Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
constrained_ik::constraints::AvoidJointLimitsConstraint class to avoid joint position limits Using cubic velocity ramp, it pushes each joint away from its limits, with a maximimum velocity of 2*threshold*(joint range). Only affects joints that are within theshold of joint limit
constrained_ik::constraints::AvoidSingularitiesConstraint that increases dexterity when manipulator is close to singularity Joint velocity is determined by gradient of smallest singular value Constraint is only active when smallest SV is below theshold
constrained_ik::basic_ik::Basic_IKBasic IK Solver
constrained_ik::basic_kin::BasicKinBasic low-level kinematics functions. Typically, just wrappers around the equivalent KDL calls
constrained_ik::Constrained_IKDamped Least-Squares Inverse Kinematic Solution
constrained_ik::ConstraintBase class for IK-solver Constraints
constrained_ik::ConstraintGroupGroup of constraints for use in iterative constrained_IK solver
constrained_ik::constraints::GoalMidJointConstraint to push joint to center of its range
constrained_ik::constraints::GoalMinimizeChangeConstraint that pushes joints back towards their starting position
constrained_ik::constraints::GoalOrientationConstraint to specify Cartesian goal orientation (XYZ rotation)
constrained_ik::constraints::GoalPoseConstraint to specify cartesian goal pose (XYZ+orientation)
constrained_ik::constraints::GoalPositionConstraint to specify cartesian goal position (XYZ)
constrained_ik::constraints::GoalToolOrientationConstraint to specify cartesian goal orientation (XYZ rotation)
constrained_ik::constraints::GoalZeroJVelConstraint to dampen movement by driving joint velocity to zero in each iteration
constrained_ik::constraints::JointVelLimitsConstraint to avoid joint velocity limits
constrained_ik::SolverStateInternal state of Constrained_IK solver
constrained_ik::constraints::ToolPositionConstraint to specify cartesian goal position in tool frame (XYZ rotation)

Author(s): Chris Lewis , Jeremy Zoss , Dan Solomon
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 00:52:27