

static QosOverridingOptions with_default_policies(QosCallback validation_callback = nullptr, std::string id = {})

Construct passing a list of QoS policies and a verification callback.

Same as QosOverridingOptions constructor, but only declares the default policies:

History, Depth, Reliability.