Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
processor Class Reference

Main vision processing object. More...

#include <processor.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 processor ()
 ~processor ()

Private Member Functions

void accuracy ()
void cloud_cback (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &pc)
void feed_cback (const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &img)
std::vector< float > get_feature_vector (cv::Mat const src)
std::vector< cv::RotatedRect > segment (cv::Mat const src)
void smooth (cv::RotatedRect r)
std::vector< cv::Mat > split_image (cv::Mat const src, std::vector< cv::RotatedRect > rectangles)
void train ()

Private Attributes

CvNormalBayesClassifier * bayes
bool capture
int capture_count
ros::Subscriber cloud
cv::Mat dilate_element
cv::Mat erode_element
ros::Subscriber feed
int last_x
int last_y
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > latest_cloud
ros::NodeHandle node
std::vector< int > non_matches
cv::RNG random
std::vector< cv::Pointref_contour
std::vector< smoothing_pointsmoothing_points
tf::TransformBroadcaster tfb

Detailed Description

Main vision processing object.

The processor reading from the PR2's cameras and looking for objects.

Definition at line 268 of file processor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Creates a processor. This will subscribe to the necessary image streams and initialize their callback functions.

Definition at line 27 of file processor.cpp.

Cleans up any resources from the processor.

Definition at line 81 of file processor.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void processor::accuracy ( ) [private]

Runs the classifier accuracy test on the set of training images.

Definition at line 171 of file processor.cpp.

void processor::cloud_cback ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &  pc) [private]

The main callback for the point cloud.

pcthe ROS point cloud from the PR2

Definition at line 689 of file processor.cpp.

void processor::feed_cback ( const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &  img) [private]

The main callback for the image feed. This will call the necessary processing functions.

imgthe ROS image from the PR2

Definition at line 284 of file processor.cpp.

vector< float > processor::get_feature_vector ( cv::Mat const  src) [private]

Gets the feature vector for the given image.

srcthe image to process
the feature vector

Definition at line 612 of file processor.cpp.

vector< RotatedRect > processor::segment ( cv::Mat const  src) [private]

Performs a Canny edge operator and probabilistic Hough transform on the given image.

srcthe image to perform the operations on
the bounding boxes found in the image

Definition at line 488 of file processor.cpp.

void processor::smooth ( cv::RotatedRect  r) [private]

Uses the given bounding box of a possible computer location to smooth out the location.

rthe bounding box

Definition at line 450 of file processor.cpp.

vector< Mat > processor::split_image ( cv::Mat const  src,
std::vector< cv::RotatedRect >  rectangles 
) [private]

Creates a vector of subsections of the original image based a set of bounding boxes

srcthe image to create subsections of
rectanglesthe bounding boxes to subsection by
the subsection images

Definition at line 581 of file processor.cpp.

void processor::train ( ) [private]

Trains the classifier based on the set of training images.

Definition at line 86 of file processor.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

CvNormalBayesClassifier* processor::bayes [private]

Definition at line 353 of file processor.h.

used to see if the user wants to capture training data first

Definition at line 355 of file processor.h.

int processor::capture_count [private]

used when saving captured images

Definition at line 356 of file processor.h.

PR2's image and point cloud streams

Definition at line 345 of file processor.h.

cv::Mat processor::dilate_element [private]

element to use to erode and dilate

Definition at line 347 of file processor.h.

cv::Mat processor::erode_element [private]

Definition at line 347 of file processor.h.

Definition at line 345 of file processor.h.

int processor::last_x [private]

Definition at line 361 of file processor.h.

int processor::last_y [private]

last known location of the object

Definition at line 361 of file processor.h.

pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> processor::latest_cloud [private]

robots latest point cloud

Definition at line 363 of file processor.h.

main ROS node handle

Definition at line 343 of file processor.h.

used to remove unlikely objects during smoothing

Definition at line 359 of file processor.h.

cv::RNG processor::random [private]

used to generate random colors

Definition at line 351 of file processor.h.

used for rectangle matching in the feature vector

Definition at line 349 of file processor.h.

used to smooth the object location

Definition at line 358 of file processor.h.

used to find the object in 3D space

Definition at line 362 of file processor.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Russell Toris, David Kent, Adrian‎ Boteanu
autogenerated on Sat Dec 28 2013 17:31:25