Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <ros/ros.h>
00002 #include <collada_parser/collada_parser.h>
00003 #include <urdf_parser/urdf_parser.h>
00004 #include <urdf/model.h>
00006 //
00007 #include <iostream>
00008 #include <fstream>
00010 #undef GAZEBO_1_0
00011 #undef GAZEBO_1_3
00012 //#define GAZEBO_1_0
00013 #define GAZEBO_1_3
00015 using namespace urdf;
00016 using namespace std;
00018 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
00019   if (argc != 5){
00020     std::cerr << "Usage: collada_gazebo_gen package_name dir input dae" << std::endl;
00021     std::cerr << "collada file: $(rospack find package_name)/dir/input.dae is needed." << std::endl;
00022     return -1;
00023   }
00024   bool colladafile = false;
00025   std::string package_name(argv[1]);
00026   std::string dir_name(argv[2]);
00027   std::string dae_fname(argv[3]);
00028   std::string prefix(argv[4]);
00030   ROS_INFO("%s %s %s -> %s",package_name.c_str(),dir_name.c_str(),dae_fname.c_str(), (dir_name + "/" + dae_fname + "." + prefix).c_str());
00031   // get the entire file
00032   std::string xml_string;
00033   std::fstream xml_file((dir_name + "/" + dae_fname + "." + prefix).c_str(), std::fstream::in);
00034   while ( xml_file.good() )
00035   {
00036       std::string line;
00037       std::getline( xml_file, line);
00038       xml_string += (line + "\n");
00039   }
00040   xml_file.close();
00042   boost::shared_ptr<ModelInterface> robot;
00043   if( xml_string.find("<COLLADA") != std::string::npos )
00044   {
00045     ROS_INFO("Parsing robot collada xml string");
00046     robot = parseCollada(xml_string);
00047     colladafile = true;
00048   }
00049   else
00050   {
00051     ROS_INFO("Parsing robot urdf xml string");
00052     robot = parseURDF(xml_string);
00053   }
00055   if (!robot){
00056     std::cerr << "ERROR: Model Parsing the xml failed" << std::endl;
00057     return -1;
00058   }
00060   {
00061     int cnt = 0;
00062     std::ofstream os;
00063     std::string fname = dir_name + "/" + dae_fname + "_transmission.xacro";
00065     if (colladafile) {
00066       os << "<COLLADA xmlns:xacro=\"\">\n";
00067     } else {
00068       os << "<robot xmlns:xacro=\"\">\n";
00069     }
00070     os << "  <xacro:property name=\"mechanical_reduction\" value=\"1\" />\n";
00071     os << "  <xacro:property name=\"motor_torque_constant\" value=\"1\" />\n";
00072     os << "  <xacro:property name=\"pulses_per_revolution\" value=\"90000\" />\n\n";
00073     os << "  <xacro:macro name=\"pr2_transmission\" params=\"joint_name link_name\">\n";
00074     os << "    <transmission type=\"pr2_mechanism_model/SimpleTransmission\" name=\"${joint_name}_trans\">\n";
00075     os << "      <actuator name=\"${joint_name}_motor\" />\n";
00076     os << "      <joint name=\"${joint_name}\" />\n";
00077     os << "      <mechanicalReduction>${mechanical_reduction}</mechanicalReduction>\n";
00078     os << "      <motorTorqueConstant>${motor_torque_constant}</motorTorqueConstant>\n";
00079     os << "      <pulsesPerRevolution>${pulses_per_revolution}</pulsesPerRevolution>\n";
00080     os << "    </transmission>\n";
00081     os << "  </xacro:macro>\n";
00082     for ( std::map<std::string,boost::shared_ptr<Joint> >::iterator joint = robot->joints_.begin();
00083           joint != robot->joints_.end(); joint++) {
00084       if ( joint->second->type == Joint::REVOLUTE ||
00085            joint->second->type == Joint::CONTINUOUS ) {
00086         os << "  <xacro:pr2_transmission joint_name=\"" << joint->first;
00087         os << "\" link_name=\"link" << cnt++ << "\"/>\n";
00088       }
00089     }
00090     if (colladafile) {
00091       os << "</COLLADA>";
00092     } else {
00093       os << "</robot>";
00094     }
00095     os.close();
00096   }
00098   {
00099     std::ofstream os;
00100     std::string fname = dir_name + "/" + dae_fname + "_gazebo.xacro";
00102     if (colladafile) {
00103       os << "<COLLADA xmlns:controller=\"\"\n";
00104     } else {
00105       os << "<robot xmlns:controller=\"\"\n";
00106     }
00107     os << "         xmlns:xacro=\"\">\n";
00108 #ifdef GAZEBO_1_0
00109     os << "  <xacro:macro name=\"gazebo_reference\" params=\"reference material gravity\">\n";
00110     os << "    <gazebo reference=\"${reference}\">\n";
00111     os << "      <material>${material}</material>\n";
00112     os << "      <turnGravityOff>${gravity}</turnGravityOff>\n";
00113     os << "    </gazebo>\n";
00114     os << "  </xacro:macro>\n";
00115 #endif
00117     if (colladafile) {
00118       os << "  <extra type=\"physics\" name=\"gazebo\">\n";
00119       os << "    <technique profile=\"gazebo\">\n";
00120     }
00121 #ifdef GAZEBO_1_0
00122     // old gazebo (gazebo on ROS Fuerte)
00123     os << "      <gazebo>\n";
00124     os << "        <controller:gazebo_ros_controller_manager\n";
00125     os << "           name=\"gazebo_ros_controller_manager\"\n";
00126     os << "           plugin=\"\">\n";
00127     os << "          <alwaysOn>true</alwaysOn>\n";
00128     os << "          <updateRate>1000.0</updateRate>\n";
00129     os << "        </controller:gazebo_ros_controller_manager>\n";
00130     os << "      </gazebo>\n";
00131 #endif
00132 #ifdef GAZEBO_1_3
00133     os << "  <gazebo>" << endl;
00134     os << "    <!--plugin filename=\"\" name=\"multisense_plugin\" /-->" << endl;
00135     os << "    <!--plugin filename=\"\" name=\"atlas_plugin\"/-->" << endl;
00136     os << "    <plugin filename=\"\" name=\"joint_trajectory_plugin\">" << endl;
00137     os << "      <topicName>joint_trajectory</topicName>" << endl;
00138     os << "      <updateRate>1000.0</updateRate>" << endl;
00139     os << "    </plugin>" << endl;
00140     os << "    <plugin filename=\"\" name=\"gazebo_ros_controller_manager\">" << endl;
00141     os << "      <alwaysOn>true</alwaysOn>" << endl;
00142     os << "      <updateRate>1000.0</updateRate>" << endl;
00143     os << "    </plugin>" << endl;
00144     os << "  </gazebo>" << endl;
00145 #endif
00147 #ifdef GAZEBO_1_0
00148     for ( std::map<std::string,boost::shared_ptr<Link> >::iterator link = robot->links_.begin();
00149           link != robot->links_.end(); link++) {
00150       os << "      <xacro:gazebo_reference reference=\"" << link->first;
00151       os << "\" material=\"Gazebo/Blue\" gravity=\"False\" />\n";
00152     }
00153 #endif
00154     if (colladafile) {
00155       os << "    </technique>\n";
00156       os << "  </extra>\n";
00157     }
00159     os << "  <xacro:include filename=\"$(find " << package_name;
00160     os << ")/" << dir_name << "/" << dae_fname << "_transmission.xacro\" />\n";
00161     if (colladafile) {
00162       os << "</COLLADA>\n";
00163     } else {
00164       os << "</robot>\n";
00165     }
00166     os.close();
00167   }
00169   {
00170     std::ofstream os;
00171     std::string fname = dir_name + "/" + dae_fname + "_controllers.yaml";
00173     os << "fullbody_controller:\n";
00174     os << "  type: robot_mechanism_controllers/JointTrajectoryActionController\n";
00175     os << "  joints:\n";
00176     for ( std::map<std::string,boost::shared_ptr<Joint> >::iterator joint = robot->joints_.begin();
00177           joint != robot->joints_.end(); joint++) {
00178       if ( joint->second->type == Joint::REVOLUTE ||
00179            joint->second->type == Joint::CONTINUOUS ) {
00180         os << "    - " << joint->first << "\n";
00181       }
00182     }
00183     os << "  gains:\n";
00184     for ( std::map<std::string,boost::shared_ptr<Joint> >::iterator joint = robot->joints_.begin();
00185           joint != robot->joints_.end(); joint++) {
00186       if ( joint->second->type == Joint::REVOLUTE ||
00187            joint->second->type == Joint::CONTINUOUS ) {
00188         os << "    " << joint->first << ": {p: 200.0, d: 0.0002, i: 0.0, i_clamp: 0.0}\n"; // ????
00189       }
00190     }
00191     os << "  joint_trajectory_action_node:\n";
00192     os << "    joints:\n";
00193     for ( std::map<std::string,boost::shared_ptr<Joint> >::iterator joint = robot->joints_.begin();
00194           joint != robot->joints_.end(); joint++) {
00195       if ( joint->second->type == Joint::REVOLUTE ||
00196            joint->second->type == Joint::CONTINUOUS ) {
00197         os << "      - " << joint->first << "\n";
00198       }
00199     }
00200     os << "    constraints:\n";
00201     os << "      goal_time: 0.0\n";
00202     for ( std::map<std::string,boost::shared_ptr<Joint> >::iterator joint = robot->joints_.begin();
00203           joint != robot->joints_.end(); joint++) {
00204       if ( joint->second->type == Joint::REVOLUTE ||
00205            joint->second->type == Joint::CONTINUOUS ) {
00206         os << "      " << joint->first << ":\n";
00207         os << "        goal: 0.02\n";
00208       }
00209     }
00210     os.close();
00211   }
00213   return 0;
00214 }

Author(s): Yohei Kakiuchi (
autogenerated on Mon Oct 6 2014 01:10:10