Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of RGBDSLAM.
00002  * 
00003  * RGBDSLAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00004  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00005  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00006  * (at your option) any later version.
00007  * 
00008  * RGBDSLAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00009  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00011  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00012  * 
00013  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00014  * along with RGBDSLAM.  If not, see <>.
00015  */
00016 #include "parameter_server.h"
00018 using namespace std;
00020 ParameterServer* ParameterServer::_instance = NULL;
00022 ParameterServer::ParameterServer() {
00023     pre = ros::this_node::getName();
00024     pre += "/config/";
00026     defaultConfig();
00027     getValues();
00028 }
00030 ParameterServer* ParameterServer::instance() {
00031     if (_instance == NULL) {
00032         _instance = new ParameterServer();
00033     }
00034     return _instance;
00035 }
00037 void ParameterServer::addOption(std::string name, boost::any value, std::string description){
00038     config[name] = value;
00039     descriptions[name] = description;
00040 }
00042 void ParameterServer::defaultConfig() {
00043     // Input data settings
00044     addOption("topic_image_mono",              std::string("/camera/rgb/image_color"),    "color or grayscale image ros topic");
00045     addOption("camera_info_topic",             std::string("/camera/rgb/camera_info"),    "required for backprojection if no pointcloud topic is given");
00046     addOption("topic_image_depth",             std::string("/camera/depth/image"),        "depth image ros topic");
00047     addOption("topic_points",                  std::string(""),                           "If omitted, xyz will be computed from depth image. ");
00048     addOption("wide_topic",                    std::string(""),                           "topics for stereo cam, e.g. /wide_stereo/left/image_mono");
00049     addOption("wide_cloud_topic",              std::string(""),                           "topics for stereo cam e.g. /wide_stereo/points2");
00050     addOption("subscriber_queue_size",         static_cast<int> (3),                      "cache incoming data (carefully, RGB-D Clouds are 10MB each)");
00051     addOption("drop_async_frames",             static_cast<bool> (false),                 "Check timestamps of depth and visual image, reject if not in sync ");
00052     addOption("depth_scaling_factor",          static_cast<double> (1.0),                 "Some kinects have a wrongly scaled depth");
00053     addOption("bagfile_name",                  std::string(""),                           "read data from a bagfile, make sure to enter the right topics above");
00054     addOption("data_skip_step",                static_cast<int> (1),                      "skip every n-th frame completely  ");
00056     // Output data settings
00057     addOption("store_pointclouds",             static_cast<bool> (true),                  "if the point clouds are not needed online, setting this to false saves lots of memory ");
00058     addOption("individual_cloud_out_topic",    std::string("/rgbdslam/batch_clouds"),     "Use this topic when sending the individual clouds with the computed transforms, e.g. for octomap_server");
00059     addOption("aggregate_cloud_out_topic",     std::string("/rgbdslam/aggregate_clouds"), "Use this topic when sending the all points in one big registered cloud");
00060     addOption("send_clouds_rate",              static_cast<double> (5),                   "When sending the point clouds (e.g. to RVIZ or Octomap Server) limit sending to this many clouds per second");
00061     addOption("publisher_queue_size",          static_cast<int> (5),                      "ROS standard parameter for all publishers");
00063     // TF information settings 
00064     addOption("fixed_frame_name",              std::string("/map"),                       "The computed camera transforms are with respect to this frame. It is set to the identity for the first frame processed or, if ground truth is available, to the ground truth of the first frame");
00065     addOption("odom_frame_name",               std::string("/odom"),                      "A fixed frame estimation from somewhere else (e.g. odometry, laser-based mapping). Doesn't need to correspond to the pose of the fixed_frame_name");
00066     addOption("ground_truth_frame_name",       std::string(""),                           "use empty string if no ground truth tf frame available");
00067     addOption("base_frame_name",               std::string("/camera_link"),               "if the camera is articulated use robot base");
00068     addOption("fixed_camera",                  static_cast<bool> (true),                  "is camera fixed relative to base?");
00070     // Visual Features, to activate GPU-based features see CMakeLists.txt 
00071     addOption("feature_detector_type",         std::string("SURF"),                       "SURF, SIFT or ORB");
00072     addOption("feature_extractor_type",        std::string("SURF"),                       "SURF, SIFT or ORB");
00073     addOption("matcher_type",                  std::string("FLANN"),                      "SIFTGPU or FLANN or BRUTEFORCE");
00074     addOption("max_keypoints",                 static_cast<int> (2000),                   "Extract no more than this many keypoints ");
00075     addOption("min_keypoints",                 static_cast<int> (500),                    "Extract no less than this many keypoints ");
00076     addOption("min_matches",                   static_cast<int> (50),                     "don't try RANSAC if less than this many matches (if using SiftGPU and GLSL you should use max. 60 matches)");
00077     addOption("sufficient_matches",            static_cast<int> (1e9),                    "Extract no less than this many only honored by the adjustable SURF and FAST features");
00078     addOption("adjuster_max_iterations",       static_cast<int> (10),                     "If outside of bounds for max_kp and min_kp, retry this many times with adapted threshold");
00079     addOption("use_feature_min_depth",         static_cast<bool>(true),                   "consider the nearest point in the neighborhood of the feature as its depth, as it will dominate the motion");
00081     // Frontend settings 
00082     addOption("max_translation_meter",         static_cast<double> (1e10),                "Sanity check for smooth motion.");
00083     addOption("max_rotation_degree",           static_cast<int> (360),                    "Sanity check for smooth motion.");
00084     addOption("min_translation_meter",         static_cast<double> (0.05),                "frames with motion less than this, will be omitted ");
00085     addOption("min_rotation_degree",           static_cast<int> (2.5),                    "frames with motion less than this, will be omitted ");
00086     addOption("max_dist_for_inliers",          static_cast<double> (3),                   "Mahalanobis distance for matches to be considered inliers by ransac");
00087     addOption("ransac_iterations",             static_cast<int> (1000),                   "these are fast, so high values are ok ");
00088     addOption("max_connections",               static_cast<int> (15),                     "stop frame comparisons after this many succesfully found spation relations ");
00089     addOption("geodesic_depth",                static_cast<int> (3),                      "For comparisons with neighbors, consider those with a graph distance (hop count) equal or below this value as neighbors of the direct predecessor");
00090     addOption("predecessor_candidates",        static_cast<int> (10),                     "Compare Features to this many direct sequential predecessors");
00091     addOption("neighbor_candidates",           static_cast<int> (10),                     "Compare Features to this many graph neighbours. Sample from the candidates");
00092     addOption("min_sampled_candidates",        static_cast<int> (10),                     "Compare Features to this many uniformly sampled nodes for corrspondences ");
00093     addOption("use_icp",                       static_cast<bool> (false),                 "Activate GICP Fallback. Ignored if GICP is not compiled in (see top of CMakeLists.txt) ");
00094     addOption("gicp_max_cloud_size",           static_cast<int> (10000),                  "Subsample for increased speed");
00095     //Backend
00096     addOption("optimizer_iterations",          static_cast<int> (1),                      "maximum of iterations in online operation (i.e., does not affect the final optimization in batch mode). Optimizer stops after convergence anyway");
00097     addOption("optimizer_skip_step",           static_cast<int> (1),                      "optimize every n-th frame. Set high for offline operation ");
00098     addOption("backend_solver",                std::string("cholmod"),                    "Which solver to use in g2o for matrix inversion: 'csparse' , 'cholmod' or 'pcg'");
00100     // Visualization Settings 
00101     addOption("use_glwidget",                  static_cast<bool> (true),                  "3D view");
00102     addOption("use_gui",                       static_cast<bool> (true),                  "GUI vs Headless Mode");
00103     addOption("visualize_mono_depth_overlay",  static_cast<bool> (false),                 "Show Depth and Monochrome image as overlay in featureflow");
00104     addOption("visualization_skip_step",       static_cast<int> (1),                      "draw only every nth pointcloud row and line, high values require higher squared_meshing_threshold ");
00105     addOption("squared_meshing_threshold",     static_cast<double> (0.0009),              "don't triangulate over depth jumps. Should be increased with increasing visualization_skip_step");
00106     addOption("show_axis",                     static_cast<bool> (true),                  "do/don't visualize the pose graph in glwidget");
00107     addOption("scalable_2d_display",           static_cast<bool> (false),                 "whether the input images are expanded. Consumes CPU time");
00109     // Misc 
00110     addOption("start_paused",                  static_cast<bool> (true),                  "Whether to directly start mapping with the first input image, or to wait for the user to start manually");
00111     addOption("batch_processing",              static_cast<bool> (false),                 "store results and close after bagfile has been processed");
00112     addOption("concurrent_node_construction",  static_cast<bool> (true),                  "detect+extract features for new frame, while current frame is inserted into graph ");
00113     addOption("concurrent_optimization",       static_cast<bool> (true),                  "detect+extract features for new frame, while current frame is inserted into graph ");
00114     addOption("concurrent_edge_construction",  static_cast<bool> (true),                  "compare current frame to many predecessors in parallel. Note that SIFTGPU matcher and GICP are mutex'ed for thread-safety");
00115     addOption("voxelfilter_size",              static_cast<double> (-1.0),                "in meter voxefilter displayed and stored pointclouds, incompatible with use_glwidget=true. Set negative to disable");
00116     addOption("nn_distance_ratio",             static_cast<double> (0.6),                 "Feature correspondence is valid if distance to nearest neighbour is smaller than this parameter times the distance to the 2nd neighbour. This needs to be 0.9-1.0 for SIFTGPU w/ FLANN, since SIFTGPU Features are normalized");
00117     addOption("keep_all_nodes",                static_cast<bool> (false),                 "Keep nodes with 'no motion' assumption if too few inliers");
00118     addOption("min_time_reported",             static_cast<double> (1e9),                 "for easy profiling. by default, nothing should be reported");
00119     addOption("preserve_raster_on_save",       static_cast<bool> (false),                 "Filter NaNs when saving clouds, destroying the image raster");
00120 }
00123 std::string ParameterServer::getDescription(std::string param_name) {
00124   return descriptions[param_name];
00125 }
00127 void ParameterServer::getValues() {
00128     map<string, boost::any>::const_iterator itr;
00129     for (itr = config.begin(); itr != config.end(); ++itr) {
00130         string name = itr->first;
00131         if (itr->second.type() == typeid(string)) {
00132             config[name] = getFromParameterServer<string> (pre + name,
00133                     boost::any_cast<string>(itr->second));
00134             ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Value for " << name << ":             " << boost::any_cast<string>(itr->second));
00135         } else if (itr->second.type() == typeid(int)) {
00136             config[name] = getFromParameterServer<int> (pre + name,
00137                     boost::any_cast<int>(itr->second));
00138             ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Value for " << name << ":             " << boost::any_cast<int>(itr->second));
00139         } else if (itr->second.type() == typeid(double)) {
00140             config[name] = getFromParameterServer<double> (pre + name,
00141                     boost::any_cast<double>(itr->second));
00142             ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Value for " << name << ":             " << boost::any_cast<double>(itr->second));
00143         } else if (itr->second.type() == typeid(bool)) {
00144             config[name] = getFromParameterServer<bool> (pre + name,
00145                     boost::any_cast<bool>(itr->second));
00146             ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Value for " << name << ":             " << boost::any_cast<bool>(itr->second));
00147         }
00148     }
00149     checkValues();
00150 }
00152 void ParameterServer::checkValues() {
00153     if (get<string>("matcher_type").compare("SIFTGPU") == 0
00154             && get<bool>("concurrent_node_construction") == true) {
00155         config["concurrent_node_construction"] = static_cast<bool>(false);
00156         ROS_WARN("Cannot use concurrent node construction with SiftGPU matcher! 'concurrent_node_construction' was set to false. Everything should work fine, but the CPU-threading won't happen (because you are using the GPU instead).");
00157     }
00159     if (get<string>("matcher_type").compare("SIFTGPU") == 0
00160             && get<bool>("concurrent_edge_construction") == true) {
00161         config["concurrent_edge_construction"] = static_cast<bool>(false);
00162         ROS_WARN("Cannot use concurrent edge construction with SiftGPU matcher! 'concurrent_edge_construction' was set to false. Everything should work fine, but the CPU-threading won't happen (because you are using the GPU instead).");
00163     }
00164 }
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Author(s): Felix Endres, Juergen Hess, Nikolas Engelhard
autogenerated on Wed Dec 26 2012 15:53:08