Class TransportHints

Class Documentation

class TransportHints

Stores transport settings for a point cloud topic subscription.

Public Functions

inline POINT_CLOUD_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC TransportHints(const std::shared_ptr<rclcpp::Node> node, const std::string &default_transport = "raw", const std::string &parameter_name = "point_cloud_transport")


The default transport can be overridden by setting a certain parameter to the name of the desired transport. By default this parameter is named “point_cloud_transport” in the node’s local namespace. For consistency across ROS applications, the name of this parameter should not be changed without good reason.

  • node – Node to use when looking up the transport parameter.

  • default_transport – Preferred transport to use

  • parameter_name – The name of the transport parameter

inline POINT_CLOUD_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC TransportHints(const std::string &transport = "raw")
inline POINT_CLOUD_TRANSPORT_PUBLIC const std::string & getTransport () const